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Associated Press election data on EOS blockchain

The Associated Press is publishing the U.S. election race calls on Ethereum and EOS public blockchains.

This tool is collecting the election data from EOS blockchain and storing it in a publicly accessible MariaDB/MySQL server.

Each transaction contains a text string in JSON format with electoral college votes. The database records the transaction ID, block number, and block timestamp for every call, in order to provide an easy to verify dataset.

Any MySQL-compatible database client can access and retrieve the data for further processing.

Database access information:

MySQL host:
database: associapress
user: associapressro
password: associapressro

The table ELECTION contains the "data" field value for every transaction. The field contains JSON-encoded voting results in each district. During an election, every new row is an update of the previous one, so it makes sense to query the latest row only.

Table structure:

 block_num   BIGINT NOT NULL,
 block_time  DATETIME NOT NULL,
 trx_id      VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
 user        VARCHAR(13) NOT NULL,
 data        TEXT

Here is an example using the command-line client:

mysql --batch --skip-column-names \ \
 --user=associapressro --password=associapressro --database=associapress \
 --execute="SELECT block_num, block_time, trx_id, data FROM ELECTION ORDER BY seq DESC LIMIT 1"

EOS Amsterdam is providing this data for the mere purpose of information accessibility and transparency. EOS Amsterdam does not hold any responsibility for correctness of data published by Associated Press.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2019 cc32d9, EOS Amsterdam.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.