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EnviRe Core Documentation

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About EnviRe Core

This is the core library for Environment Representation. The goal of this core part is to deal with the representation commonalities among plugins.

Environment Representation (EnviRe) technologies are meant to close the gap and provide techniques to store, operate and interchange information within a robotic system. The application of EnviRe mainly focus to support navigation, simulation and operations and simplify the interchange of algorithms among software components.


Using Rock’s build system

The easiest way to build and install this package is to use Rock’s build system. See this page on how to install Rock.

The envire package set( is required to fulfil the dependencies to base/boost_serialisation and external/ogdf. All other dependencies should be available in the default rock package sets.

Standalone Installation

First make sure that all dependencies are installed. Most of the dependencies can be installed using apt:

apt install build-essential gcc g++ cmake git wget libgoogle-glog-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-system-dev pkg-config libeigen3-dev libclass-loader-dev libtinyxml-dev librosconsole-bridge-dev libeigen3-dev libclass-loader-dev libtinyxml-dev doxygen

Some dependencies need to be build from source. A script is provided to install those:

Install Dependencies Automatically when building envire core

Defining -DINSTALL_DEPS=ON for cmake builds and isntalls the source dependencies automatically.

mkdir build
cd build
make install

When -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is used, the dependencies are also installed there.

The install script generates an file in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX folder. If you did not install system wide, source this file before building and running code. It exports all neccessary environment variables.

Install Dependencies Manually

cd source_dependencies
sudo bash ./build.bash [path_to_prefix]
source [path_to_prefix]/

After all dependencies have been installed, go to the main folder build and install like any other cmake project.

cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

Test Coverage and API Documentation

Run make doc to generate the API documentation.

Set the COVERAGE flag during configuration to generate a code coverage make target. Run make test && make coverage to generate the coverage report. You can find the generated report in build/cov. Please note that coverage reporting only works when code optimization is disabled. I.e. when CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.

The option ROCK_TEST_ENABLED can be used to enabled/disabled the tests. It is on by default.

Rock CMake Macros

This package uses a set of CMake helper shipped as the Rock CMake macros. Documentations is available on this page.

Rock Standard Layout

This directory structure follows some simple rules, to allow for generic build processes and simplify reuse of this project. Following these rules ensures that the Rock CMake macros automatically handle the project’s build process and install setup properly.

STRUCTURE — src/ Contains all header (.h/.hpp) and source files — build/ The target directory for the build process, temporary content — bindings/ Language bindings for this package, e.g. put into subfolders such as |-- ruby/ Ruby language bindings — viz/ Source files for a vizkit plugin / widget related to this library — resources/ General resources such as images that are needed by the program — configuration/ Configuration files for running the program — external/ When including software that needs a non standard installation process, or one that can be easily embedded include the external software directly here — doc/ should contain the existing doxygen file: doxygen.conf

Developement and Contribution

Contributions are very welcome. Please use the pull-request mechanism of github. The maintainers will give feedback and merge when they are satisfied. Please make sure that your contribution is covered by unit tests.


Envire Core is the main component of the envire library. It consists of:

  • A graph structure to represent the environment and utilities that help in manipulating and analyzing the structure.

  • An event system to notify users about changes in the environment.

  • A plugin system that allows the user to store arbitrary Objects in the envire graph.

  • Serialization.

The Graph

The envire graph is the backbone of the whole library. It stores arbitrary data and time & space transformations between the data.


The graph itself is implemented as inheritance chain. Each class in the chain adds some of the functionality.

graph uml

envire::core::Graph<E,V> is the root class of the graph structure. It extends a boost::labeled_graph. The template parameters E and V are edge and vertex properties, i.e. they define the type of the data that can be stored in the edges and vertices of the graph. Edge properties need to implement the envire::core::EdgePropertyConcept while vertex properties need to implement envire::core::FramePropertyConcept.

The following features are provided by the Graph:

  • Frames (vertices) are indexed by a unique string-based frame id and can be retrieved in O(1).

