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Typical Command Lines

Run tests:

$ pytest

Run tests and show coverage:

$ coverage run && coverage html && open htmlcov/index.html


$ mypy apps/registry

Create Database

Create the database directory:

$ mkdir databases/postgres

Initialize the database:

$ initdb -D databases/postgres

Start the postgres server:

$ honcho start

Create the application database:

$ createdb cast_registry

Create the database user:

$ createuser cast_registry

Grant access for database to user:

$ psql -d cast_registry -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cast_registry to cast_registry;"


$ python migrate


There are two preconfigured services for fastdeploy living in the ansible directory:

  • registry
  • cast
  • wordpress

The registry service is used to deploy other things like cast hosting or wordpress services. It's deployed via:

$ ansible-playbook register.yml