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Provides breadcrumbs to controller methods using PHP Attributes


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Use PHP 8 attributes to create breadcrumbs for controllers actions in a Laravel app

This package provides PHP 8 Attribute classes to automatically create breadcrumbs for your controller actions. This package was inspired by Spatie's wonderful Laravel Routes Attributes. In fact, a big portion of the "controller methods discovery" was copied from Laravel Routes Attributes package (Thanks for that, Spatie fellows!).

How it works

It works by scanning the controllers in the directories that contains your controllers and putting into a "Breadcrumb basket" all the crumbs you put in your controller actions and making it available at your controllers and views through DI or the \ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Facades\BreadcrumbsTrail facade.

Custom controllers directories

If, for some, reason, you keep your controllers in a different directory, fear not! All you have to do is publish the config file and write down the directories where your controllers lie.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require erickcomp/laravel-breadcrumbs-attributes

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Providers\RouteAttributesServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [
    'controller_directories' => [

Here you can customize the directories that will be scanned at your will.


The package provides a main attribute (\ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Breadcrumb) that can handle simple breadcrumbs labels. It also provides some other attributes that are used to handle breadcrumbs that require information that are available to the controller method you want to create a breadcrumb trail.

The Breadcrumb attribute can hold the following info:

  • label
  • parent
  • name
  • auxCrumbBefore (a crumb that will be inserted before the current crumb)
  • auxCrumbBefore (a crumb that will be inserted after the current crumb)

You did not see the url of the crumb, right? It's because the URL of the crumb is evaluated based on the controller method the attribute is attached. If you create a Breadcrumb attribute and try to use it on a trail without referencing it into a route, an Exception will be thrown.

Adding a breadcrumb with a simple string label

use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Breadcrumb;

class MyController
    #[Breadcrumb(label:'Home', name: 'home')]
    public function home()

    #[Breadcrumb(label:'My Data list', parent:'home', name:'')]
    public function myMethod()

Supposing you registered the routes like this:

Route::get('/', [MyController::class, 'home']);
Route::get('my-route', [MyController::class, 'myMethod']);

And the current route in your browser is "http://localhost/my-route"

These attributes will automatically create breadcrumbs like:

array(6) {
  object(ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\ProcessedCrumb)#336 (2) {
    string(4) "Home"
  object(ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\ProcessedCrumb)#334 (2) {
    string(7) "My Data list"
    string(43) "http://localhost/my-route"

Creating complex breadcrumbs based on the Request data

You have all the arguments passed to the method to which the breadcrumb is attached at your disposal in order to generate the ideal label for your breadcrumb. It's done by using some aux attributes. Here's an example:

You have worked the routes definitions this way:

Route::get('/', [MyController::class, 'home']);
Route::get('/users/list', [MyController::class, 'users-list']);
Route::get('users/show/{user}', [MyController::class, 'user-show']);

And you want the user-show breadcrumb label to be like 'Showing user: "John Doe"'

You would need to define your breadcrumbs somewhat this way:

Controller with breadcrumbs attributes:

use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Breadcrumb;
use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Resolvers\Breadcrumb;
use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Resolvers\ActionParamProperty;

class MyController
    #[Breadcrumb(label:'Home', name: 'home')]
    public function home()

    #[Breadcrumb(label:'Users List', parent:'home', name:'home.users-list')]
    public function usersList()

        label: new ConcatLabel('Showing user: ', '"', new ActionParamProperty('user', 'name'), '"'),
        parent: 'home.users-list',
        name: 'home.user-list'
    public function showUser(UserModel $user)

The generated breadcrumbs will be like:

array(6) {
  object(ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\ProcessedCrumb)#336 (2) {
    string(4) "Home"
  object(ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\ProcessedCrumb)#334 (2) {
    string(7) "Users list"
    string(43) "http://localhost/users/list"
  object(ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\ProcessedCrumb)#332 (2) {
    string(7) "Showing user: "John Doe""
    string(43) "http://localhost/users/show/52"

The route parameter resolution

The breadcrumbs links deal with the url params and generate the url's using them, so you (most probably) won't have to deal with url generation for your breadcrumbs. All the url parameters are also passed to the label resolvers

Label Resolvers

Label resolvers are the aux classes that you can use on the Breadcrumb constructor to create more complex breadcrumb labels or to add aux breadcrumbs before or after you breadcrumb. They should be self-explanatory, like the "ActionParamProperty" that was used in the example above

Aux breadcrumbs

Aux breadcrumbs are used to create "logical" breadcrumbs. They can be used to express menus, for example. Let's say you have a menu like this:

├── Home
├── Admin/
│   └── Users
├── Catalog
└── ...

