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Getting started with NeqSim and Github

Even Solbraa edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 13 revisions

The NeqSim library as a jar files can be downloaded from the NeqSim release pages. A shaded library is distributed including all dependent libraries used by NeqSim. Use of NeqSim in a Java program is done by adding NeqSim.jar to the classpath.

Building NeqSim from source is done by cloning the project to a local directory on the developer computer. Building the code is done using JDK8+. NeqSim uses a number of libraries (jar files) for various calculations. These libraries must be available as part of the compilation process. The required libraries are listed in the pom.xml file. NeqSim can be built using the Maven build system ( All NeqSim build dependencies are given in the pom.xml file.

An interactive demonstration of how to get started as a NeqSim developer is presented in this NeqSim Colab demo.

Also see NeqSim JavaDoc.

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