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JSON dApp Environment (JDE)

This document explains the syntax of JDE scripts.

Before going further, it is instructive to see a complete example in action.

A complete example

JDE is essentially a compiler that takes as input a JSON-encoded program. The script has instructions to search the blockchain, compute some values and return some data. The output of JDE is a transaction template.

Output of JDE

The command java -jar target/scala-2.12/jde.jar src/test/resources/timestamp.json gives the following output:

  "dataInputBoxIds" : [ "506dfb0a34d44f2baef77d99f9da03b1f122bdc4c7c31791a0c706e23f1207e7" ],
  "inputBoxIds" : [ "4c17e0e9f72122164aa3530453675625dc69941ed3da9de6b0a8659db929709a" ],
  "inputNanoErgs" : 1500000,
  "inputTokens" : [ [ "dbea46d988e86b1e60181b69936a3b927c3a4871aa6ed5258d3e4df155750bea", 995 ] ],
  "outputs" : [ {
    "address" : "2z93aPPTpVrZJHkQN54V7PatEfg3Ac1zKesFxUz8TGGZwPT4Rr5q6tBwsjEjounQU4KNZVqbFAUsCNipEKZmMdx2WTqFEyUURcZCW2CrSqKJ8YNtSVDGm7eHcrbPki9VRsyGpnpEQvirpz6GKZgghcTRDwyp1XtuXoG7XWPC4bT1U53LhiM3exE2iUDgDkme2e5hx9dMyBUi9TSNLNY1oPy2MjJ5seYmGuXCTRPLqrsi",
    "value" : 1500000,
    "registers" : [ ],
    "tokens" : [ [ "dbea46d988e86b1e60181b69936a3b927c3a4871aa6ed5258d3e4df155750bea", 994 ] ]
  }, {
    "address" : "4MQyMKvMbnCJG3aJ",
    "value" : 2000000,
    "registers" : [ "0e20506dfb0a34d44f2baef77d99f9da03b1f122bdc4c7c31791a0c706e23f1207e7", "04a0843b" ],
    "tokens" : [ [ "dbea46d988e86b1e60181b69936a3b927c3a4871aa6ed5258d3e4df155750bea", 1 ] ]
  } ],
  "outputNanoErgs" : 3500000,
  "outputTokens" : [ [ "dbea46d988e86b1e60181b69936a3b927c3a4871aa6ed5258d3e4df155750bea", 995 ] ],
  "returned" : [ ]

The above structure (more specifically the fields dataInputBoxIds, inputBoxIds, inputNanoErgs, inputTokens and outputs) is called a transaction template.

Input to JDE

The following is the source of timestamp.json.

  "constants": [
      "name": "myBoxId",
      "type": "CollByte",
      "value": "ae57e4add0f181f5d1e8fd462969e4cc04f13b0da183676660d280ad0b64563f"
      "name": "emissionAddress",
      "type": "Address",
      "value": "2z93aPPTpVrZJHkQN54V7PatEfg3Ac1zKesFxUz8TGGZwPT4Rr5q6tBwsjEjounQU4KNZVqbFAUsCNipEKZmMdx2WTqFEyUURcZCW2CrSqKJ8YNtSVDGm7eHcrbPki9VRsyGpnpEQvirpz6GKZgghcTRDwyp1XtuXoG7XWPC4bT1U53LhiM3exE2iUDgDkme2e5hx9dMyBUi9TSNLNY1oPy2MjJ5seYmGuXCTRPLqrsi"
      "name": "timestampAddress",
      "type": "Address",
      "value": "4MQyMKvMbnCJG3aJ"
      "name": "myTokenId",
      "type": "CollByte",
      "value": "dbea46d988e86b1e60181b69936a3b927c3a4871aa6ed5258d3e4df155750bea"
      "name": "minTokenAmount",
      "type": "Long",
      "value": "2"
      "name": "one",
      "type": "Long",
      "value": "1"
      "name": "minStorageRent",
      "type": "Long",
      "value": "2000000"
  "dataInputs": [
      "id": {
        "value": "myBoxId"
  "inputs": [
      "address": {
        "value": "emissionAddress"
      "tokens": [
          "index": 0,
          "id": {
            "value": "myTokenId"
          "amount": {
            "name": "inputTokenAmount",
            "value": "minTokenAmount",
            "filter": "Ge"
      "nanoErgs": {
        "name": "inputNanoErgs"
  "outputs": [
      "address": {
        "value": "emissionAddress"
      "tokens": [
          "index": 0,
          "id": {
            "value": "myTokenId"
          "amount": {
            "value": "balanceTokenAmount"
      "nanoErgs": {
        "value": "inputNanoErgs"
      "address": {
        "value": "timestampAddress"
      "registers": [
          "value": "myBoxId",
          "num": "R4",
          "type": "CollByte"
          "value": "HEIGHT",
          "num": "R5",
          "type": "Int"
      "tokens": [
          "index": 0,
          "id": {
            "value": "myTokenId"
          "amount": {
            "value": "one"
      "nanoErgs": {
        "value": "minStorageRent"
  "binaryOps": [
      "name": "balanceTokenAmount",
      "first": "inputTokenAmount",
      "op": "Sub",
      "second": "one"
  "fee": 2000000

The following sections describe the syntax of the above scripting language in more detail.


