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chloechollet committed May 24, 2023
1 parent 5a6a162 commit 689b68f
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Showing 2 changed files with 27 additions and 182 deletions.
44 changes: 27 additions & 17 deletions texts/xml-provisional/DHARMA_INSCIK00852.xml
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Expand Up @@ -5,20 +5,28 @@
<title>Phnom Bayang stela (1029 śaka)</title>
<title>Phnom Bayang stela (K. 852, 1029 śaka)</title>
<resp>EpiDoc Encoding</resp>
<persName ref="part:chch">
<persName ref="part:kuch">
<resp>intellectual authorship of edition</resp>
<persName ref="">
<!-- <persName ref="part:kuch">
Expand All @@ -32,7 +40,7 @@ or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View,
California, 94041, USA.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet.</p>
<p>Copyright (c) 2019-2025 by Chloé Chollet and Kunthea Chhom.</p>
<date from="2019" to="2025">2019-2025</date>
Expand All @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@
<p><!-- The script name(s) will be inserted here at a later stage from the metadata spreasheet. At this stage, you can mention here in a free-text paragraph any characteristics of the writing observed more than once in this inscription that seem unusual/uncommon or otherwise noteworthy given the general characteristics of the script in question. See EGD 11.2. --></p>
<p>Angkorian script, ca. 12th century CE.</p>
Expand All @@ -70,6 +78,7 @@
<change who="part:chch" when="2021-12-20">Added translation</change>
<change who="part:kuch" when="2021-06-09" status="draft">Initial encoding of the inscription</change>
<change who="part:chch" when="2021-03-07">Initial encoding of the text.</change>
Expand All @@ -83,12 +92,12 @@
<lb n="4"/>jaṁnvan· vraḥ pāda kamrateṅ· Añ· śrīdharaṇīndravarmmadeva ta kamra<lb
n="5" break="no"/>teṅ· jagat· śrībhadreśvarāśrama<g type="dotMid">.</g> sruk· śrībhadreśvarāśrama pakṣa khne<lb
n="6" break="no"/>t·<g type="dotMid">.</g> ta gi khloñ· vidyāvāsa<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ· pun·<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ· sān·<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ· va<lb
n="7" break="no"/>ṅśa<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan· kanmyaṅ·<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅa ratna<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan ta vrau<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan· kandic·<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ grāt·<supplied reason="omitted"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> teṅ·
<lb n="8"/>vīja<g type="dotMid">.</g> sruk· travāṅ· krvac· pakṣa rṇnoc· ta gi khloñ· viṣṇupada<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ·
<lb n="9"/>vīra<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ· mūla<supplied reason="omitted"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> teṅ· tvan· qso<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ <unclear>tv</unclear>an vau<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvana snaṁ<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅa vraḥ vlu<lb
n="10" break="no"/>k·<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅa śrotrīya<supplied reason="omitted"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> teṅ· sarasvati<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan· cau thṅe<g type="circleTarget">.</g> bh<unclear>ū</unclear>mi sa<unclear>m</unclear>āpa ti ce<lb
n="11" break="no"/>ka bhāga vyara sme nā thve vraḥ pūjā<g type="dotMid">.</g> dakṣiṇa khnet<unclear>·<g type="dotMid">.</g></unclear> Uttara rṇnoc·<supplied reason="lost"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> raṅko
<lb n="12"/>vraḥ pūjā paṁre pratidina je mvaya sre nivandha smiṅ· prā<unclear>ṁ</unclear> khnet·<g type="dotMid">.</g> prāṁ rṇnoc· <g type="ddandaHooked">.</g> <g type="floretQuatrefoil">.</g>
n="7" break="no"/>ṅśa<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan· kanmyaṅ·<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ<supplied reason="omitted">·</supplied> ratna<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan ta vrau<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan· kandic·<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ grāt·<supplied reason="omitted"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> teṅ·
<lb n="8"/>vīja<g type="circleMed">.</g> sruk· travāṅ· krvac· pakṣa rṇ<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice>oc· ta gi khloñ· viṣṇupada<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ·
<lb n="9"/>vīra<g type="dotMid">.</g> loñ· mūla<supplied reason="omitted"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> teṅ· tvan· qso<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ <unclear>tv</unclear>an vau<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan<supplied reason="omitted">·</supplied> snaṁ<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ<supplied reason="omitted">·</supplied> vraḥ vlu<lb
n="10" break="no"/>k·<g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ<supplied reason="omitted">·</supplied> śrotrīya<supplied reason="omitted"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> teṅ· sarasvati<!--corr. ? <choice><orig>i</orig><reg>ī</reg></choice>--><g type="dotMid">.</g> teṅ tvan· cau thṅe<g type="circleTarget">.</g> bh<unclear>ū</unclear>mi sa<unclear>m</unclear>āpa ti ce<lb
