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Torch Helpers, a set of utilities for PyTorch Machine Learning Workflow

What does this do? It does:

  1. Automatically setting the cuda flag so that you don't have to do that manually.

    import torch_helpers as h
    h.varify(torch.randn(5, 2))  # <== Automatically setting cuda depending on if torch.cuda.is_availabe()
    # And you can override this!
    a = h.varify(torch.randn(5, 2), cuda=False)
    b = h.varify(torch.randn(5, 2), cuda=True)
    # The defaut is "auto"
    b = h.varify(torch.randn(5, 2), cuda="auto")



  • h.varify, returns <torch.Variable> requires grad.
  • h.const, returns <torch.Variable> with requires_grad=False
  • h.volatile, returns <torch.Variable> with volatile=True.
  • h.one_hot, encodes one_hot vector
  • h.sample_probs, applies a mask to a categorical distribution, and passes gradient back through the distribution.
  • h.cast, casts variables and tensors to a different type. For example int -> float.


pip install torch_helpers


Here is a snippet from the test:

import torch
import numpy as np
import torch_helpers as h

def test_requires_grad():
    assert h.requires_grad(requires_grad=True) is True
    assert h.requires_grad(requires_grad=False) is False
    assert h.requires_grad(volatile=True) is False
    assert h.requires_grad(volatile=False) is False
    assert h.requires_grad(requires_grad=True, volatile=True) is False
    assert h.requires_grad(requires_grad=False, volatile=True) is False
    assert h.requires_grad(requires_grad=False, volatile=False) is False
    assert h.requires_grad(requires_grad=True, volatile=False) is True

def test_varify():
    # varify takes integer range objects
    x = range(0, 3)
    v = h.varify(x, 'int')  # setting a `Float` tensor results in RunTimeError

    # takes float arrays
    x = np.arange(0.0, 3.0)
    v = h.varify(x)

    # takes torch tensors
    x = torch.randn(4, 1)
    t = h.varify(x)

    t = h.varify(x, volatile=True)

    t = h.const(x, volatile=True)
    assert t.requires_grad is False and t.volatile is True

    # You can override the requires_grad flag in constants.
    # This is useful when you want to have a constant by default, but
    # would like to switch to var when a requires_grad flag is passed in.
    t = h.const(x, requires_grad=True)
    assert t.requires_grad is True

# h.one_hot gives you one_hot encoding
def test_one_hot():
    acts = h.const([1, 2], dtype='int')
    n = 3
    oh = h.one_hot(acts, n)
    h.assert_equal(, h.tensorify([[0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]),
                   message="one_hot gives incorrect output {}".format(oh))

# For RL tasks, `h.sample_probs` allows you to back-prop through action probability
def test_mask():
    probs = h.varify([[0.1, 0.2, 0.7], [0.4, 0.5, 0.1]])
    acts = h.const([1, 2], dtype='int')
    sampled_probs = h.sample_probs(probs, acts)
    dp =
    assert dp[0, 1] is not None and dp[1, 2] is not None, 'key entries of probs grad should be non-zero'

To Develop

git clone
cd torch_helpers
make dev

To test, run

make test

This make dev command should build the wheel and install it in your current python environment. Take a look at the ./Makefile for details.

To publish, first update the version number, then do:

make publish


A collection of helpers for pyTorch






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