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Fabric java SDK


Experimental Experimental Fabric SDK for Java. Don't use it in production. Examples demonstrate that this client is usable. Please submit patches and open issues with your experience. This repo contains java code generated from customized Equinix Fabric OAS3. The client is generated using the java client support built into the openapi-generator.


  1. Jq ( : Jq command is used inside makefile to format OAS 3.0 JSON read from Equinix Public Url.

     brew install jq
  2. Docker : We generate the fabric-java client by utilising the openapi-generator-cli docker image to consume the Fabric OAS 3.0 spec which is provided as option in makefile. To install docker refer to:

  3. Building the API client library requires:

    1. Java 1.7+
    2. Maven

Generate and build equinix fabric java client:

Using openapi-generator-cli v3 docker image :

make generate

This will:

  1. Clean the current working directory
  2. Download the Fabric OAS 3.0 Spec for the version specified in the OPENAPI_URL Makefile variable
  3. Apply the patches to the Fabric OAS 3.0 Spec with what is present in the patches directory
  4. Pull down the openapi generator cli docker image (Version of image specified in the Makefile)
  5. Generate the Fabric Java SDK Client based on the Patched Fabric OAS 3.0 Spec
  6. Build the generated Fabric Java SDK Client with mvn clean package

Running sample:

Build generated client (The Makefile command make generate includes these commands as well):

cd equinix-openapi-fabric
mvn clean package

Create a sample file with the following code:

// Import classes:
import com.equinix.openapi.fabric.ApiClient;
import com.equinix.openapi.fabric.ApiException;
import com.equinix.openapi.fabric.Configuration;
import com.equinix.openapi.fabric.auth.*;
import com.equinix.openapi.fabric.v4.model.*;
import com.equinix.openapi.fabric.v4.api.PortsApi;
import java.util.UUID;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    // Configure HTTP bearer authorization: BearerAuth
    HttpBearerAuth BearerAuth = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("BearerAuth");

    PortsApi apiInstance = new PortsApi(defaultClient);
    try {
      Port result = apiInstance.getPortByUuid(UUID.fromString("<RetrievePortUUIDFromFabricPortal>"));
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling ConnectionsApi#createConnection");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Sample can be run by consuming local jars produced after building generated fabric-java client (Notice that the version numbers in the jar path will change over time, input correct path into the <current_version_#> space in the command and the name of your example file into <your-example-name> below):

java -classpath "equinix-openapi-fabric/target/equinix-openapi-fabric-<current_version_#>.jar:equinix-openapi-fabric/target/lib/*" <your-example-name>.java

Contribution guidelines

Code Changes

No manual code changes should be made. All .java files are generated with the OpenAPI Generator CLI. If there are updates you think should be made to the generated client then they should be handled through patches. The patching process is detailed below.

Patching OAS 3.0 Spec

  1. Make changes in spec/oas3.patched.json dir.
  2. Create a patch file in fabric-java:
    cd spec
    git diff oas3.patched/ > ../patches/spec.fetched.json/<patchfilename>
    cd ..
  3. patchfilename should be in format: <patch_index>-<short_patch_decription_or_identifier>.patch
  4. Run make generate to reapply the changes to oas spec.
  5. Before pushing changes, commit fabric-java/spec/oas3.patched.json along with the patch file.