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Alarm & Events API

Geir Arne Rødde edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 27 revisions

Alarm & Events API

Alarm & Events API, exposing A&E data from SAS/SCADA systems, released to prod ultimo November 2023. Data is available in the API with a few (2-5) minutes delay after the event has happened in the source system.

Original data source is SAS/SCADA system on facility, but source for pipelines to Omnia is copy of these data provided in databases on office/corporate network, as show in the EA Architecture Diagram.

The API is found in Equinor API portal, here (sign in required).

Facilities supported

The API is released before data from all facilities is implemented, use the GetSources end point to se which facilities are available in the API. Per December 2023 data is provided for 14 facilities (Norway), work will be continued to add further EPN and EPI facilities.

Access regime

The access is restricted per facility. Systems and/or persons having access to Timeseries for a certain facility, will have access to Alarms & Events for the same facility.

Teams that intend to utilize the Alarm & Events data through the API, please make a request to Omnia Industrial IoT via Services@Equinor, here. Tick the "Alarm & Events in Omnia" check box.

In order to access the API, this API permission is needed. API: omnia-iiot-ae-api-production, Permission: AE.Read. The Omnia Ind IoT will provide that, ref bullet above.

Data set - short description

Data returned in API is shortly described in table below.

Parameter Description Example
Facility Facility code, as fetched from GetSources.
sourceName The source for the data you want to query. It may be equal to a "tag" / functional location, but this is not standardized. Will differ from facility to facility. 19* - To get all A&E from system 19
description The [tag] description
startTime The start time for events you will retrieve, should be used in most cases to reduce the result set returned. Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). 2023-06-29T00:00:00
endTime Format - date-time (as date-time in RFC3339). 2023-06-30T23:59:59
eventType OPC: Simple, Tracking or Condition
eventCategory OPC: EventCategoryName. Other: Name of EventCategory of originating EventLog: Operator, System, Process, Alarm…
message Event description: On, Off, Start, Stop, Running, Open, Close, Opened, Closed etc.
severity Severity as received from datasource
priority Priority, harmonized according to TR1494; Mapping table Severity - Priority - Priority Text (pr. facility) 1 - Safety Critical alarms, 2 - Critical alarms, 3 - Less Critical alarms, 4 - Non-Critical alarms
condition Alarm Event identifier: HH, H, L, LL, Alarm, Limit, Value, Deviation, Manual, Forced, Blocked…
activeState State; on or off True, False
ackedState Acked, Acknowledged, Unacknowledged etc. True, False
alarmState New, Active, Acked, Hidden, Shelved, Normal, Return, Inactive. Harmonized according to TR1494


In order to ensure effective use of the API, limiting the result set to what is actually of interest, the filtering capabilities should be used. Filtering can be applied on all the above mentioned attributes. Facility and sourceName are mandatory, the latter may be "*" for "all".

API Examples

List all facilities with data available in API

Host: {host}
Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}


    "items": [{
        "facility": "AHA"
    }, {
        "facility": "ASGA"
    }, {
        "facility": "ASGB"
    }, {
        "facility": "GFA"
    }, {
        "facility": "GFB"
    }, {
        "facility": "GFC"
    }, {
        "facility": "GKR"
    }, {
        "facility": "HD"
    }, {
        "facility": "KRIS"
    }, {
        "facility": "MLA"
    }, {
        "facility": "NOR"
    }, {
        "facility": "OSF"
    }, {
        "facility": "TROA"
    }, {
        "facility": "VIS"

Get first event from a specific source

Get first event (limit=1) from source "19DP2154A" at Åsgard A after a given time. "otherFields" included, so that we can see how data looked in the source before harmonized in Omnia.

Host: {host}
Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}


    "items": [{
        "timestamp": "2024-01-24T08:30:01.0800000Z",
        "sourceName": "19DP2154A",
        "description": "Fiscal Metering Topside Subsea",
        "eventType": "Condition",
        "eventCategory": "SystemAlarm",
        "message": "Forrige WriteOnChange ikke eksekvert",
        "severity": null,
        "priority": 2,
        "condition": null,
        "alarmState": "DigAlActive",
        "ackedState": false,
        "activeState": true,
        "suppressedOrShelved": false,
        "node": "PCU132",
        "processArea": null,
        "actiontime": null,
        "otherFields": {
            "dB_ID": 415776853,
            "priority": "Pri 2",
            "eventType": "Systemalarm",
            "acked": false,
            "priority_NR": 2,
            "eventType_NR": 1,
            "alarmState_NR": 5,
            "alarmLevel_NR": 7,
            "eventSubType_NR": 0,
            "origin": "PIO.01.000.0111.0115.PT.~0001",
            "members": "",
            "suppState": 1,
            "redunRole": 2,
            "cause": 1,
            "seq": 6169,
            "eventId": "00000000-0000-0080-8000-000018c84055"
    "totalCount": 8,
    "continuationToken": "eyJPZmZzZXQiOjF9"

Get latest Alarm with a specific priority.

Get latest Priority 2 Alarm from KRIStin. The clue to get the latest is "sort=Desc".

Host: {host}
Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}


    "items": [{
        "timestamp": "2024-01-24T09:19:10.0550000Z",
        "sourceName": "18TT3303",
        "description": "Oppstrøms choke, brønn 3, ramme P",
        "eventType": "Condition",
        "eventCategory": "ProcessAlarm",
        "message": "H",
        "severity": null,
        "priority": 2,
        "condition": "WH",
        "alarmState": "Aktiv",
        "ackedState": false,
        "activeState": true,
        "suppressedOrShelved": false,
        "node": "S04-PS74",
        "processArea": "Subsea",
        "actiontime": null
    "continuationToken": "eyJPZmZzZXQiOjF9"

Return Events in time window, exclude some items.

Use != to exclude specific items from list, here 2 sources are excluded (result not shown).

Host: {host}
Connection: keep-alive
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}

Alarm & Events Streaming

As an alternative to using the API to pull for A&E, you may configure an EventHub and instruct our API to stream data to that hub continuously as we receive data from the data sources. Currently EventHub is the only receiving hub supported.

Establish receiving hub and set stream destination

Configure a receiving EventHub in your own subscription, and use this endpoint to instruct API where to stream data. The connection string provided must have write access.


Create stream subscription

Call streaming/subscriptions to instruct which facilities to stream data for. There is no filtering capabilities, so all Alarms & Events from each faciity will be streamed to destination.


Terminate (delete) stream subscription

Terminate (delete) streaming for a given facility using the endpoint DEL streaming/facilities.
