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Electric Vehicle Charging application for PRPO


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PRPO projekt: EVCharging

Aplikacija za iskanje, rezerviranje in uporabo polnilnic za električne avtomobile.

All the passwords are hardcoded (since this is a one time project for a uni class), but the services aren't live anymore.

Navodila za uporabo

mvn clean package
docker-compose build
docker-compose up


  • Keycloak (avtentikacija): http://localhost:7999
    • Login: admin:password
    • Uporabniki: user1:password, owner1:password, admin1:password, microservice:password
  • Glavna storitev: http://localhost:8080
    • API: /v1/<endpoint>
    • OpenAPI UI: /openapi
    • OpenAPI spec: /openapi/spec
  • Mikrostoritev "reports": http://localhost:8081
    • API: /v1/reports
  • Mikrostoritev "invoices": http://localhost:8082
    • API: /v1/invoices?user=<userId>&charge=<chargeId>

Podatkovni model

Razredni diagram

Koda za podatkovni model (Mermaid sintaksa):


Avtorja projekta sta Ana Strmčnik in Erazem Kokot. Projekt je licenciran z MIT licenco.