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Size bound TEGIS
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colder authored and manoskouk committed Jul 11, 2016
1 parent 47d01bb commit 6d1da6a
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Showing 5 changed files with 217 additions and 26 deletions.
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions src/main/scala/leon/synthesis/rules/HOFDecomp.scala
Expand Up @@ -79,16 +79,25 @@ case object HOFDecomp extends Rule("HOFDecomp") {

var freeVariables = Set[Identifier]()

val altsPerArgs = { vd =>
val altsPerArgs = { case (vd, i) =>
if (isHOFParam(vd)) {
// Only one possibility for the HOF argument
} else {
// For normal arguments, we either map to a free variable (and
// then ask solver for a model), or to an input

val free = FreshIdentifier("v", vd.getType, true)
freeVariables += free
val optFree = if (i > 0) {
// Hack: First argument is the most important, we should not
// obtain its value from a model. We don't want:
// Nil.fold(..)

Some(FreshIdentifier("v", vd.getType, true))
} else {

freeVariables ++= optFree

// Note that this is an over-approximation, since
// Int <: T and
Expand All @@ -100,7 +109,7 @@ case object HOFDecomp extends Rule("HOFDecomp") { => canBeSupertypeOf(vd.getType, a.getType).nonEmpty)

compatibleInputs :+ free
compatibleInputs ++ optFree

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/leon/synthesis/rules/TEGIS.scala
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ package synthesis
package rules

import leon.grammars._
import leon.grammars.aspects._

case object TEGIS extends TEGISLike("TEGIS") {
def getParams(sctx: SynthesisContext, p: Problem) = {
grammar = grammars.default(sctx, p),
rootLabel = Label(_)
grammar = Grammars.default(sctx, p),
rootLabel = Label(_).withAspect(Tagged(Tags.Top, 0, None))
37 changes: 23 additions & 14 deletions src/main/scala/leon/synthesis/rules/TEGISLike.scala
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import datagen._
import evaluators._
import codegen.CodeGenParams
import leon.grammars._
import leon.grammars.aspects.Sized
import leon.utils.GrowableIterable

import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap => MutableMap}
Expand All @@ -22,8 +23,8 @@ abstract class TEGISLike(name: String) extends Rule(name) {
case class TegisParams(
grammar: ExpressionGrammar,
rootLabel: TypeTree => Label,
enumLimit: Int = 10000,
reorderInterval: Int = 50
minSize: Int = 3,
maxSize: Int = 3

def getParams(sctx: SynthesisContext, p: Problem): TegisParams
Expand All @@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ abstract class TEGISLike(name: String) extends Rule(name) {

ci.reporter.debug(ExamplesBank(baseExamples, Nil).asString("Tests"))

val exampleGenerator: Iterator[Example] = if (p.isTestBased) {
} else if (useVanuatoo) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,17 +82,20 @@ abstract class TEGISLike(name: String) extends Rule(name) {

val timers = hctx.timers.synthesis.rules.tegis

val allExprs = enum.iterator(params.rootLabel(targetType))

var candidate: Option[Expr] = None
val streams = for(size <- (params.minSize to params.maxSize).toIterator) yield {
println("Size: "+size)
val label = params.rootLabel(targetType).withAspect(Sized(size))

val allExprs = enum.iterator(label)

def findNext(): Option[Expr] = {
candidate = None
allExprs.take(params.enumLimit).takeWhile(e => candidate.isEmpty).foreach { e =>

val candidates: Iterator[Expr] = allExprs.flatMap { e =>
val exprToTest = letTuple(p.xs, e, p.phi)

//sctx.reporter.debug("Got expression "+e.asString)

if (allExamples().forall{
case InExample(ins) =>
Expand All @@ -99,20 +105,23 @@ abstract class TEGISLike(name: String) extends Rule(name) {
println("Evaluating "+e.asString+" with "
evaluator.eval(e, == Some(tupleWrap(outs))
}) {
candidate = Some(tupleWrap(Seq(e)))
} else {


val toStream = Stream.continually(findNext()).takeWhile(_.nonEmpty).map( e =>
Solution(BooleanLiteral(true), Set(), e.get, isTrusted = p.isTestBased)
val solutions = { e =>
Solution(BooleanLiteral(true), Set(), e, isTrusted = p.isTestBased)

} else {
hctx.reporter.debug("No test available")
Expand Down
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions testcases/synthesis/current/HOFs/List.scala
Expand Up @@ -209,20 +209,26 @@ object HOFDecomp1 {

def adultsNames(in: List[Person]): List[String] = {
// in.filter(_.age >= 18).map(
// in.collect { p =>
// if (p.age >= 18) Some( else None
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Cons(Person("Alice", 17), Cons(Person("Bob", 18), Cons(Person("Jane", 12), Cons(Person("Arnold", 22), Nil())))) => Cons("Bob", Cons("Arnold", Nil()))
case Cons(Person("Alice", 22), Cons(Person("Bob", 12), Cons(Person("Jane", 32), Cons(Person("Arnold", 42), Nil())))) => Cons("Alice", Cons("Jane", Cons("Arnold", Nil())))

