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Integration for Cilium's Hubble UI as an OpenShift Web console plugin


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Hubble UI as an OpenShift console plug-in

Dynamic plugins allow you to extend the OpenShift UI at runtime, adding custom pages and other extensions. They are based on webpack module federation. Plugins are registered with console using the ConsolePlugin custom resource and enabled in the console operator config by a cluster administrator.

Using the latest v1 API version of ConsolePlugin CRD, requires OpenShift 4.12 and higher. For using old v1alpha1 API version us OpenShift version 4.10 or 4.11.

For an example of a plugin that works with OpenShift 4.11, see the release-4.11 branch. For a plugin that works with OpenShift 4.10, see the release-4.10 branch.

Node.js and yarn are required to build and run the example. To run OpenShift console in a container, either Docker or podman 3.2.0+ and oc are required.


Option 1: Local

In one terminal window, run:

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn run start

In another terminal window, run:

  1. oc login (requires oc and an OpenShift cluster)
  2. yarn build-dev
  3. Run npm_package_consolePlugin_name=okd-epfl-hubble-ui yarn run start-console (requires Docker or podman 3.2.0+)

This will run the OpenShift console in a container connected to the cluster you've logged into. The plugin HTTP server runs on port 9001 with CORS enabled. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/hubble-ui to see the running plugin.

Finally, in a third terminal window,

  1. Clone the feature/mashable branch of the epfl-si/hubble-ui-epfl GitHub project and cd into it:
    git clone -b feature/mashable
    cd hubble-ui-epfl
  2. Run it according to its own instructions i.e.
    npm install
    env DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH=.env.fsd npm run dev

When prompted for your token, obtain it with

oc whoami -t

in a fourth terminal window

Running start-console with Apple silicon and podman

If you are using podman on a Mac with Apple silicon, yarn run start-console might fail since it runs an amd64 image. You can workaround the problem with qemu-user-static by running these commands:

podman machine ssh
sudo -i
rpm-ostree install qemu-user-static
systemctl reboot

Option 2: Docker + VSCode Remote Container

Make sure the Remote Containers extension is installed. This method uses Docker Compose where one container is the OpenShift console and the second container is the plugin. It requires that you have access to an existing OpenShift cluster. After the initial build, the cached containers will help you start developing in seconds.

  1. Create a dev.env file inside the .devcontainer folder with the correct values for your cluster:
  1. (Ctrl+Shift+P) => Remote Containers: Open Folder in Container...
  2. yarn run start
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:9000/example

Deployment on cluster

A Helm chart is available to deploy the plugin to an OpenShift environment.

The following Helm parameters are required:

  • plugin.image
    The location of the image containing the plugin that was previously pushed
  • hubbleUI.image
    The location of the image containing our fork of the Hubble UI
  • hubbleUI.hostname
    The host name for the route at which the Hubble UI will be accessible (in an iframe embedded within the right panel that the OpenShift console plugin renders)
  • hubbleAPI.accessList
    The list of authenticated users who may access the Hubble API, as a ClusterRoleBinding-style subject: list
  • hubbleAPI.tokenReflector.image
    The location of the image that reflects the token back to the OKD console plug-in (from an HTMLOnly cookie to a bearer token)

For instance:

helm upgrade okd-epfl-hubble-ui charts/okd-epfl-hubble-ui \
  --namespace hubble --set "" \
  --set "hubbleAPI.accessList[0]" \
  --set "hubbleAPI.accessList[0].kind=User" \
  --set "hubbleAPI.accessList[0].name=$(whoami)" \
  --set ""

Additional parameters can be specified if desired. Consult the chart values file for the full set of supported parameters.

Building and Installing using the configuration-as-code

This project is managed as part of (the cilium branch of) . In order to load it “properly” from there, the steps are as follows:

  1. Make a new tagged release here, e.g.
    1. Bump the version fields in package.json (⚠ two places) and charts/okd-epfl-hubble-ui/Chart.yaml
    2. Commit, tag and push these changes:
      git commit -m "[chore] Version 0.1.2345" package.json charts/okd-epfl-hubble-ui/Chart.yaml
      git tag v0.1.2345
      git push
      git push --tags
    3. Wait a bit for the GitHub action to do its job.
  2. Sync the version in the configuration-as-code: in your checked out revision epfl-si/sddc-ocp, edit vars/versions.yml and update hubble_ui_epfl_version
  3. Build the new image in the hub cluster: for instance,
    ./xaasible -t
  4. Deploy in a canary cluster: for instance,
    ./xaasible -l -t  -vvv
