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MooMoo MooMoo Build Status

MooMoo is a Ruby library for working with the OpenSRS XML Domain API.

Documentation is available in RDoc format.


Implements most of the functionality of the OpenSRS XML API. For full documentation of the OpenSRS XML API see


First, create an opensrs object for the namespace you want to use:

lookup =
  host:     "",
  key:      "<YOUR_KEY>",
  username: "<YOUR_RESELLER_USER>"

Or configure MooMoo and you can initialize it without any arguments:

MooMoo.configure do |config|     = ""
  config.key      = "<YOUR_KEY>"
  config.username = "<YOUR_RESELLER_USER>"


lookup =

As an alternative, you can create a .moomoo.yml file in your project root with a default configuration for the library to use.

Now you can call a variety of commands to deal with domains, nameservers, etc. Here's how to check the availability of a domain name:

lookup.api_lookup(:attributes => { :domain => '' })
p lookup.successful?


After calling the service method, you can use the following methods to access the response:

response    - the http response
message     - the "response_text"
attributes  - the "attributes" hash with relevant data
successful? - whether the request was successful or not

Currently, there is support for the following services:

  • Cookie
  • Lookup
  • Nameserver
  • Provisioning
  • Transfer

API services are namespaced with api. For example, for the Lookup "get" API method, it will be named api_get.

MooMoo provides custom methods that should make it easier to deal with the OpenSRS API (e.g. Lookup :domain_contacts). These custom methods are not namespaced. Check the documentation to see the parameters they expect and the responses they return.

TLD List

MooMoo::Lookup provides a tlds method that is used to list top level domains that OpenSRS support. At this time, OpenSRS has no API method that does that, so we keep that in a custom configuration file (config/tlds.yml).

The top level domains data comes from OpenSRS also provides a CSV file for country code top level domains at

In order to generate our own config/tlds.yml file, we use the scripts/parse_cctld_csv script to parse OpenSRS CSV file. In order to do that, place an updated cctld-pricing.csv under config, and run scripts/parse_cctld_csv.

For non-country code top level domains, the scripts/parse_cctld_csv defaults list needs to be updated.


If you need to debug requests and responses, you can set a logger object, and MooMoo will debug the request/response XMLs. Make sure the log level is set to debug.

MooMoo.configure do |config|
  config.logger = my_logger

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with Rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2016 Pressed, LLC. See LICENSE for details.