  • A double-linked graph structure is enforced. I.e. if an edge is added, the inverse edge is calculated and added automatically. If an edge is updated, the inverse is updated as well.

  • Users are informed about changes in the graph structure via a publisher subscriber based event system.

  • TreeViews and Paths are provided to navigate the graph structure.

The TransformGraph<V> extends Graph<Transformation, V>. It adds functionality to calculate and set transformations (including covariance) between frames. Transformation chains are calculated automatically.

The EnvireGraph extends TransformGraph<Frame>. It adds functionality to add, remove and manipulate items. Items can be used to store arbitrary data in the graph.

Edge & Vertex Property Concepts

Edge and vertex properties (E and V) need to follow special concepts to be compatible with the Graph. All edge properties need to implement envire::core::EdgePropertyConcept while all vertex properties have to implement envire::core::FramePropertyConcept.

Both concepts ensure, that the property is serializable using boost serialization (boost::SerializableConcept) and that a string representation of the vertex/edge can be generated. The string representation is used when visualizing the graph.

Furthermore edge properties need to implement an inverse() method, that inverts the meaning of the edge.

Vertex properties need to implement const FrameId& getId() and void setId(const FrameId&). Those methods are used to store a unique vertex identifier inside each vertex. This identifier is used as index when storing a frame inside the graph.


Frames are vertices in the structure of the EnvireGraph and implement the FramePropertyConcept. Each Frame stores a set of items indexed by type.


Transformations (envire::core::Transformation) are edges in the EnvireGraph. They implement the EdgePropertyConcept and describe the spatial and temporal displacement between frames.


The data elements that are stored in the Frames of the graph are called Items. Every item must inherit from envire::core::ItemBase. getTypeInfo() and getEmbeddedTypeInfo() need to be overridden to provide correct type information about the item. getTypeInfo() should return the type_info of the item itself while getEmbeddedTypeInfo() should return the type of the encapsulated data (i.e. the type of the data that is returned in getRawData()).

A template (envire::core::Item<T>) that inherits from ItemBase and carries arbitrary data T is provided for convenience. Thus manually inheriting from ItemBase should not be necessary.

Tree Views

TreeViews are lightweight structures that view a portion of the graph as tree. Views are generated by bfs-visiting the graph starting at a given frame. All frames that are reachable from that frame will be part of the view. The structure does not contain any loops (it is a tree, not a graph). Edges that would create loops in the tree are called cross-edges and are stored in a special list inside the TreeView.

A TreeView contains pointers to the actual data, thus if the underlying graph is destroyed or manipulated, the view becomes invalid.

A TreeView can either be static or dynamic. A static view is a snapshot of the graph at the time it was taken. I.e. it will not update or change. If the graph changes, parts of the tree might become invalid. Accessing the graph trough a static view after the underlying graph has changed may result in memory corruption and should be used with care.

A dynamic TreeView is updated automatically whenever the underlying graph changes. The view provides signals that will be emitted when that happens. Dynamic views significantly increase the computational cost of all manipulative graph operations. Especially the removal of edges is expensive.

Graph Events

The event-system is used by the Graph to inform the user about changes to the graph structure.

event uml

Publishing Events

The GraphEventPublisher manages the subscribers and provides methods to notify subscribers about events. Every class that wants to publish events needs to extend GraphEventPublisher. Graph and its subclasses extend this class.

Receiving Events

In order to receive events a class needs to extend GraphEventSubscriber and override the notifyGraphEvent() method. Three convenience classes already exist, that do this and simplify the usage of the event-system. Thus there is usually no need to derive from GraphEventSubscriber directly:

  • The GraphEventDispatcher handles all events and provides virtual methods for each event. Thus a subscriber can simply extend the dispatcher and override the methods that it cares about.

  • The GraphEventQueue buffers all events in a queue. If flush() is called, all events are processed at once. The user needs to override the process() method to process the events. The queue detects contradicting events and removes them from the queue. E.g. if a frame is added and removed before flush() is called, neither the added- nor the removed-event is processed.

