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Peter J. Mello edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 40 revisions

Install Entware on Android devices

Table of Contents

Important information


Reference installation: ⚡
The information on this page is based on a successful installation of Entware circa 2014 onto a Tronsmart CX-919 Android TV stick (Rockchip RK3188, Cortex-A9 quad core 32-bit processor; 2 GiB DDR3 RAM) running Finless ROM 1.6b (Android 4.2.2, Jelly Bean). All available evidence suggests that it is applicable to most other ARM A-Profile architecture-based, rooted Android devices as well. As always, Entware makes no claims about the safety of doing so and the possibility exists that rare types of catastrophic failure during installation may render the device inoperative. Proceed at your own risk.


💡 Note: 💡
If your device is rooted using Magisk, instead of following this guide you may find that it is more convenient to use the unofficial Entware Installer for Magisk module. Even so, we encourage you to finish reading this page and then review the available information regarding the module's device compatibility and installation requirements before making a decision. The module is not available through the official Magisk repository, so the process may be unlike experiences had with other Magisk modules.


System requirements



  • Support for init.d/su.d scripts, to start Entware services automatically after boot, or an Android application with this functionality such as Tasker


The installation itself is performed using a POSIX shell script, which makes two critical implicit assumptions about the environment it's executed on:

  1. The /opt directory must be writable (at least by the root user), and
  2. A reasonably POSIX-compliant shell interpreter can be invoked by calling /bin/sh (typically a symlink to another binary such as ash, dash or bash, but it need not be).

Assuming all of the prerequisites are satisfied, all that remains is to open a shell on the device, download the appropriate installation script and execute it. For a user who had opted to use the Android Debug Bridge on their desktop computer to communicate to an Android device connected via a USB cable, the process would roughly follow this overall course:

Accessing the device shell using ADB

Beginning from a terminal window on the computer with an open instance of the computer's shell, begin by invoking a shell on the Android device by first calling adb connect, followed by adb shell. If successful, the command prompt will change in the terminal emulator to now display the device's codename before each command prompt. (If more than one Android device is connected, expand the collapsed section directly below for more information about explicit device selection in ADB.)

Explicit device selection in Android Debug Bridge (click to expand)

In the event there is more than one Android device connected to your PC when attempting to install Entware using ADB, it becomes necessary to declare a target device for any commands. First, have ADB print out the list of the devices it can detect with the command adb devices -l. It will output a simple table with serial numbers on the left margin and a string of concatenated key/value pairs to their right describing the device's various properties. You can use either the serial number or the value of transport_id to identify your target device, with serial numbers offering the additional possibility of using the ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable to declare them once for an entire session, rather than having to include it with every adb shell command that may be needed. Here are examples of the commands needed to set that environment variable in the most common shells found on modern computers:

Shells Command
Bourne (bash), Korn (ksh) & Z (zsh) typeset -gx ANDROID_SERIAL="<serial_number>"
Windows CMD set ANDROID_SERIAL=<serial_number>
PowerShell [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('ANDROID_SERIAL','<serial_number>','User')
Almquist (ash), Dash & POSIX (sh) export ANDROID_SERIAL="<serial_number>"
Fish set -Ux ANDROID_SERIAL "<serial_number>"
C Shell (csh) setenv ANDROID_SERIAL <serial_number>

💡 Note: Replace <serial_number> with the serial number in the left column of adb devices -l's output

The alternative is to identify your target device by passing the relevant identifier as an argument to the adb shell command in the form of adb -s <serial_number> shell or adb -t <transport_id> shell.