Internally, each JSON script is compiled to an instance of a Program. A Program is the highest level of abstraction in JDE and can be thought of as a sequence of instructions for interacting with a dApp. As can be seen from the source code, such an instance contains the following items, each of which is optional:

  • Sequence of Constant declarations, using which we can encode arbitrary values into the script.
  • Sequence of box definitions, auxInputs. These are for accessing arbitrary boxes without having to use them as data inputs (or inputs).
  • Sequence of box definitions, dataInputs, defining data-inputs of the transaction.
  • Sequence of box definitions, inputs, defining inputs of the transaction.
  • Sequence of box definitions, outputs, defining outputs of the transaction.
  • Sequence of Unary operations, used to convert one object to another (example ErgoTree to Address).
  • Sequence of Binary operations, used to compose two objects into a third object (of same types).
  • Sequence of Branch instructions, used for run-time control-flow.
  • Sequence of PostCondition instructions which must evaluate to true.
  • Sequence of variables to returned, defined via the returns field.


The next level of abstraction is a Declaration, which is of the following sub-types:

  • Constants: These specify initial values. Examples:
    • {"name":"myInt", "type":"int", "value":"123"}
    • {"name":"myAddress", "type":"address", "value":"9fcrXXaJgrGKC8iu98Y2spstDDxNccXSR9QjbfTvtuv7vJ3NQLk"}
  • Box declarations: These are used to define or search for boxes. There are four types: Address, Id, Register, and Long (see below).
  • Instructions: These specify binary/unary operations, post-conditions and branches:
    • Binary Op: {"name":"mySum", "first":"someValue", "op":"Add", "second":"otherValue"}
    • Unary Op: {"name":"myErgoTree", "from":"myGroupElement", "op":"ProveDlog"}
    • Post-condition: {"first":"someLong", "second":"otherLong", "op":"Ge"}
    • Branch: {"name":"result", "ifTrue":"someValue", "ifFalse":"otherValue", "condition": {"first":"someLong", "second":"otherLong", "op":"Ge"} }

Box Declarations

There are four type of box declarations:

  • Address: The address of the box.
  • Id: Box Id or token Id.
  • Register: Register contents.
  • Long: NanoErgs or token quantity.

Names and Values

A box declaration can contain one or both of the following fields:

  • A name field (i.e., the declaration defines a new variable that will be referenced elsewhere), or
  • A value field (i.e., the declaration references another variable that is already defined elsewhere).

Looking at the source of the Long declaration, we see an additional field filter (which cen be any of Ge, Le, Gt, Lt, Ne). This field is used for matching using inequalities (example, if the number of certain tokens is greater than some value).

The following are some example declarations:

  1. {"name":"myAddress"}
  2. {"value":"myAddress"}
  3. {"name":"actualNanoErgs", "value":"someMinValue", "filter":"Ge"}
  • The first defines the address myAddress.
  • The second references that address.
  • The third defines the (Long) value actualNanoErgs and references someMinValue. An error occurs if actualNanoErgs < someMinValue.

Targets and Pointers

For clarity, we use the following terminology when describing box declarations:

  • A declaration that defines a variable is a "target".
  • A declaration that references a variable is a "pointer".

We can then rewrite the rules for box declarations as follows:

  • An input can contain both pointers and targets.
  • An output can only contain pointers.

The following rules apply for pointers and targets in an input:

  • A pointer is a "search filter", i.e., used to fetch boxes from the blockchain. For example, in "boxId":{"value":"myBoxId"}, the value contained in myBoxId will be used for fetching a box with that id.
  • A target maps to some data in a box that has already been fetched from the blockchain. For example, in "address":{"name":"myAddress"}, the address of the box will be stored in a variable called myAddress.

Input rule

The following rule applies for each input:

  • It must have at least one of boxId or address declarations defined.

Token rules

A Token is internally defined as case class Token(index: Option[Int], id: Option[Id], amount: Option[Long]). The main rule to follow here is that if index is empty then id must be defined, and that too as a pointer (i.e., it must have a value field). This is because the token index must be somehow determinable (either via an explicit index field or by matching the tokenId of a pointer.)

