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better frame documentation and interface
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mdeff committed Dec 14, 2018
1 parent f4f3e22 commit f44d31d
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209 changes: 141 additions & 68 deletions pygsp/filters/
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Expand Up @@ -322,11 +322,13 @@ def localize(self, i, **kwargs):
That is particularly useful to visualize a filter in the vertex domain.
A kernel is localized by filtering a Kronecker delta, i.e.
A kernel is localized on vertex :math:`v_i` by filtering a Kronecker
delta :math:`\delta_i` as
.. math:: g(L) s = g(L)_i, \text{ where } s_j = \delta_{ij} =
\begin{cases} 0 \text{ if } i \neq j \\
1 \text{ if } i = j \end{cases}
.. math:: (g(L) \delta_i)(j) = g(L)(i,j),
\text{ where } \delta_i(j) =
\begin{cases} 0 \text{ if } i \neq j, \\
1 \text{ if } i = j. \end{cases}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,27 +360,30 @@ def localize(self, i, **kwargs):
s[i] = 1
return np.sqrt(self.G.N) * self.filter(s, **kwargs)

def estimate_frame_bounds(self, min=0, max=None, N=1000,
def estimate_frame_bounds(self, x=None):
r"""Estimate lower and upper frame bounds.
The frame bounds are estimated using the vector :code:`np.linspace(min,
max, N)` with min=0 and max=G.lmax by default. The eigenvalues G.e can
be used instead if you set use_eigenvalues to True.
A filter bank forms a frame if there are positive real numbers
:math:`A` and :math:`B`, :math:`0 < A \leq B < \infty`, that satisfy
the *frame condition*
.. math:: A \|x\|^2 \leq \| g(L) x \|^2 \leq B \|x\|^2
for all signals :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^N`, where :math:`g(L)` is the
analysis operator of the filter bank.
As :math:`g(L) = U g(\Lambda) U^\top` is diagonalized by the Fourier
basis :math:`U` with eigenvalues :math:`\Lambda`, :math:`\| g(L) x \|^2
= \| g(\Lambda) U x \|^2`, and :math:`A = \min g^2(\Lambda)`,
:math:`B = \max g^2(\Lambda)`.
min : float
The lowest value the filter bank is evaluated at. By default
filtering is bounded by the eigenvalues of G, i.e. min = 0.
max : float
The largest value the filter bank is evaluated at. By default
filtering is bounded by the eigenvalues of G, i.e. max = G.lmax.
N : int
Number of points where the filter bank is evaluated.
Default is 1000.
use_eigenvalues : bool
Set to True to use the Laplacian eigenvalues instead.
x : ndarray
Graph frequencies at which to evaluate the filter bank `g(x)`.
The default is `x = np.linspace(0, G.lmax, 1000)`.
The exact bounds are given by evaluating the filter bank at the
eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian, i.e., `x = G.e`.
Expand All @@ -387,68 +392,119 @@ def estimate_frame_bounds(self, min=0, max=None, N=1000,
B : float
Upper frame bound of the filter bank.
See also
compute_frame: compute the frame
>>> G = graphs.Logo()
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 6))
>>> G = graphs.Sensor(64, seed=42)
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> f = filters.MexicanHat(G)
>>> g = filters.Abspline(G, 7)
Bad estimation:
Estimation quality (loose, precise, exact):
>>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(min=1, max=20, N=100)
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds(np.linspace(0, G.lmax, 5))
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=0.125, B=0.270
A=1.883, B=2.288
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=1.708, B=2.359
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds(G.e)
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=1.762, B=2.359
The frame bounds can be seen in the plot of the filter bank as the
minimum and maximum of their squared sum (the black curve):
>>> def plot(g, ax):
... g.plot(ax=ax, title='')
... ax.hlines(B, 0, G.lmax, colors='r', zorder=3,
... label='upper bound $B={:.2f}$'.format(B))
... ax.hlines(A, 0, G.lmax, colors='b', zorder=3,
... label='lower bound $A={:.2f}$'.format(A))
... ax.legend(loc='center right')
>>> plot(g, axes[0, 0])
Better estimation:
The heat kernel has a null-space and doesn't define a frame (the lower
bound should be greater than 0 to have a frame):
>>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> g = filters.Heat(G)
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=0.177, B=0.270
A=0.000, B=1.000
>>> plot(g, axes[0, 1])
Best estimation:
Without a null-space, the heat kernel forms a frame:
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
>>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(use_eigenvalues=True)
>>> g = filters.Heat(G, tau=[1, 10])
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=0.177, B=0.270
A=0.135, B=2.000
>>> plot(g, axes[1, 0])
The Itersine filter bank defines a tight frame:
A kernel and its dual form a tight frame (A=B):
>>> f = filters.Itersine(G)
>>> A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(use_eigenvalues=True)
>>> g = filters.Regular(G)
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=1.000, B=1.000
>>> plot(g, axes[1, 1])
>>> fig.tight_layout()
if max is None:
max = self.G.lmax
The Itersine filter bank forms a tight frame (A=B):
if use_eigenvalues:
x = self.G.e
x = np.linspace(min, max, N)
>>> g = filters.Itersine(G)
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=1.000, B=1.000
sum_filters = np.sum(np.abs(self.evaluate(x)**2), axis=0)
if x is None:
x = np.linspace(0, self.G.lmax, 1000)

