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A Python tool for creating and managing content for Jekyll websites.

Current features:

  • Create new posts and drafts;
  • Create new content for collections;
  • Publish drafts;
  • Template front matter for posts, drafts and collections.

For a built executable, look under build.


Creating Content

To create new content, use the new command anywhere within a Jekyll website. For instance, to create a new post:

~/my_blog $ draught new post "Five Foos in a Bar"

This creates ~/my_blog/_posts/ with the current date. The following is also possible:

~/my_blog/_posts $ draught new draft "Around the Foo in 80 Bars"

This creates ~/my_blog/_drafts/ For user-defined collections, content can be created using the collection name as it is defined in _config.yml. For example, given a collection called "projects":

~/my_blog $ draught new projects "Foobar"

creates ~/my_blog/_projects/

Front Matter

When creating content, Draught will attempt to insert front matter for each content type. For each content type, Draught looks for a plain text file under .templates with an identical name. For example, the contents of ~/my_blog/.templates/posts are automatically added to any posts created with draught new post. Templates also work for collections, as long as they are appropriately named. If a template is not defined, the following default is used:

title: "Enter title"

When writing templates, {title} can be used as a placeholder for the content title. So running

~/my_blog $ draught new post "Five Foos in a Bar"

with a template such as ~/my_blog/.templates/posts containing

title: {title}
layout: post

will create the file ~/my_blog/_posts/ with the following front matter:

title: "Five Foos in a Bar"
layout: post

Publishing Drafts

Existing drafts can be turned into posts by running draught publish, which shows a numbered list of all available drafts. One or more drafts can be addressed by index, causing them to be copied to _posts with the current date.


CLI Jekyll website management tool.







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