To illustrate this, the following are some valid token definitions:

  1. {"index":0, "id":{"name":"myTokenId"}, "amount":{"value":"otherTokenAmount"}}.
    • Matches the token at index 0 if the amount is same as that of pointer otherTokenAmount.
    • Creates a new target called myTokenId with the matched tokenId.
  2. {"index":0, "id":{"name":"myTokenId"}, "amount":{"name":"myTokenAmount"}}.
    • Matches the token at index 0
    • Creates a new target called myTokenId containing the matched tokenId.
    • Creates a new target called myTokenAmount containing the matched token amount.
  3. {"id":{"value":"otherTokenId"}.
    • Matches the token at some index if the tokenId is same as that of pointer otherTokenId.
  4. {"id":{"value":"otherTokenId"}, "amount":{"value":"otherTokenAmount"}}}.
    • Matches the token at some index if both conditions hold:
      • The tokenId is the same as that of pointer otherTokenId.
      • The amount is the same as that of otherTokenAmount.
  5. {"id":{"value":"otherTokenId"}, "amount":{"value":"otherTokenAmount", "filter":"Ge"}}.
    • Matches the token at some index if both conditions hold:
      • The tokenId is the same as that of pointer otherTokenId.
      • The amount is >= the value returned by otherTokenAmount.
  6. {"id":{"value":"otherTokenId"}, "amount":{"name":"myTokenAmount"}}.
    • Matches the token at some index if the tokenId is the same as that of pointer otherTokenId.
    • Creates a new target called myTokenAmount containing the matched token amount.

The following is an invalid token definition:

  • {"id":{"name":"myTokenId"}, "amount":{"name":"myTokenAmount"}}.

This is because if id is a target (i.e., has a name field) then index must be defined.

Strict token matching

To ensure that the matched input has exactly those tokens defined in the search criteria and nothing more, use the Strict flag for that input definition:

"inputs": [ 
    "address": { ... },
    "tokens": [ ... ],
    "registers": [ ... ],
    "options": ["Strict"]

For instance, to select a box with no tokens, skip tokens field (or set it to empty array) and add the Strict option.

This option applies to tokens only.

Order of evaluation

Declarations are evaluated in the following order:

  • Constants
  • Auxiliary boxes (auxInputs) (from low to high index)
  • Data-input boxes (from low to high index)
  • Input boxes (from low to high index)
  • Post-conditions
  • Output boxes
  • Binary Ops, Unary Ops are "Lazy" (i.e., evaluated only if needed)

Referencing rules

  • The order of evaluation determines what can and cannot be referenced. A pointer can only refer to a target that has been evaluated previously.
    • Thus, a pointer in inputs can refer to a target in data-inputs, but a pointer in data-inputs cannot refer to a target in inputs.
    • Similarly, a pointer in the second input can refer to a target in the first input, but a pointer in the first input cannot refer to a target in the second input.
  • It is not possible for a pointer to refer to a target in the same input or data-input.
  • As mentioned earlier, an output cannot contain targets. It can only contain pointers.

Defining and matching multiple items

There may be cases where we need to map a single variable to mutiple objects. As an example, in the oracle-pool the pool box addresses oscillate between Live-epoch and Epoch-preparation. In this case, we would prefer to use a single variable poolAddress to handle both values.

The Constant declaration has the additional field values that allows us to define multiple items, sort of like an array, but much more restricted.

"constants": [
    "name": "poolAddresses",
    "type": "Address",
    "values": [

For sanity, the values field must have at least two elements. If we need to define a single object, we must instead use the value field. Additionally, we cannot have both value and values fields.

We can use then this to match one of many addresses as follows:

"address": {
  "value": "poolAddresses"

Note: when matching multiple addresses, we can use name to store the actual address matched:

"address": {
  "name": "actualPoolAddress",
  "value": "poolAddresses"

Matching multiple inputs

Each input definition matches at most one input by default. If multiple inputs are matched, the first one is selected. In order to select all matched inputs use the Multi option for that input definiton:

"inputs": [
    "address": { ... },
    "tokens": [ ... ],
    "registers": [ ... ],
    "options": ["Multi"]

Multiple objects defined via Constant or matched using the Multi option are internally stored as an instance of the Multiple class.

Output of JDE

The JDE compiler takes as input an instance of Protocol and outputs and instance of CompileResult, which contains the following details:

  1. A sequence of box ids called dataInputBoxIds to use as data inputs.
  2. A sequence of box ids called inputBoxIds to use as inputs.
  3. The sum of the nanoErgs of inputs, called inputNanoErgs.
  4. The sum of the nanoErgs of outputs, called outputNanoErgs.
  5. A sequence of (String, Long) called inputTokens indicating the aggregated tokens in all the inputs.
  6. A sequence of (String, Long) called outputsTokens indicating the aggregated tokens in all the outputs.
  7. A sequence of outputs objects describing the outputs to create.
  8. An optional Long called fee indicating fee if any is specified in the script.
  9. A sequence of String called returned indicating any returned values.

If the outputs contain more nanoErgs or tokens than specified above, then the wallet must add its own input box ids to cover the missing funds.