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Configure Ziggurat with Pyramid Framework

Examples of permission system building

Root context factories for pyramid provide customizable permissions for specific views inside your appplication. It is a good idea to keep the root factory inside your models file (if following the basic pyramid tutorial). This root factory can be used to allow only authenticated users to view:

from ziggurat_foundations.permissions import permission_to_pyramid_acls

class RootFactory(object):
    def __init__(self, request):
        self.__acl__ = [(Allow, Authenticated, u'view'), ]
        # general page factory - append custom non resource permissions
        # request.user object from cookbook recipie
        if request.user:
            # for most trivial implementation

            # for perm in request.user.permissions:
            #     self.__acl__.append((Allow,, perm.perm_name,))

            # or alternatively a better way that handles both user
            # and group inherited permissions via `permission_to_pyramid_acls`

            for outcome, perm_user, perm_name in permission_to_pyramid_acls(
                self.__acl__.append((outcome, perm_user, perm_name))

This example covers the case where every view is secured with a default "view" permission, and some pages require other permissions like "view_admin_panel", "create_objects" etc. Those permissions are appended dynamicly if authenticated user is present, and has additional custom permissions.

Example resource based pyramid context factory that can be used with url dispatch

This example shows how to protect and authorize users to perform actions on resources, you can configure your view to expect "edit" or "delete" permissions:

from ziggurat_foundations.permissions import permission_to_pyramid_acls

class ResourceFactory(object):
    def __init__(self, request):
        self.__acl__ = []
        rid = request.matchdict.get("resource_id")

        if not rid:
            raise HTTPNotFound()
        self.resource = Resource.by_resource_id(rid)
        if not self.resource:
            raise HTTPNotFound()
        if self.resource and request.user:
            # append basic resource acl that gives all permissions to owner
            self.__acl__ = self.resource.__acl__
            # append permissions that current user may have for this context resource
            permissions = ResourceService.perms_for_user(
                                          self.resource, request.user)
            for outcome, perm_user, perm_name in permission_to_pyramid_acls(
                self.__acl__.append((outcome, perm_user, perm_name,))

Ziggurat Foundations can provide some shortcuts that help build pyramid applications faster.


This approach will also work properly for all models inheriting from Resource class.

Automatic user sign in/sign out


This extension registers basic views for user authentication using AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, and can fetch user object and verify it against supplied password.

Extension setup

To enable this extension it needs to be included via pyramid include mechanism for example in your ini configuration file:

pyramid.includes = pyramid_tm

or by adding the following to your applications configurator file (both methods yeild the same result):


this will register 2 routes:

  • ziggurat.routes.sign_in with pattern /sign_in
  • ziggurat.routes.sign_out with pattern /sign_out


those patterns can be configured to match your app route patterns via following config keys:

  • ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.sign_in_pattern = /custom_pattern
  • ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.sign_out_pattern = /custom_pattern

In order to use this extension we need to tell the Ziggurat where User model is located in your application for example in your ini file:

ziggurat_foundations.model_locations.User = yourapp.models:User

Additional config options for extensions to include in your ini configuration file:

# name of the POST key that will be used to supply user name
ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.username_key = login

# name of the POST key that will be used to supply user password
ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.password_key = password

# name of the POST key that will be used to provide additional value that can be used to redirect
# user back to area that required authentication/authorization)
ziggurat_foundations.sign_in.came_from_key = came_from

# If you do not use a global DBSession variable, and you bundle DBSession insde the request
# you need to tell Ziggurat its naming convention, do this by providing a function that
# returns the correct request variable
ziggurat_foundations.session_provider_callable = yourapp.model:get_session_callable

If you are using a db_session inside the request, you need to provide a basic function to tell Ziggurat where DBSession is inside the request, you can add the following to your models file (yourapp.model):

def get_session_callable(request):
    # if DBSession is located at "request.db_session"
    return request.db_session
    # or if DBSession was located at "request.db"
    # return request.db

Configuring your application views

Here would be a working form/template used for user authentication and to send info to one of the new views registered by extension (sign_in), you can put this code inside any template, as the action is posted directly to pre-registered Ziggurat views/contexts:

