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This project uses the Arduino Nano 33 IoT and depends on:

  • FreeRTOS_SAMD21 (2.3.0)
  • ArduinoBLE (1.2.2)

This is the firmware for the LureBot. It implements:

  1. The low level motor control and power management
  2. A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface to accept commands and communicate information to clients

Customizing parameters

Multiple parameters concerning the functionality of the robot and/or other parameters not related to the motion of the robot are located in the file parameters.h.

UUID definitions (BLE)

In the header file uuid_defs.h you may find all the definitions of the services and characteristics that are used. In short, there exist the following services and characteristics:

  • General information service (2a00970d-6592-4c13-bfc0-6eab4c021967)
    • Device name (6a7d1ab3-8e30-44a3-ab60-adf2247233ff)
      • Properties: Read
      • Type: string
    • Firmware version flashed (f2fac9b2-6646-402a-a387-8aace42aec50)
      • Properties: Read
      • Type: string
  • Motor velocity service (577be3a5-d33d-4961-a2d0-eb0e48d6f0c8)
    • Target velocity (b8c18dc6-1b80-4833-bad3-7f3411cdb25f)
      • Properties: Read | WriteWithNoResponse
      • Type: uint8_t[6]
        • | message id (2 bytes) | left motor (2 bytes) | right motor (2 bytes) |
      • Comments: Velocities are sent in an unsigned range 0-65536. Half of the values represent negative numbers the non-negative. It is expected that the received value is mm/s with 1 decimal point of precision (i.e., 30.2 cm/s ~> 302 mm/s).
    • Current velocity (49a6d7a3-658a-4a3c-81e7-7a3360ecdaaf)
      • Properties: Read | Notify
      • Type: uint8_t[4]
        • | left motor (2 bytes) | right motor (2 bytes) |
    • Return current velocity (b8c18dc6-1b80-4833-bad3-7f3411cdb25f)
      • Properties: Read | WriteWithNoResponse
      • Type: uint8_t
        • | True/False (1 byte) |
  • Max acceleration service (84f74144-6d58-4e96-98b0-c9eab0bcdc55)
    • Max acceleration (6e9942df-a2ec-477a-96da-79ec9b78ba9f)
      • Properties: Read | WriteWithNoResponse
      • Type: uint8_t[2]
        • | max acceleration (2 bytes) |
      • Comments: Accelerations are to be sent in mm/s^2 (i.e., 1.75 m/s^2 ~> 175 mm/s^2).
  • Duty cycle service (f19b954f-ff61-423c-bf6a-587a791b14a7)
    • Duty cycle percentage (34a29f06-ef2f-433d-8749-3122b3259a82)
      • Properties: Read | WriteWithNoResponse
      • Type: uint8_t
        • | duty cycle percentage (1 byte) |
      • Comments: Percentage values in range [0, 100].
  • IR service (not offered at the moment)
  • Dropped messages service (fbbfb9b9-ce47-4ce8-9156-f1139560022e)
    • Return dropped messages (312abc15-73cf-4a55-9f8f-f822a66f2bf7)
      • Properties: Read | WriteWithNoResponse
      • Type: uint8_t
        • | True/False (1 byte) |
    • Dropped message counters (e354a4a8-3202-401d-9bb6-2f918c257338)
      • Properties: Read | WriteWithNoResponse
      • Type: uint8_t[16]
        • | number of dropped packets (8 bytes) | number of total messages received (8 bytes) |