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Getting started with NeqSim in Matlab

Even Solbraa edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 25 revisions

The following steps describes how to set up NeqSim Matlab for first use:

1. Download NeqSim Matlab to the local disk

Download or Clone neqsim matlab to your local disk from the neqsim matlab main page.

Alternatively you can import it directly by right clicking in the Current Folder frame in the Matlab - select source control - and insert the url:

pathstring = 'C:\.......\neqsimmatlab\';

2. (optional) Set up the database connection Changing the database is only necessary if an external database will be used. By default neqsimmatlab uses the embedded parameter database (Derby database). If an external database will be used, the connection string to the database need to be modified in pathNeqSim.m:

neqsim.util.database.NeqSimDataBase.setDataBaseType("Derby"); neqsim.util.database.NeqSimDataBase.setConnectionString("jdbc:derby:classpath:......");

3. Run the pathNeqSim.m script

The script sets up the path to the local neqsim matlab installation and makes the neqsim java library (NeqSim.jar) available to Matlab. I also adds needed directories (example/lib/..) to the Matlab path.

4. Run an example script check that neqsimmatlab works correctly:

Run the ex2.m script in Matlab.

See more examples of Matlab calculations