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erengy committed Aug 2, 2014
1 parent 0afe147 commit 3fe5103
Showing 1 changed file with 309 additions and 0 deletions.
309 changes: 309 additions & 0 deletions src/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
#! /usr/bin/python3

# Extracts data from MTU.TUR, which is required for Turkish-English dictionary,
# Türkçe Eş Anlamlılar dictionary and Türkçe Leb Demeden feature.
# MTU.TRK consists of seven parts:
# 1- Header (12 bytes)
# 2- 1st section (66 bytes)
# 3- 2nd section (2050 bytes)
# 4- 3rd section (45052 bytes)
# 5- 4th section (107100 bytes)
# 6- 5th section (62800 bytes)
# 7- 6th section (3640 bytes)

import os
import struct

# MTU.TUR encodes all text in its own custom alphabet, where 0x00 is 'a', 0x01
# is 'b' and so on.
alphabet = "abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöpqrsştuüvwxyzâ..........î..............û"

def GetSuffixLength(value):
# 0x00-0x08: 0, 0x08-0x10: 1, 0x10-0x18: 2, (...), 0xb0-0xb8: 22
if 0x00 <= value < 0xb8:
return value // 8
# 0xb8-0xd0: 3, 0xd0-0xe8: 4, 0xe8-0x100: 5
elif 0xb8 <= value < 0x100:
return 3 + ((value - 0xb8) // 0x18)
return None

def GetSuffixReodered(suffix, value):
if value >= 0xb8:
value = (value - 0xb8) % 0x18
if 0x00 <= value < 0x08:
# 'abcd' -> 'dabc'
suffix = suffix[-1] + suffix[:-1]
elif 0x08 <= value < 0x10:
# 'abcd' -> 'bcda'
suffix = suffix[1:] + suffix[0]
elif 0x10 <= value < 0x18:
# 'abcd' -> 'dcba'
suffix = suffix[::-1]

return suffix

def GetSuffix(data, instructions, base_offset):
suffix = ''
suffix_length = GetSuffixLength(instructions[1])

if suffix_length == 0:
# TODO: What's the purpose of [2] and [3] here?
# One/Two-letter suffixes are formed directly from our custom alphabet.
elif 1 <= suffix_length <= 2:
for i in range(0, suffix_length):
suffix += alphabet[instructions[2 + i]]
# For anything else, we need to read the suffix from the 5th section.
offset = struct.unpack("<H", instructions[2:4])[0]
pos = base_offset + offset
for i in range(0, suffix_length):
index = data[pos + i]
suffix += alphabet[index]

suffix = GetSuffixReodered(suffix, instructions[1])

return suffix

def ByteToHex(value):
return format(value, '02x')

def ApplyModifications(data, prefix, suffix):
- 0x00: ? (20545/26775 = 76%)
- 0x01: ? (10) only 01 58 01 00
- 0x02: ? (10) only 02 40 01 00
- 0x03: ? () only 03 40 02|03 00
- 0x05: ?
- 0x06: ?
- 0x08: ?
- 0x09: ?
- 0x0a: ?
- 0x0b: ?
- 0x0f: first letter is capitalized
- 0x20: includes â, î, û (şapka denetimi için?)
- 0x2f: ? only 2f 59 02 00
- 0x40: ?
- 0x60: ?
- 0x80: ğ to k
- 0x81: ?
- 0x82: ?
- 0x83: ?
- 0x85: ?
- 0x86: ?
- 0x88: ?
- 0xa0: ?
- 0xc0: ?
- 0x00: ?
- 0x08: ?
- 0x10: ?
- 0x18: ?
- 0x20: ?
- 0x30: ?
- 0x40: ?
- 0x41: first letter is capitalized
- 0x42: ?
- 0x44: ?
- 0x48: ?
- 0x49: ?
- 0x4a: ?
- 0x4c: ?
- 0x50: ? nc
- 0x51: ?
- 0x52: ?
- 0x54: ?
- 0x58: ? nc
- 0x59: first letter is capitalized
- 0x5a: ? nc
- 0x5c: ? nc
- 0x00: ?
- 0x01: ?
- 0x02: ?
- 0x03: ?
- 0x04: ?
- 0x05: ?
- 0x06: ?
- 0x07: ?
- 0x0a: ?
- 0x12: ?
- 0x13: ?
- 0x80: ?
- 0x81: ?
- 0x82: ?
- 0x83: ?
- 0x85: ?
- 0x86: ?
- 0x87: ?
- 0x88: ?
- 0x89: ?
- 0x8a: ?
- 0x8b: ?
- 0x91: ?
- 0x93: ?
- 0xa1: ?
- 0xa2: ?
- 0xa3: ?
- 0x00: ?
- 0x01: ?
- 0x02: ?
- 0x03: ?
- 0x10: ?
- 0x33: ?
- 0x3f: ?
- 0xc0: ?
- 0xc3: ?
- 0xcc: ?
- 0xd0: ?
- 0xf0: ?
- 0xfc: ?