  • The GraphItemEventDispatcher<T> is a special dispatcher that is used to receive typed item events. To receive only item events for a certain item type, the user should derive from GraphItemEventDispatcher<T> where T is the item type that he cares about.

TreeView Events

The TreeView does not use the event system. Instead it provides simple events using boost signals.


EnviRe is designed on a modular plug-in mechanism in order to facilitate maintainability and integrability of 3rd party libraries as PCL and OctoMap.

EnviRe provides tooling to easily define and load plug-in classes. As plugin-in back-end EnviRe relies on the class_loader library. To gather and provide meta informations about all available plug-ins the plugin_manager library is used.

For more details see the chapter on plugin Design.

Providing a user-data plug-in

In order to handle user data types in EnviRe they have to be embedded into a envire::core::Item<T> class. The Item class augments the embedded type by a time-stamp, a reference frame and an unique ID.

To register a new plug-in of the type envire::core::Item<namespace::UserType> for it’s use with EnviRe, the macro ENVIRE_REGISTER_ITEM ( namespace::UserType ) has to be placed in a source file (*.cpp). It adds the class loader registration macro CLASS_LOADER_REGISTER_CLASS and also registers the class to the serialization (See the [serialization]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/core_serialization.html) section for further details).

Note that the class UserType must be serializeable by boost serialization at that point.

In order to make the plug-in available to your system a XML file containing meta informations about the plug-in class needs to be exported.


The following example shows how a new EnviRe item, with the embedded type boost::shared_ptr<::octomap::AbstractOcTree>, is defined in a *.cpp file:

#include <octomap/AbstractOcTree.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <envire_core/plugin/Plugin.hpp>

ENVIRE_REGISTER_ITEM( boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree> )

It is strongly recommended to use this macros when a new item is defined, since the plug-in mechanism and the serialization relay on it. Nonetheless it’s possible to define item classes without using this macro, in this case the class won’t be available as plug-in and it won’t be possible to serialize the class.

Since the embedded type must be serializeable by boost serialization, it might be necessary to implement the necessary methods in a header file.

To make the plug-in available to your system a XML file containing meta informations about the plug-in class needs to be exported. A minimal layout would look like this:

<library path="envire_octomap">
  <class class_name="envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>" base_class_name="envire::core::ItemBase">

This minimal layout can be extended by a class description, associations to other types and a singleton flag. If this optional fields are not defined, the description will be empty, there won’t be any associations and the plug-in won’t be a singleton instance.

<library path="envire_octomap">
  <class class_name="envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>" base_class_name="envire::core::ItemBase">
    <description>Octomap OcTree plugin</description>
      <class class_name="boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>"></class>
      <class class_name="octomap::AbstractOcTree"></class>
      <class class_name="octomap::OcTree"></class>

To install the XML file there is a cmake macro install_plugin_info available, which is exported by the plugin_manager library.

    SOURCES OcTree.cpp
    HEADERS OcTree.hpp
    DEPS_CMAKE Boost octomap
    DEPS_PKGCONFIG class_loader envire_core)


The macro install_plugin_info installs a file named envire_octomap.xml to the folder lib/plugin_manager relative to the currently defined CMAKE install path.

Using a plug-in

To create an instance of a plug-in the envire::core::ClassLoader singleton class can be used.

Since EnviRe plug-ins are pure class_loader plug-ins it’s also possible to load them by using only the class_loader library or the PluginLoader class of the plugin_manager library. For more details read the design section of this page.


In the following example the OcTree plug-in class is loaded as abstract ItemBase class:

envire::core::ClassLoader* loader = envire::core::ClassLoader::getInstance();
    ItemBase::Ptr item;
    if (loader->createEnvireItem("envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>", item))
        // A new item has been successfully created

The plug-in class can be also directly casted:

envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>::Ptr item;
envire::core::ClassLoader::getInstance()->createEnvireItem< envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>> >("envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>", item);

In this case at least the embedded type has to be known at compile time.

It is also possible to get an Item for a given embedded type by calling the method createEnvireItemFor("boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>", item).