Your breadcrumbs for the "user-show" could be expressed like this:

Home > Admin > Users > Showing user "John Doe"

In this case, the "Admin" crumb does not have a corresponding url, but it makes sense in the breadcrumbs path

In order to insert this "Admin" crumb, you could rewrite the above example like this:

use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Breadcrumb;
use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Resolvers\Breadcrumb;
use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Resolvers\ActionParamProperty;

class MyController
    #[Breadcrumb(label:'Home', name: 'home')]
    public function home()

    #[Breadcrumb(label:'Users List', parent:'home', name:'home.users-list')]
    public function usersList()

        label: new ConcatLabel('Showing user: ', '"', new ActionParamProperty('user', 'name'), '"'),
        parent: 'home.users-list',
        name: 'home.user-list',
        auxCrumbBefore: 'Admin'
    public function showUser(UserModel $user)

And the "Admin" crumb will be added to the breadcrumbs trail.

You can use ConcatLabel and the other Aux breadcrumbs classes here as well:

    label: new ConcatLabel('Showing user: ', '"', new ActionParamProperty('user', 'name'), '"'),
    parent: 'home.users-list',
    name: 'home.user-show',
    auxCrumbBefore: new ConcatLabel('A', 'd', 'm', 'i', 'n')
public function showUser(UserModel $user)

Integration with other packages (Spatie's Laravel Route Attributes)

As I said, this package was inspired by by Spatie's wonderful Laravel Routes Attributes. In fact, I have designed this package to work alongside Spatie's package, so it has some built-in integrations with it:

  • If you're using custom directories for the controllers and you have defined them in the route-attributes config file, you don't have to redefine it again in the breadcrumbs config, because it tries to read the one from spatie's route attributes;
  • If you are naming your routes (and I advise you to do so!) you can omit the "name" argument of the Breadcrumb attribute, as the Breadcrumb is going to use the one defined in the route attribute.


use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Breadcrumb;
use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Resolvers\Breadcrumb;
use ErickComp\BreadcrumbAttributes\Attributes\Resolvers\ActionParamProperty;
use Spatie\RouteAttributes\Attributes\Get;

class MyController
    #[Get('/', name: 'home')]
    public function home()

    #[Get('/users/list', name: 'home.users-list')]
    #[Breadcrumb(label:'Users List', parent:'home')]
    public function usersList()

    #[Get('/users/show/{user}', name: 'home.users-list.user-show')]
        label: new ConcatLabel('Showing user: ', '"', new ActionParamProperty('user', 'name'), '"'),
        parent: 'home.users-list'
    public function showUser(UserModel $user)

Blade integration

This packages also provides a blade component that renders the breadcrumbs from the current route. It should be used like this inside your blade template:

    <x-erickcomp-breadcrumbs />

To define classes of list items, you can specify:


This style of breadcrumbs component was made from the also awesome package Tabuna Breadcrumbs. Before coding this package, my intent was to use Tabuna breadcrumbs, but we cannot use closures on PHP attributes. But I got some concepts from there (and the component code) to build my own package as well.


This package works by checking the controller directories on every request and gather all the breadcrumbs information into our breadcrumb basket. Then, when requested by the programer (through the Trail class, the Breadcrumbs facade or the by using the erickcomp-breadcrumbs blade component), the breadcrumb trail is build based on the previously collected breadcrumbs. But in production mode, the breadcrumbs should not change, so we could entirely skip this gathering of breadcrumbs step. For that caching management, the package provides 2 artisan commands:





I have searched and tested several routes and breadcrumbs packages and I liked Spatie's Laravel Route Attributes and Tabuna Breadcrumbs the most. As I was unable to make them work together organically, I decided to create my own package based on both of their ideas (and pieces of code. Once again, thank you both for that) and create something totally functional using PHP 8 Attributes.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Provides breadcrumbs to controller methods using PHP Attributes







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