With all of the above concerns addressed, invoking the ADB shell in your computer's terminal emulator should result in (roughly) the following output:

> adb shell
  * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
  * daemon started successfully

device_codename:/ $

Preparing the filesystem

The most straightforward (but most dangerous) approach to creating a filesystem location for the Entware environment would be to remount the rootfs in read/write mode and simply create the directories there, as in:

device_codename:/ $ su


device_codename:/ # /system/bin/mount -o rw,remount /
device_codename:/ # mkdir /opt /bin
device_codename:/ # ln -s /system/bin/sh /bin/sh
device_codename:/ # /system/bin/mount -o ro,remount /

However, it's much safer to keep the rootfs limited to read-only access and instead use a bind mount to link the /opt folder to another directory stored on an external storage medium, like an SD card or USB flash drive:

💡 Note: Alternatively, you can bind /opt to a new subdirectory in the /data directory, or mount a loopback device associated with a .img raw disk image file.

mkdir /mnt/external_sd/entware.arm
mount -o bind /mnt/external_sd/entware.arm /opt

Invoking the installation script

Next, run the installation script that corresponds to your device architecture.

  • For armv7 (32-bit ARM) devices running Linux kernel v3.2 or newer:
    wget -O- | sh
  • For aarch64 (64-bit ARM) devices running Linux kernel v3.10 or newer:
    wget -O- | sh
  • For armv7 (32-bit ARM) devices running a Linux kernel older than v3.2:
    wget -O- | sh

Using Entware

Connecting via SSH

Then you can install and run the Dropbear SSH server:

/opt/bin/opkg install dropbear
/opt/sbin/dropbear -p 22 -a

For the initial SSH connection to your device, use the default password (12345) for Entware's root user account. Once connected, it is strongly recommended to change the root account password using the passwd command:

# /opt/bin/passwd
  Changing password for root
  New password:
  Retype password:
  passwd: password for root changed by root

Installing packages from the Entware repository

After connecting to the device via SSH, install the desired packages using opkg. For instance, installing the Midnight Commander filesystem browser/file editor is as simple as:

opkg update
opkg install mc
Click here to see a screenshot of Midnight Commander from Entware running on an Android device over SSH in PuTTY

Midnight Commander running over SSH


DNS resolution on Android

It has been observed that some Entware binaries do not function correctly without an /etc/resolv.conf file, though the Android operating system itself does not use this common Linux mechanism. Known possible workarounds are:

  1. As by default, the /etc directory on Android is a symlink to /system/etc, remount the /system volume in read/write mode and create a symlink at /system/etc/resolv.conf that resolves to /opt/etc/resolv.conf, where the file can be managed much easier. There can be defined your DNS service of choice following the format (shown in the example are the Google Public DNS server IPv4 addresses):
  2. Script the replacement of the default /etc/system/etc symlink to one that instead resolves to /etc/data/local/etc for execution each time the device boots. The suggestion of using /data/local/etc is merely that, any other writeable directory would be just as effective, provided it contained symlinks for the contents of both /system/etc/* and /opt/etc/*:
    mkdir /data/local/etc
    chmod 0755 /data/local/etc
    chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 /data/local/etc
    for i in $(ls /system/etc); do ln -s "/system/etc/${i}" "/data/local/etc/${i}"; done
    ln -s /opt/etc/resolv.conf /data/local/etc/resolv.conf
  3. Recompile the libc-package so that it reads DNS definitions from /opt/etc/resolv.conf rather than /etc/resolv.conf. To effect this, download the libc source code and (after applying the current Entware patch set) patch all instances of filesystem objects located under /etc to refer instead to the desired location by using the find and sed commands:
    find -name "*.[ch]" -type f -execdir sed -Ei 's,/etc/,/opt/etc/,g' '{}' \;
    find -name "*.[ch]" -type f -execdir sed -Ei 's,/opt/opt/,/opt/,g' '{}' \;

Running Entware init scripts at device startup

To run Entware services automatically after the boot sequence is complete, provide for a script that follows the basic template below (with customizations to suit your device, of course) to be executed on startup:



/system/bin/mount -o rw,remount / && {
  /system/bin/chmod 0777 /mnt/external_sd
  /system/bin/mkdir /opt /bin
  ln -s /system/bin/sh /bin/sh

/system/bin/mount -o ro,remount / && {
  /system/bin/mount -t ext2 -o rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/external_sd
  /system/bin/mount -o bind /mnt/external_sd/entware.arm /opt

/opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung start

exit 0
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