The EnviRe envire_core::ClassLoader relies on the plugin_manager library which relies on the class_loader library. The class_loader library handles the export of classes, loading of shared libraries and the creation of new instances. More informations about the class_loader can be found here. The plugin_manager library handles XML files to provide a-priori meta informations about the available plug-ins. In contrast to the ROS plugin_lib, the plugin_manager supports singleton instances, associations and is framework independent.

Advantages of the plugin_manager library:

  • Gather meta informations of available plugins without loading them

  • Model associations between classes

  • Support of singleton instances

  • Framework independent

The plugin_manager::PluginManager class parses all XML files and preprocesses the informations. It can be queried about available plug-in classes, relations, associations or properties of classes. An example of a XML file can be found in the previous section.

The plugin_manager::PluginLoader is a singleton class which on demand creates a new class_loader::ClassLoader instance for each new library that is required. It also holds and returns the same instance of a plug-in class if it is marked as singleton.

The envire_core::ClassLoader extends the PluginLoader by knowledge about the EnviRe base classes.


EnviRe supports serialization and de-serialization based on the boost serialization library.

EnviRe relays on boost serialization to be able to save and load it’s internal state. By making use of the plugin architecture, it is possible to serialize and de-serialize Item's when knowing only their base class ItemBase. However in this case the following methods need to be used:

    envire::core::ItemBase::Ptr plugin;
    // instantiate item base pointer
    if (envire::core::Serialization::save(stream, plugin))
        // plugin was successfully serialized
    envire::core::ItemBase::Ptr plugin;
    if (envire::core::Serialization::load(stream, plugin))
        // plugin was successfully de-serialized

Also the complete graph with all it’s items can be serialized.

    envire::core::EnvireGraph graph;
    // fill envire graph
    boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(stream);
    oa << graph;
    envire::core::EnvireGraph graph;
    boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(stream);
    ia >> graph;

Providing a serializable EnviRe Item

In order to create a new EnviRe item and support it’s serialization the item and it’s embedded type must be serializable.

To register a new Item of type envire::core::Item<namespace::UserType> for it’s use with EnviRe, the macro ENVIRE_REGISTER_ITEM ( namespace::UserType ) has to be placed in a source file (*.cpp). It registers the class to the serialization by exporting the class to boost using BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT and creates a helper class which is statically instantiated as soon as the library is loaded. This allows to serialize base classes correctly even if the concrete class is not included (unknown to the implementation at runtime). However the shared library needs to be linked or dynamically loaded of course. The serialization will try to load the necessary plugin libraries on it’s own, i.e. they have to be available on your system. The macro will also export the class as class_loader plugin (See the [plugins]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/core_plugins.html) section for further details).

The embedded type must be serializable by boost serialization as well. This can be done by defining a intrusive or non-intrusive function. More information can be found in the [boost serialization]( documentation.


// Include the actual type definition (can also be in the same header)
#include <example/DummyType.hpp>

// write non-intrusive boost serialization for DummyType (if the type is already serializable by boost the header file might not be necessary)
namespace boost { namespace serialization {

    template<class Archive>
    void serialize(Archive & ar, ::example::DummyType & dummy_type, const unsigned int version)
        ar & dummy_type.member1;
        ar & dummy_type.member2;

#include "DummyType.hpp"
#include <envire_core/plugin/Plugin.hpp>

// Register the new Item
ENVIRE_REGISTER_ITEM( example::DummyType )

How to create and install the plugin meta-informations on your system is described in the Plugins section.

Framework connection

In the [ROCK]( framework types are exported using the [typelib]( library. Typelib is able to automatically parse types, but has some limitations: e.g. pointer, virtual functions, private members, std library container (besides of std::vector and std::string). For those more complex classes it is possible to define so called opaque types and write methods to convert the data structure from the origin type to the opaque type and vise versa. The opaque type must be typelib compatible and does hold the same data that the origin type does.