<form action="{{request.route_url('ziggurat.routes.sign_in')}}" method="post">
    <!-- "came_from", "password" and "login" can all be overwritten -->
    <input type="hidden" value="OPTIONAL" name="came_from" id="came_from">
    <!-- in the example above we changed the value of "login" to "username" -->
    <input type="text" value="" name="login" <!-- change to name="username" if required --> >
    <input type="password" value="" name="password">
    <input type="submit" value="Sign In" name="submit" id="submit">

In next step it is required to register 3 views that will listen for specific context objects that the extension can return upon form sign_in/sign_out requests:

  • ZigguratSignInSuccess - user and password were matched
    • contains headers that set cookie to persist user identity, fetched user object, "came from" value
  • ZigguratSignInBadAuth - there were no positive matches for user and password
    • contains headers used to unauthenticate any current user identity
  • ZigguratSignOut - user signed out of application
    • contains headers used to unauthenticate any current user identity

Required imports for all 3 views

So inside the file you will be using for your Ziggurat views, we need to perform some base imports:

from ziggurat_foundations.ext.pyramid.sign_in import ZigguratSignInSuccess
from ziggurat_foundations.ext.pyramid.sign_in import ZigguratSignInBadAuth
from ziggurat_foundations.ext.pyramid.sign_in import ZigguratSignOut

ZigguratSignInSuccess context view example

Now we can provide a fuction, based off of the ZigguratSignInSuccess context

@view_config(context=ZigguratSignInSuccess, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
def sign_in(request):
    # get the user
    user = request.context.user
    # actions performed on sucessful logon, flash message/new csrf token
    # user status validation etc.
    if request.context.came_from != '/':
        return HTTPFound(location=request.context.came_from,
        return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('some_route'),

ZigguratSignInBadAuth context view example

The view below would deal with handling a failed login

@view_config(context=ZigguratSignInBadAuth, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
def bad_auth(request):
    # The user is here if they have failed login, this example
    # would return the user back to "/" (site root)
    return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('/'),
    # This view would return the user back to a custom view
    return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('declined_view'),

ZigguratSignOut context view example

This is a basic view that performs X task once the user has navigated to "/sign_out" (if using the default location provided by Ziggurat), like the view above it can be overwritten/modified to do what ever else you would like.

@view_config(context=ZigguratSignOut, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
def sign_out(request):
    return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('/'),

Cofiguring groupfinder and session factories

Now before we can actually use the login system, we need to import and include the groupfinder and session factory inside our application configuration, first off in our ini file we need to add a session secret:

# replace "sUpersecret" with  a secure secret
session.secret = sUpersecret

Now, we need to configure the groupdiner and authn and authz policy inside the main file of our application, like so:

from ziggurat_foundations.models import groupfinder

def main(global_config, **settings):

    # Set the session secret as per out ini file
    session_factory = SignedCookieSessionFactory(

    authn_policy = AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy(settings['session.secret'],
    authz_policy = ACLAuthorizationPolicy()

    # Tie it all together
    config = Configurator(settings=settings,

Modify request to return Ziggurat User() Object

We provide a method to modify the pyramid request and return a Ziggurat User() object (if present) in each request. E.g. once a user is logged in, their details are held in the request (in the form of a userid), if we enable the below function, we can easily access all user attributes in our code, to include this feature, enable it by adding the following to your applications configurator file:


Or in your ini configuration file (both methods yeild the same result):

pyramid.includes = pyramid_tm

Then inside each pyramid view that contains a request, you can access user information with (the code behind this is as described in the offical pyramid cookbook, but we include in within Ziggurat to make your life easier):

@view_config(route_name='edit_note', renderer='templates/edit_note.jinja2',
def edit_note(request):
    user = request.user
    # user is now a Ziggurat/SQLAlchemy object that you can access
    # Example for user Joe
    print (user.user_name)


Congratulations, your application is now fully configured to use Ziggurat Foundations, take a look at the Usage Examples for a guide (next page) on how to start taking advantage of all the features that Ziggurat has to offer!