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ErgoTool: A Command Line Interface for Ergo


ErgoTool is a command-line interface for Ergo blockchain. It is implemented in Scala using Ergo Appkit library. ErgoTool is a Java application and it can be executed on Java 8 or later compliant JRE. In addition ErgoTool can be compiled to a native executable using GraalVM's native-image. This capability is inherited from Appkit, which is native-image friendly by design.

Native executables are especially attractive for CLI tools, because of the very fast start up times (comparing to a typical start up pause of a JVM based executable). Please follow the installation instructions to setup ErgoTool on your system.


Installation of ErgoTool on your computer is simple and depend on how you want to obtain the executable binary files.

  • you can build ErgoTool yourself from source code (which is a recommended method for security sensitive software) and use the executables generated this way.
  • or alternatively (if you trust the developers) you can download pre-built executables and install from release package.

The instructions below should work on POSIX OSes (i.e. Linux, MacOS) and were tested on MacOS.

Build ErgoTool From Source Code

1. Clone ErgoTool repository

You need to have git installed on your system. Open Terminal and use the following commands to clone the ErgoTool source code.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'ergo-tool'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 238, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (238/238), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (124/124), done.
remote: Total 238 (delta 80), reused 206 (delta 48), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (238/238), 42.44 KiB | 517.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (80/80), done.

Once the clone operation is complete you can compile ErgoTool.

2. Compile Java Executable

In order to compile ErgoTool you need to have SBT installed on your system.

Run the following commands to build a Java fat jar file with ErgoTool and all the dependencies needed to run it using the java launcher.

$ cd ergo-tool
$ sbt assembly

you should see the output which looks like the following

[info] Loading global plugins from ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins

... test execution results

[info] Packaging ./target/scala-2.12/ergotool-3.1.0.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 33 s, completed Dec 23, 2019 10:23:50 PM

Now run the compiled ErgoTool using the following command which runs the ErgoTool application. Note, you should run this command while in the root folder of the cloned ErgoTool repository.

java -cp target/scala-2.12/ergotool-*.jar org.ergoplatform.appkit.ergotool.ErgoTool 
Please specify command name and parameters.

ergotool [options] action [action parameters]

Available actions:
  address testnet|mainnet <mnemonic>
	return address for a given mnemonic and password pair
  checkAddress testnet|mainnet <mnemonic> <address>
	Check the given mnemonic and password pair correspond to the given address
  createStorage [<storageDir>="storage"] [<storageFileName>="secret.json"]
	Creates an encrypted storage file for the mnemonic entered by user
  extractStorage <storage file> address|masterKey|publicKey|secretKey mainnet|testnet
	Reads the file, unlocks it using password and extract the requested property from the given storage file.
  extractStorage <storage file> address|masterKey|publicKey|secretKey mainnet|testnet
        Reads the file, unlocks it using password and extract the requested property from the given storage file.
  getBoxInfo <boxId>
        list box content with tokens and register details
  help <commandName>
        prints usage help for a command
  listAddressBoxes [--limit-list <limit>] <address>
        list top <limit> confirmed unspent boxes owned by the given <address>
  listAddressTokens <address>
        list tokens owned by the given <address>
	generate new mnemonic phrase using english words and default cryptographic strength
  send <storageFile> <recipientAddr> <amountToSend>
	send the given <amountToSend> to the given <recipientAddr> using 
 the given <storageFile> to sign transaction (requests storage password)

	configuration file path relative to the local directory (Example: `--conf ergo_tool.json`
	Forces the command to report what will be done by the operation without performing the actual operation.
	Forces the commands to print json instead of table rows.

The command prints usage information with the available commands and options.

3. Generate Native Executable

SBT build for ErgoTool is configured to generate native image using GraalVM's native-image utility. To make native-image available the GraalVM package should be installed on your system. You can follow the instruction from Appkit to install both GraalVM and native-image. You can also use instructions from GraalVM's site.

Ones GraalVM is installed use the following command to compile native image of ErgoTool.

$ sbt graalvm-native-image:packageBin
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]    classlist:  29,125.82 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]        (cap):   4,064.53 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]        setup:   6,738.59 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]   (typeflow):  44,211.21 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]    (objects):  45,740.46 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]   (features):   4,697.90 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]     analysis:  99,239.25 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]     (clinit):  13,460.75 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]     universe:  15,393.69 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]      (parse):   3,645.10 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]     (inline):   5,056.85 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]    (compile):  26,131.81 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]      compile:  38,958.14 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]        image:   7,937.35 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]        write:   2,322.71 ms
[info] [ergo-tool:2393]      [total]: 200,278.13 ms
[success] Total time: 208 s, completed Dec 23, 2019 10:43:40 PM

This will generate a native executable located in ./target/graalvm-native-image/ergo-tool.
Now you can call it from there using the following command and obtain the same usage message.

$ target/graalvm-native-image/ergo-tool
Please specify command name and parameters.

The generated ergo-tool executable is self-contained and can be moved to any directory which is on the PATH environment variable.

NOTE, if you receive warning message mentioning sunec library like

WARNING: The sunec native library, required by the SunEC provider ...

you need to run ergo-tool providing the location of the library using the following command

$ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GRAAL_HOME/jre/lib target/graalvm-native-image/ergo-tool

Here $GRAAL_HOME is environment variable pointing to the installation of GraalVM.

Download ErgoTool Release Package

Release packages are published on the releases page. Please download the appropriate archive and extract it locally on you computer.


The unit of execution in ErgoTool is a command. The command is specified by its name when the tool is started and it can be followed by options and parameters.

$ ./ergo-tool --conf config.json address mainnet "some secret mnemonic phrase"

The command option is given by the name conf (with -- prefix) and the value config.json separated by the whitespace. Options (name-value pairs) can go anywhere in the command line. All other components which remain after removing all the options are the command name and parameters (address, mainnet and the mnemonic in the example).

For further detail of how a command line is parsed see this description.

Supported Commands

Click on the command name to open its detailed description.

Command Description
address <networkType> <mnemonic>
Returns the address for a given mnemonic and password pair. Where networkType = mainnet or testnet
checkAddress <networkType> <mnemonic> <address>
Check the given mnemonic and password pair correspond to the given address
createStorage [<storageDir>="storage"] [<storageFileName>="secret.json"]
Creates an encrypted storage file for the mnemonic entered by user
extractStorage <storage file> <property> <networkType>
Reads the file, unlocks it using password and extract the requested property from the given storage file. Where property is one of address, masterKey, publicKey, secretKey
getBoxInfo boxId
list box content with tokens and register details
help <commandName>
prints usage help for a command
listAddressBoxes address [<limit>=10]
list top limit=10 confirmed unspent boxes owned by the given address
listAddressTokens address
list tokens owned by the given address
mnemonic generate new mnemonic phrase using english words and default cryptographic strength
send <storageFile> <recipientAddr> <amountToSend>
send the given amountToSend to the given recipientAddr using the given wallet file to sign the transaction (it will also request storage password)


All kinds of contributions are equally welcome. Don't hesitate to file a PR with fixes of typos, documentation out of sync or something you believe should be fixed. If you wish to start hacking on the code, you can file an issue with the description of what you want to do. Not sure about your idea? Get in touch with a direct message.

ScalaDoc API Reference

ScalaDocs for the latest releases are always available on project site. Please submit a PR if you find typos or mistakes.

Preparing for native image generation

You may need to re-generate reflection and resources configs for native-image utility. To do that run ErgoToolSpec with native-image-agent configured. The following should be added to command line.


After that you will have to review changes made in the files and remove unnecessary declarations.

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