Since EnviRe items (envire::core::Item<T>) are not typelib compatible due to it’s use of virtual functions, only the inner data container is exported to typelib. The inner data holding container of every Item is a envire::core::SpatioTemporal<T> class. Since it is also templated with the user data type the concrete type has to be exported to typelib. This can be achieved using the following commands in an .orogen file:

# exports the type envire::core::SpatioTemporal<example::DummyType> to typelib
typekit do
    envire_someclass = spatio_temporal '/example/DummyType'
    export_types envire_someclass

Note that at this point the embedded type example::DummyType must already be known to typelib. It can either be typelib compatible (the header of the type can be parsed), the user can write it’s own opaque type or the boost serialization based opaque auto-generation can be used.

If the embedded type isn’t directly typelib compatible the easiest way of exporting it is to make use of the fact that it is serializable by boost. To auto-generate opaque (transport) types for classes supporting boost serialization the following commands in an .orogen file can be used:

# define opaque
typekit do
    opaque_autogen '/example/DummyType',
                    :includes => 'example/DummyType.hpp',
                    :type => :boost_serialization
# type export
typekit do
    export_types '/example/DummyType'

This makes the type example::DummyType known to typelib.

Code Examples

This section contains code examples showcasing most of the envire core features. Additional there exist over 100 unit tests that show how every aspect of the framework can be used. Make sure to take a look at the tests!


Adding Frames

Frames can be added either explicitly by calling addFrame()

EnvireGraph g;
const FrameId frame = "frame_a";

or implicitly by using a unknown frame id in addTransform().

EnvireGraph g;
const FrameId frameA = "frame_a";
const FrameId frameB = "frame_b";
Transform tf;
g.addTransform(frameA, frameB, tf);

Frames cannot be added twice. If a frame with the given name already exists, an exception will be thrown.

The above examples will create the frame property using the default constructor. Another constructor can be used by calling emplaceFrame(). Calling emplaceFrame() does only make sense, if the frame property has non-default constructors.

Removing Frames

Frames can be removed by calling removeFrame():

EnvireGraph g;
const FrameId frame = "frame_a";

disconnectFrame() removes all transforms that are connected to the given frame. Frames can only be removed, if they are not connected to the graph. I.e. if no edges are connected to the frame. An exception will be thrown, if the frame is still connected. This is an artificial restriction, technically it would be possible to remove frames while they are still connected. The intention of this restriction is, to make the user aware of the consequences that removing a frame might have for the graph structure as a whole.




Creating Items

Before an item can be added to a frame, it has to be loaded using the ClassLoader.

#include <envire_core/plugin/ClassLoader.hpp>
#include <envire_core/items/Item.hpp>
#include <octomap/AbstractOcTree.h>
envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>::Ptr octree;
ClassLoader* loader = ClassLoader::getInstance();
if(!loader->createEnvireItem("envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>", octree))
	std::cerr << "Unabled to load envire::octomap::OcTree" << std::endl;
	return -1;

It is also possible to instantiate items directly, however this is only recommended for testing because visualization and serialization only work if the ClassLoader was used to load the item.

Adding Item

Once the item is loaded, there are two ways to add it to the graph. The common way is to add it using addItemToFrame():

g.addItemToFrame(frame, octree);

The item will remember the frame that it was added to. I.e. an item cannot be part of two frames at the same time.

It is also possible to set the frame id beforehand and add the item using addItem().


The item type can be a boost::shared_ptr to any subclass of ItemBase. Item contains a typedef Ptr to make working with the pointer more convenient.

envire::core::Item<...>::Ptr p;

Accessing Items

When working with items, the user needs to know the item type. The type can either be provided at compile time using template parameters or at runtime using std::type_index.

