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Atsy Build Status

Applicant Tracking System

Building the project:

As easy as:

 mvn clean install

Running Atsy locally:

mvn tomcat7:run

Pre: U have mysql locally which has a database called atsy, and a user in it with details: travis - no password

Running integration tests as part of the build:

mvn clean install -Pintegration

Running Atsy in docker:


Build atsy webapp image (after building the project):

mvn -f web clean package -Pdocker

This command creates and registers a docker image called atsy.

Run atsy webapp (using production spring profile by default):

docker-compose up

Run atsy webapp using integration spring profile:

PROFILE=integration docker-compose up

Docker Compose will start a mysql database and the preconfigured atsy application. Tomcat container exposes port 8080 on the host machine, which can bo overridden by setting PORT_MAPPING environment variable, like:

PORT_MAPPING=8081:8080 docker-compose up

The above command maps tomcat container's 8080 port to host 8081 port.

Definition of Done

  1. Code is well-formatted:
  • Java source files should be formatted with java-google-style.xml
  1. Code is well documented:
  • All public service methods have JavaDoc comments.
  • Where necessary for understanding, non-public methods have JavaDoc as well.
  1. Data container objects have (Lombok can be used for method generation)
  • private fields
  • getter methods,
  • setter methods,
  • toString() method overridden,
  • hashCode() method overridden,
  • equals() method overridden.
  1. Logging is added
  • when an exepction happens,
  • when a significant event happens (user is deleted, candidate added, etc.).
  1. Database migrations scripts are honored:
  • Migration script is added if the changes require database modifications.
  • Flyway migrations have the following format (date is used with seconds precision): V3_20160902100610_What_is_changed.
  • No existing flyway migration script changes
  1. Project documentation is kept up-to-date:
  • is updated if there are some changes in the application setup process.
  1. Version control is kept clean:
  • Code is placed in a task related branch (feature branch)
  • Code for subtasks have a separate branch (sub-task branch)
  • Before pushing changes in branch which is not tracked remotely use git rebase
  1. Pull request is created
  2. Functionality does not break:
  • mvn tomcat7:run works (manual check)
  • changed feature does not break (manual check)
  • All unit tests pass
  • All integration tests pass
  • CI server could build the project
  • CI server could run tests
  1. Functionality is complete:
  • Acceptance criteria is met
  1. Functionality is covered with tests:
  • New classes are covered by unit and integration tests
  • Stories are covered with cucumber tests


  1. home page:

  2. features:

  3. download:

  4. installion details:

User credentials

User Password Stored hash Environment description
Dev pass2 $2a$04$QSJkUouEDGfbWAtuxnlf/.Ajen6lviIhrNwKFPPZ.juRn6nLgvBi6 integration
Test pass3 $2a$04$6r2eBlucnE3/m0fDYgE3e.eI5akUx55qPMID3O/SlptCIqOFFcCPK integration
Brigi pass1 $2a$04$BkbZFudrQjtETU83hFiS3uWNsh7us3wOOnLF3yop9BByd9ZQLdIlq production

Code formatting guide

In IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Under File > Settings > Code style > Java
  2. Select Manage
  3. Import java-google-style.xml file
  4. Select 'Copy to project' to make it the project default