sum_filters = np.sum(self.evaluate(x)**2, axis=0)

return sum_filters.min(), sum_filters.max()

def compute_frame(self, **kwargs):
r"""Compute the associated frame.
The size of the returned matrix operator :math:`D` is N x MN, where M
is the number of filters and N the number of nodes. Multiplying this
matrix with a set of signals is equivalent to analyzing them with the
associated filterbank. Though computing this matrix is a rather
inefficient way of doing it.
A filter bank defines a frame, which is a generalization of a basis to
sets of vectors that may be linearly dependent. See
`Wikipedia <>`_.
The frame of a filter bank is the union of the frames of its
constituent filters. The vectors forming the frame are the rows of the
*analysis operator*
The frame is defined as follows:
.. math::
g(L) = \begin{pmatrix} g_0(L) \\ \vdots \\ g_F(L) \end{pmatrix}
\in \mathbb{R}^{NF \times N}, \quad
g_i(L) = U g_i(\Lambda) U^\top,
.. math:: g_i(L) = U g_i(\Lambda) U^*,
where :math:`g_i` are the filter kernels, :math:`N` is the number of
nodes, :math:`F` is the number of filters, :math:`L` is the graph
Laplacian, :math:`\Lambda` is a diagonal matrix of the Laplacian's
eigenvalues, and :math:`U` is the Fourier basis, i.e., its columns are
the eigenvectors of the Laplacian.
where :math:`g` is the filter kernel, :math:`L` is the graph Laplacian,
:math:`\Lambda` is a diagonal matrix of the Laplacian's eigenvalues,
and :math:`U` is the Fourier basis, i.e. its columns are the
eigenvectors of the Laplacian.
The matrix :math:`g(L)` represents the *analysis operator* of the
frame. Its adjoint :math:`g(L)^\top` represents the *synthesis
operator*. A signal :math:`x` is thus analyzed with the frame by
:math:`y = g(L) x`, and synthesized from its frame coefficients by
:math:`z = g(L)^\top y`. Computing this matrix is however a rather
inefficient way of doing those operations.
If :math:`F > 1`, the frame is said to be over-complete and the
representation :math:`g(L) x` of the signal :math:`x` is said to be
If the frame is tight, the *frame operator* :math:`g(L)^\top g(L)` is
diagonal, with entries equal to the frame bound :math:`A = B`.
Expand All @@ -458,39 +514,56 @@ def compute_frame(self, **kwargs):
frame : ndarray
Matrix of size N x MN.
Array of size (#nodes x #filters) x #nodes.
See also
estimate_frame_bounds: estimate the frame bounds
filter: more efficient way to filter signals
Filtering signals as a matrix multiplication.
>>> G = graphs.Sensor(N=1000, seed=42)
>>> G.estimate_lmax()
>>> f = filters.MexicanHat(G, Nf=6)
>>> G = graphs.Sensor(100, seed=42)
>>> G.compute_fourier_basis()
Filtering as a multiplication with the matrix representation of the
frame analysis operator:
>>> g = filters.MexicanHat(G, Nf=6)
>>> s = np.random.uniform(size=G.N)
>>> frame = f.compute_frame()
>>> frame.shape
(1000, 1000, 6)
>>> frame = frame.reshape(G.N, -1).T
>>> s1 =, s)
>>> s1 = s1.reshape(G.N, -1)
>>> gL = g.compute_frame()
>>> gL.shape
(600, 100)
>>> s1 =
>>> s1 = s1.reshape(G.N, -1, order='F')
>>> s2 = f.filter(s)
>>> s2 = g.filter(s)
>>> np.all(np.abs(s1 - s2) < 1e-10)
The frame operator of a tight frame is the identity matrix times the
frame bound:
>>> g = filters.Itersine(G)
>>> A, B = g.estimate_frame_bounds()
>>> print('A={:.3f}, B={:.3f}'.format(A, B))
A=1.000, B=1.000
>>> gL = g.compute_frame(method='exact')
>>> gL.shape
(600, 100)
>>> np.all( - np.identity(G.N) < 1e-10)
if self.G.N > 2000:
_logger.warning('Creating a big matrix, you can use other means.')
_logger.warning('Creating a big matrix. '
'You should prefer the filter method.')

# Filter one delta per vertex.
s = np.identity(self.G.N)
return self.filter(s, **kwargs)
return self.filter(s, **kwargs).T.reshape(-1, self.G.N)

def can_dual(self):
r"""Creates a dual graph form a given graph"""
Expand Down
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions pygsp/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def _test_methods(self, f, tight, check=True):
f.evaluate(np.random.normal(size=(4, 6, 3)))

A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(use_eigenvalues=True)
A, B = f.estimate_frame_bounds(self._G.e)
if tight:
np.testing.assert_allclose(A, B)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,13 +67,11 @@ def _test_methods(self, f, tight, check=True):
# Computing the frame is an alternative way to filter.
# Though it is memory intensive.
F = f.compute_frame(method='exact')
F = F.reshape(self._G.N, -1)
s =, -1).squeeze()
s =, self._G.N).T.squeeze()
np.testing.assert_allclose(s, s2)

F = f.compute_frame(method='chebyshev', order=100)
F = F.reshape(self._G.N, -1)
s =, -1).squeeze()
s =, self._G.N).T.squeeze()
np.testing.assert_allclose(s, s3)

# TODO: f.can_dual()
Expand Down

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