case Cons(Person(a, 23), Cons(Person(b, 11), Cons(Person(c, 19), Cons(Person(d, 17), Nil())))) => Cons(a, Cons(c, Nil()))
case Cons(Person(a, 9), Cons(Person(b, 18), Cons(Person(c, 15), Cons(Person(d, 25), Nil())))) => Cons(b, Cons(d, Nil()))
case Nil() => Nil()
case Cons(Person(a, 18), Cons(Person(b, 19), Cons(Person(c, 42), Cons(Person(d, 20), Nil())))) => Cons(a, Cons(b, Cons(c, Cons(d, Nil()))))
case Cons(Person(a, -5), Cons(Person(b, 19), Cons(Person(c, 17), Cons(Person(d, 18), Nil())))) => Cons(b, Cons(d, Nil()))
case Cons(Person(a, -2), Cons(Person(b, 17), Cons(Person(c, 16), Cons(Person(d, 0), Nil())))) => Nil()
case Nil() => Nil()

def posNames(in: List[Person]): List[String] = {
// in.filter(_.age >= 0).map(
// in.collect { p =>
// if (p.age >= 0) Some( else None
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
Expand Down
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions testcases/synthesis/current/HOFs/Tree.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import leon.lang._
import leon.lang.synthesis._

object HOFDecomp1 {
abstract class Tree[T] {
def map[B](f: T => B): Tree[B] = {
this match {
case Node(v, l, r) => Node(f(v),,
case Leaf() => Leaf()

def fold[B](z: B)(f: (T, B, B) => B): B = {
this match {
case Node(v, l, r) => f(v, l.fold(z)(f), r.fold(z)(f))
case Leaf() => z

case class Node[T](v: T, l: Tree[T], r: Tree[T]) extends Tree[T]
case class Leaf[T]() extends Tree[T]

abstract class List[T] {
def filter(f: T => Boolean): List[T] = {
this match {
case Cons(h, t) =>
if (f(h)) {
Cons(h, t.filter(f))
} else {

case Nil() => Nil()

def map[B](f: T => B): List[B] = {
this match {
case Cons(h, t) => Cons(f(h),
case Nil() => Nil[B]()

def foldr[B](z: B)(f: (B, T) => B): B = {
this match {
case Cons(h, t) => f(t.foldr(z)(f), h)
case Nil() => z

def foldl[B](z: B)(f: (B, T) => B): B = {
this match {
case Cons(h, t) => t.foldl(f(z, h))(f)
case Nil() => z

def ++(l: List[T]): List[T] = {
this match {
case Cons(h, t) => Cons(h, t ++ l)
case Nil() => l

case class Cons[T](h: T, t: List[T]) extends List[T]
case class Nil[T]() extends List[T]

def countLeaves(in: Tree[Int]): Int = {
// in.fold(1){ (v,l,r) => l+r }
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Leaf() => 1
case Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()) => 2
case Node(13, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf())) => 3
case Node(13, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Node(13, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()))) => 5

def countNodes(in: Tree[Int]): Int = {
// in.fold(0){ (v,l,r) => 1+l+r }
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Leaf() => 0
case Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()) => 1
case Node(13, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf())) => 2
case Node(13, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Node(13, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()))) => 4

def flatten(in: Tree[Int]): List[Int] = {
// in.fold(Nil) { (v, l, r) => Cons(v, Nil) ++ l ++ r }
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Leaf() => Nil[Int]()
case Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()) => Cons(13, Nil())
case Node(12, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf())) => Cons(12, Cons(13, Nil()))
case Node(12, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()) => Cons(12, Cons(13, Nil()))
case Node(12, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Node(12, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()))) => Cons(12, Cons(13, Cons(12, Cons(13, Nil()))))

def max(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
if (a > b) a else b

def height(in: Tree[Int]): Int = {
// in.fold(0) { (v, l, r) => 1+max(l, r) }
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Leaf() => 0
case Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()) => 1
case Node(13, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf())) => 2
case Node(13, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()) => 2
case Node(13, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Node(13, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()))) => 3

def incr(in: Tree[Int]): Tree[Int] = {
//{ _ + 1 }
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Leaf() => Leaf()
case Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()) => Node(14, Leaf(), Leaf())
case Node(-4, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf())) => Node(-3, Leaf(), Node(14, Leaf(), Leaf()))
case Node(10, Node(11, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()) => Node(11, Node(12, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf())

def maxt(in: Tree[Int]): Int = {
require(in != Leaf[Int]())
// in.fold(in.v) { (v, l, r) => max(v, max(l, r)) }
} ensuring {
out => (in, out) passes {
case Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()) => 13
case Node(11, Leaf(), Leaf()) => 11
case Node(-4, Leaf(), Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf())) => 13
case Node(16, Leaf(), Node(11, Leaf(), Leaf())) => 16
case Node(9, Node(11, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()) => 11
case Node(12, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()) => 13
case Node(12, Node(13, Leaf(), Leaf()), Node(11, Leaf(), Leaf())) => 13

def member(in: Tree[Int], v: Int): Boolean = {
// in.fold(false) { (v2, l, r) => v == v2 || l || r }
} ensuring {
out => ((in, v), out) passes {
case (Leaf(), 10) => false
case (Node(10, Leaf(), Leaf()), 10) => true
case (Node(11, Leaf(), Leaf()), 10) => false
case (Node(11, Node(10, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()), 10) => true
case (Node(11, Leaf(), Node(10, Leaf(), Leaf())), 10) => true
case (Node(11, Node(12, Leaf(), Leaf()), Leaf()), 10) => false
case (Node(11, Leaf(), Node(12, Leaf(), Leaf())), 10) => false

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