consonants = {'b': 'p', 'c': 'ç', 'd': 't', 'g': 'k', 'ğ': 'k'}
if suffix and suffix[-1] in consonants:
suffix = suffix[:-1] + consonants[suffix[-1]]

return prefix, suffix

def ReadDictionaryEntries(dictionary, data, base_offset, prefixes, section4, section6):
item_index = 0
for prefix, count in prefixes:
if count == 0:
for i in range(item_index, item_index + count):
suffix = GetSuffix(data, section4[i], base_offset)

section6_index = section4[i][0] # TODO: related to [1] too?
prefix, suffix = ApplyModifications(section6[section6_index], prefix, suffix)

debug = ''
debug += ByteToHex(section4[i][1] % 8) + ' '
#debug += ByteToHex(section6[section6_index][0]) + ' '
#debug += ByteToHex(section6[section6_index][1]) + ' '
#debug += ByteToHex(section6[section6_index][2]) + ' '
#debug += ByteToHex(section6[section6_index][3]) + ' '
if True or len(suffix) < 2:
debug += ByteToHex(section4[i][1]) + ' '
debug += ByteToHex(section4[i][0]) + ' '
#value = section4[i][1] % 4
#debug += ByteToHex(value) + ' '
#debug += ByteToHex(section4[i][2]) + ' '
#debug += ByteToHex(section4[i][3]) + ' '
debug += ' '

#if section4[i][1] <= 0xb8 and section4[i][1] % 8 != 0:
#if True or section6[section6_index][0] == 0x0f:
#if True or len(suffix) == 19:
dictionary.append(debug + prefix + suffix)

item_index += count

def Import(dictionary, path):
data = open(path, "rb").read()
pos = 0

# Skip magic number ("0x4D 0x47 0x32 0x1A")
pos += 4

# Read header
header = []
for i in range(0, 4):
length = struct.unpack("<H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0]
pos += 2

# A combination of English and Turkish letters. See the first 32 letters
# of the alphabet definition above.
letter_count = 32

# 1st section (?)
# May be a lookup table for letters. The final value ("0x92 0x0C" = 3218)
# corresponds to the number of items in the 3rd section.
section1 = []
for i in range(0, letter_count + 1):
value = struct.unpack("<H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0]
pos += 2

# 2nd section
# A lookup table for two-letter prefixes. Values correspond to an offset in
# the 4th section. If an offset is the same as the next one, it means there
# are no entries that begin with that prefix. With that in mind, we will
# store the number of entries for each prefix rather than the offsets.
section2 = []
for i in range(0, letter_count**2 + 1):
value = struct.unpack("<H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0]
pos += 2
prefixes = []
for prefix_index in range(0, len(section2) - 1):
prefix = alphabet[prefix_index // letter_count]
prefix += alphabet[prefix_index % letter_count]
count = section2[prefix_index + 1] - section2[prefix_index]
prefixes.append((prefix, count))

# 3rd section (?)
# Disrupting this section causes entries in Turkish-English and Türkçe Eş
# Anlamlılar dictionaries to lose their suffixes (e.g. "abayı yakmak" ->
# "aba yak"). Doesn't seem to affect Leb Demeden.
section3 = []
for i in range(0, header[1]): # 3218
pos += 1
value = struct.unpack("<H", data[pos:pos + 2])[0]
pos += 2
pos += 11

# 4th section
# Contains instructions to form the entries in Türkçe Leb Demeden feature.
# The first byte points to an index at the 6th section.
# The second byte defines the length of the suffix and how it's formed.
# The last two bytes are either alphabet letters or an offset to a suffix
# that can be found in the 5th section.
section4 = []
for i in range(0, header[0]): # 26775
section4.append(data[pos:pos + 4])
pos += 4

# 5th section
# This section contains plain-text suffixes, encoded in a custom alphabet.
# We're skipping this section for now, but we'll read from it later on.
base_offset = pos
pos += header[2] # 62800

# 6th section
# Seems to be controlling capitalization and other modifications.
section6 = []
for i in range(0, header[3]): # 910
section6.append(data[pos:pos + 4])
pos += 4

# We're now ready to read the entries
ReadDictionaryEntries(dictionary, data, base_offset, prefixes, section4, section6)

def Export(dictionary, path):
with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
for entry in dictionary:

def main():
dictionary = []
Import(dictionary, os.path.join("..", "data", "MTU.TUR"))
Export(dictionary, os.path.join("..", "output", "MTU.TUR.TXT"))
print("Exported", len(dictionary), "entries.") # 26775

if __name__ == "__main__":

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