Checking Whether a Frame Contains Items of a Specific Type

containsItems() is used to check for the existence of items of a given type in a given frame.

const bool contains = g.containsItems<envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>>(frame);

If the type is not known at compile time, there is also an overload that accepts std::type_index. You can get the type index by calling getTypeIndex() on any Item.

const std::type_index index(octree->getTypeIndex());
const bool contains2 = g.containsItems(frame, index);

Accessing Items with Iterators

The ItemIterator can be used to iterate over all items of a specific type in a frame. The iterator internally takes care of the necessary type casting and type checks.

using OcTreeItem = envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>;
using OcTreeItemIt = EnvireGraph::ItemIterator<envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>>;
OcTreeItemIt it, end;
std::tie(it, end) = g.getItems<envire::core::Item<boost::shared_ptr<octomap::AbstractOcTree>>>(frame);
for(; it != end; ++it)
	std::cout << "Item uuid: " << it->getIDString() << std::endl;

A convenience method exist to get an ItemIterator of the i’th item:

OcTreeItemIt itemIt = g.getItem<OcTreeItem>(frame, 42);

Accessing Items without Iterators

If type information is not available at compile time, getItems() can also be used with std::type_index:

const std::type_index index2(octree->getTypeIndex());
const Frame::ItemList& items = g.getItems(frame, index2);

However without compile time type information automatic type casting is not available, thus in this case getItems returns a list of ItemBase::Ptr. The list is returned as reference and points to graph internal memory.

Removing Items

Items can be removed by calling removeItemFromFrame(). Removing items invalidates all iterators of the same type. To be able to iteratively remove items, the method returns a new pair of iterators.

OcTreeItemIt i, endI;
std::tie(i, endI) = g.getItems<OcTreeItem>(frame);
for(; i != endI;)
		std::tie(i, endI) = g.removeItemFromFrame(frame, i);

All items can be removed at once using clearFrame().


Adding Transformations

EnvireGraph g;
const FrameId a = "frame_a";
const FrameId b = "frame_b";
Transform ab;
/** initialize Transform */
g.addTransform(a, b, ab);

If a transformation is added, the inverse will be added automatically. If one or both of the frames are not part of the graph, they will be added.

Removing Transformations

g.removeTransform(a, b);

The inverse will be removed as well.

Modifying Transformations

Transformations can be replaced using updateTransform. The inverse will be updated automatically.

Transform tf;
tf.transform.translation << 84, 21, 42;
g.updateTransform(a, b, tf);

Calculating Transformations

getTransform() can be used to calculate the transformation between two frames if a path connecting the two exists in the graph. Breadth first search is used to find the path connecting the two frames.

const Transform tf2 = g.getTransform(a, b);

Calculating the transformation between two frames might be expensive depending on the complexity of the graph structure. A TreeView can be used to speed up the calculation:

TreeView view = g.getTree(g.getVertex(a));
const Transform tf3 = g.getTransform(a, b, view);

Since creating the TreeView walks the whole graph once, using this methods only makes sense when multiple transformations need to be calculated.

If you need to calculate the same transformation multiple times, you can use getPath() to retrieve a list of all frames that need to be traversed to calculate the transformation. The path can be used to speed up the calculation of the transform even further.

envire::core::Path::Ptr path = g.getPath(a, b, false);
const Transform tf4 = g.getTransform(path);

Disconnecting a Frame from the Graph

disconnectFrame() can be used to remove all transformations coming from or leading to a certain frame.


TreeViews provide a tree view of the graph structure. I.e. when viewed through a TreeView the graph turns into a tree with a specific root node.

TreeViews use vertex_descriptors instead of FrameIds to reference frames because vertex_descriptors can be hashed in constant time (they are just pointers).

Creating Tree Views

TreeViews can be created by calling getTree() and providing a root node.

EnvireGraph g;
const FrameId root("root");
TreeView view = g.getTree(root);

Note that the view will most likely be copied on return. If the tree is large you might want to avoid that copy and pass an empty view as out-parameter instead:

TreeView view2;
g.getTree(root, &view2);

Updating Tree Views

By default, a tree view shows a snapshot of the graph. I.e. if the graph changes, the changes will not be visible in the view. The view or parts of it might become invalid when vertices or edges are removed from the graph. To avoid this, you can request a self-updating tree view:

g.getTree(root, true, &view);

The view has three signals crossEdgeAdded, edgeAdded and edgeRemoved that will be emitted whenever the tree view changes.

Maintenance and development

DFKI GmbH - Robotics Innovation Center



Core part for the Environment Representation library







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