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Git is a distributed version control system.


note ATS_autest

export https_proxy= export http_proxy=

  1. records.config /etc/trafficserver/records.config: change the following defaults – CONFIG proxy.config.cache.threads_per_disk INT 16 CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size INT 21474836480 (20GB) CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache_cutoff INT 4194304 (4MB) CONFIG proxy.config.cache.limits.http.max_alts INT 5 CONFIG proxy.config.body_factory.template_sets_dir STRING body_factory (not found) CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.filename STRING remap.config CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.server.ticket_key.filename STRING NULL

  2. remap.config /etc/trafficserver/remap.config: change to reflect the HTTP content server location -- 第一个用户访问 第二个是 ATS自动去访问baidu.com取源,当然也可以是ip地址 map 这个测试当做百度的一个代理服务器,是TS所在服务器的IP地址

  3. storage.config /etc/trafficserver/storage.config: change to reflect the correct (list of) cache storage device(s). Could be a raw disk endpoint or a mount point. Raw disk preferred -- 30GB or MB

make clean make clean all -j4 make distclean rm -rf /usr/lib/trafficserver /etc/trafficserver /opt/ats

autoreconf -if ./configure --prefix=/opt/ats --sysconfdir=/etc/trafficserver --libdir=/usr/lib/trafficserver --with-user=pid --with-group=pid --disable-silent-rules --enable-wccp --enable-experimental-plugins --enable-linux-native-aio --enable-experimental-linux-native-aio sudo make && make install

time ./ --ats-bin /opt/ats/bin/ | tee date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log

root@badcpaewp007:/home/pid/nginx/trafficserver-8.0.0/tests# ./ --ats-bin /opt/ats/bin/ -h usage: autest run [-h] [-R [REPORTERS [REPORTERS ...]]] [-j JOBS] [-C CLEAN] [--normalize-kill NORMALIZE_KILL] [-D DIRECTORY] [--autest-site [AUTEST_SITE [AUTEST_SITE ...]]] [--sandbox SANDBOX] [--env [Key=Value [Key=Value ...]]] [-f [FILTERS [FILTERS ...]]] [-V] --ats-bin ATS_BIN [--show-color] [--disable-color] [--verbose [CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]]] [--debug [CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]]]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -R [REPORTERS [REPORTERS ...]], --reporters [REPORTERS [REPORTERS ...]] Names of Reporters to use for report generation -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS The number of test to try to run at the same time -C CLEAN, --clean CLEAN Level of cleaning for after a test is finished. all > exception > failed > warning > passed > skipped > unknown> none Defaults at passed --normalize-kill NORMALIZE_KILL Normalizes the exit code when a process is given SIGKILL -D DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY The directory with all the tests in them --autest-site [AUTEST_SITE [AUTEST_SITE ...]] A user provided autest-site director(y)ies to use instead of the default. --sandbox SANDBOX The root directory in which the tests will run --env [Key=Value [Key=Value ...]] Set a variable to be used in the local test environment. Replaces value inherited from shell. -f [FILTERS [FILTERS ...]], --filters [FILTERS [FILTERS ...]] Filter the tests run by their names -V, --version show program's version number and exit --ats-bin ATS_BIN A user provided directory to ATS bin

Console options: Arguments unique to console

--show-color Show colored output --disable-color Disable colored output --verbose [CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]], -v [CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]] Display all verbose messages or only messages of provided categories --debug [CATEGORY [CATEGORY ...]] Display all debug messages or only messages of provided categories

sudo apt-get install git git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" git clone cd git status git add -A git commit -m "" git push username & password

t is a distributed version control system.


note ATS_autest






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