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Logging in

Normaly a user is a member of only one organisation, but it is possible for them to be in more than one. A user can have different roles in organisations, such as Admin, Guide and Sales Agent. There is more information about this in :ref:`roles-and-responsabilities`.

Simple Case

The common situations are:
  • Admin for a single organisation
  • Guide for a single organisation
  • Sales Agent for a single organisation
  • Guide and Sales Agent for a single organisation

Depending on a user's role, they see a different page when they first log in.

action Admin Guide SalesAgent Page
login 1 0 0 Org Home
login 0 1 1 Org Home [1]
login 0 1 0 CTO Home
login 0 0 1 Retail Home
[1]This assumes the user is Guide and Sales agent in the same organisation.

These login scenarios involve the following pages:

page name example URL description
login /accounts/login/ The page where a user logs in.
CTO home /cto/123/ Page about Tours (etc) for one organisation
Retail Home /retail/123/ FIT ticket order form (a lot like the public form)
Org Home /org/123/ Organisation Summary, links to Retail and CTO Homes

Unusual Cases - A member of multiple organisations

It's probably uncommon, but a user could have roles in different organisations.

For example:
  • Guide for multiple organisations
  • Sales Agent for multiple organisations
  • Admin for multiple organisations

In these situations, when a person logs in, they would have to chose which organisation they want to act on behalf of. Then they would navigate to the correct page.

action Admin Guide SalesAgent Page
login 0 2+ 0 Select CTO -> CTO Home
login 2+ 0 0 Select Org -> Org Home
login 0 0 2+ Select Retail -> Retail Home

Those unusual cases require aditional pages:

page name example URL description
Select Org /org/ List of organisation user is a member of
Select CTO /cto/ List of organisations user is Guide or Admin of
Select Retail /retail/ List of organisations user is a Sales Agend or Admin of

It could be even more complicated. If a user is a Guide for one organisation and a Sales agent for another, when they log in, they would need to chose which organisation they are acting on behalf of. If they were a Guide and Sales agent for the same organisation, they would not have to make that choice.

action Admin Guide SalesAgent Page
login 0 1 1 Org Home (if same org)
login 0 1 1 Select Org (if different orgs) -> Org Home

In the more complicated combinations, the user would have to select the organisation they are acting on behalf of when they log in.

action Admin Guide SalesAgent Page
login 0+ 2+ 1+ Select Org -> Org Home
login 0+ 1+ 2+ Select Org -> Org Home

Visualising the login logic

Overall, this diagram shows the different naviation paths from logging in. It looks complicated because it covers all possible situations, however each user would only experience one path (based on their personal circumstances), so it should not be a complicated experience for them.

.. graphviz::

   digraph d {
      node [style=filled fillcolor=white];

      login [label="Login"];
      cto_home [label="CTO Home"];
      select_cto [label="Select CTO" fillcolor=lightgrey];
      retail_home [label="Retail Home"];
      select_retail [label="Select Retail" fillcolor=lightgrey];
      org_home [label="Org Home"];
      select_org [label="Select Org" fillcolor=lightgrey];

      login -> cto_home;
      login -> select_cto -> cto_home;
      login -> org_home;
      login -> select_org -> org_home;
      login -> retail_home;
      login -> select_retail -> retail_home;