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Using HTTP proxy in Go

This repo contains example code for using HTTP proxy in Go.

Once you have the Proxy URL from Enzoguard's Cloud console, set the following environment variables:


Once set, run the Go program:

go run main.go

You will see IP address of the proxy instead of the IP address of your workstation.

To skip the proxy, you can unset the environment variable or launch a new shell and run the program again.

Using in your program

To use Enzoguard in your code, you need to tweak your HTTP clients to use configuration:

client := &http.Client{
	Transport: &http.Transport{
		Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,

And now, all requests through the client will be routed via Enzoguard as long as the two environment variables are set.

Configure proxy without environment variables

If you would like to not rely on environment variables, you can use the following function to create a proxy aware HTTP client:

func httpClientWithProxy(proxyURL string) {
    proxy, err := url.Parse(proxyURL)
    if err != nil {
    	fmt.Println("Error parsing proxy URL:", err)

    tr := &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxy)}
    client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
    return client


If you have any questions, please open a GitHub issue or reach out to Enzoguard support.


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