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Chatup is a chat application built on the support of Firebase. It is currently a one-to-one chatting application but the future goals are to support bluetooth feature and group chat.


  • One to One Chat
  • Notifications
  • Dark Mode
  • Contacts
  • Bluetooth (Coming Soon)
  • Group Chat (Coming Soon)

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Screenshots of the Project

These are the temporary screen shots,

Project Setup

In order to access this project in your remote system

  1. Clone the project.
  2. Create a new Firebase project on
  3. Once a project is created, open it on Firebase and add an android app by entering its package name and your SHA1 Debug Key (optional).
  4. Download the google-services.json file that is created after entering the details.
  5. Add the google-services.json file to your local clone of the project in the app folder.
  6. Enable email and phone authentication under Authentication column in your Firebase Console
  7. Run the gradle.

Contribution Guidelines

Any kind of contribution to the project is highly welcomed, as this project is selected for KWoC and many other open source programs, we encourage all participants new to open source to give it a try. Any one willing to contribute to this particular project must follow the contribution for cleanliness, easy to read and smooth working of the project,

  1. Raise an issue before you make a pull request.
  2. No changes should be pushed in the development branch. Always make a new branch.
  3. Squash all your commits into a single commit before creating a pull request.
  4. If the pull request for the issue isnt raised within 2 weeks, the issue will be considered as inactive can be assigned to another contributor.

Pull Requests

We welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take for the mentors to respond within 24-48 hours to any issue or request. Here are some basic rules to follow to ensure timely addition of your request:

  1. Match coding style (braces, spacing, etc.) This is best achieved using Reformat Code feature of Android Studio CMD+Option+L on Mac and CTRL + ALT + L on Linux + Windows .
  2. If its a feature, bugfix, or anything please only change code to what you specify.
  3. Please keep Pull Request titles easy to read and descriptive of changes, this will make them easier to merge :)
  4. Pull requests must be made against a new branch. Any other branch (unless specified by the maintainers) like master will get rejected.
  5. Check for existing issues first, before filing an issue.
  6. Make sure you follow the set standard as all other projects in this repo do
  7. Have fun!