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Alfonso² Peterssen edited this page May 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the EPFL Telegram Bot wiki!


/login to link your EPFL account.

/logout to unlink your EPFL account.

/status to show the linked EPFL account.

EPFL Directory (inline search)

@epflbot query to search the EPFL directory.

@epflbot 123456 search by SCIPER.

Enabled for authenticated users only. Members with a linked EPFL account will be marked with a 🤖 (bot-face), and can be contacted via Telegram.

Clicking a member photo opens the EPFL profile page. Clicking the text, leaves a contact info badge.

Public Transport

/metro to get next M1 departures. /bus 701 to get next 701/705 departures.

EPFL Events

/events to get a list of future EPFL events.

Room occupancy

/room CO021 to get a room availability.


/survey to fill available surveys. /feedback to give your opinion or suggest new features and improvements.


/menus to get available menus.

It also includes a useful filtering feature e.g.:

/menus bc to get the BC cafeteria menus.

No need to type the whole word, to search for Esplanade menus use: /menus esp