n="11" break="no"/>k<supplied reason="omitted">·</supplied> bhāga vyara sme nā thve vraḥ pūjā<g type="dotMid">.</g> dakṣiṇa khnet<unclear>·<g type="dotMid">.</g></unclear> Uttara rṇ<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice>oc·<supplied reason="lost"><g type="dotMid">.</g></supplied> raṅko
<lb n="12"/>vraḥ pūjā paṁre pratidina je mvaya sre nivandha smiṅ· prā<unclear>ṁ</unclear> khnet·<g type="dotMid">.</g> prāṁ rṇ<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice>oc·<g type="ddandaHooked">.</g> <g type="floretQuatrefoil">.</g>
<div type="apparatus">
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<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">teṅ tvan vrau</rdg>
<app loc="8">
<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">rṇṇoc·</rdg>
<app loc="10">
<!--<app loc="10">
<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">sarasvatī</rdg>
<app loc="10">
<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">sa<seg type="aksara"><seg type="component" subtype="body"><gap reason="illegible" quantity="1" unit="component"/></seg>ā</seg>pa</rdg>
<note>The name could also be restored as Sakhāpa.</note>
<app loc="12">
<lem>Uttara rṇnoc·</lem>
<lem>Uttara rṇ<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice>oc·</lem>
<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">Uttara rṇṇoc·</rdg>
<app loc="12">
<lem>prāṁ rṇnoc·</lem>
<lem>prāṁ rṇ<choice><orig>n</orig><reg>ṇ</reg></choice>oc·</lem>
<rdg source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">prāṁ rṇṇoc·</rdg>
<div type="translation" xml:lang="fra" source="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01">
<p n="1-12">1029 <foreign>śaka</foreign>, dixième jour de la lune décroissante de Vaiśākha, dimanche, mansion lunaire Revatī, <supplied reason="subaudible">eut lieu</supplied> l'érection du dieu <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>kamrateṅ jagat</foreign></supplied> du Śrī <placeName type="builtPlace" subtype="āśrama">Bhadreśvarāśrama</placeName>, œuvre royale de Sa Majesté Śrī <persName>Dharaṇīndravarmadeva</persName>, dans la résidence du dieu de <placeName>Śivapura</placeName>, dans le district <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>viṣaya</foreign></supplied> de Dhanyapura. Donations de S. M. Śrī Dharaṇīndravarmadeva au dieu du Śrī Bhadreśvarāśrama. Pays de Śrī Bhadreśvarāśrama pour la quinzaine claire, relevant du Khloñ Vidyāvāsa. (Suit l'énumération des serviteurs.) Pays de Travāṅ Krvac pour la quinzaine obscure, relevant du Khloñ Viṣṇupada. (Suit l'énumération des serviteurs.) La terre Sa-pa est divisée en deux parties égales en vue du culte <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>pūjā</foreign></supplied> : la <supplied reason="subaudible">moitié</supplied> sud pour la quinzaine claire, la <supplied reason="subaudible">moitié</supplied> nord pour la quinzaine obscure. Le riz décortiqué servant au culte est fixé quotidiennement à un panier <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>je</foreign></supplied>. Les rizières assignées aux officiants <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>smiṅ</foreign></supplied> sont au nombre de cinq pour la quinzaine claire, et de cinq pour la quinzaine obscure.</p>
<p n="1-12">1029 <foreign>śaka</foreign>, dixième jour de la lune décroissante de Vaiśākha, dimanche, mansion lunaire Revatī, <supplied reason="subaudible">eut lieu</supplied> l'érection du dieu <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>kamrateṅ jagat</foreign></supplied> du Śrī <placeName type="builtPlace" subtype="āśrama">Bhadreśvarāśrama</placeName>, œuvre royale de Sa Majesté Śrī <persName>Dharaṇīndravarmadeva</persName>, dans la résidence du dieu de <placeName>Śivapura</placeName>, dans le district <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>viṣaya</foreign></supplied> de <placeName>Dhanyapura</placeName>. Donations de S. M. Śrī Dharaṇīndravarmadeva au dieu du Śrī Bhadreśvarāśrama. Pays de Śrī Bhadreśvarāśrama pour la quinzaine claire, relevant du Khloñ Vidyāvāsa. <supplied reason="explanation">Suit l'énumération des serviteurs.</supplied> Pays de Travāṅ Krvac pour la quinzaine obscure, relevant du Khloñ Viṣṇupada. <supplied reason="explanation">Suit l'énumération des serviteurs.</supplied> La terre Sa-pa est divisée en deux parties égales en vue du culte <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>pūjā</foreign></supplied> : la <supplied reason="subaudible">moitié</supplied> sud pour la quinzaine claire, la <supplied reason="subaudible">moitié</supplied> nord pour la quinzaine obscure. Le riz décortiqué servant au culte est fixé quotidiennement à un panier <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>je</foreign></supplied>. Les rizières assignées aux officiants <supplied reason="explanation"><foreign>smiṅ</foreign></supplied> sont au nombre de cinq pour la quinzaine claire, et de cinq pour la quinzaine obscure.</p>
<div type="commentary">
<!--commentary encoded as per section §9.3 -->
<div type="bibliography">
<p>First edited by George Coedes (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">267-268</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited here by Chloé Chollet from estampage EFEO n. 1107.</p>
<p>First edited by George Coedes (<bibl rend="omitname"><ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/><citedRange unit="volume">1</citedRange><citedRange unit="page">267-268</citedRange></bibl>) with a French translation; re-edited here by Chloé Chollet and Kunthea Chhom from estampage EFEO n. 1107.</p>
<listBibl type="primary">
<bibl n="GC">
<ptr target="bib:Coedes1937-1966_01"/>
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