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Developpement Environment Setup

Eric Pinet edited this page Aug 7, 2016 · 4 revisions

Install plugin and prerequisites

Setup eclipse Code Template

  • Setup eclipse with codes template contained in the eclipse-codetemplate directory present in the repository : ./documents/eclipse-codetemplate/

Setup eclipse code template

Setup eclipse for Local debugging

Setup the debug configuration for local execution For the local execution of the project

1.Enter in "Debug Configurations..."

Debug configuration

2.Create "New" configuration on Java Application

New configuration

3.Enter "Coreserver" as name and Select the main class

Select the main class

4.Select the "Debug" and "Run" mode to show this configuration in Eclipse debug and run menu

debug and run

Setup eclipse for Remote debugging

Setup the debug configuration for RaspberryPI debugging. The LaunchPI - Plugin use to run and debug java application on RaspberryPI : is needed to remote debugging.

1.Enter in "Debug Configurations..."

Debug configurations

2.Create "New" configuration on Raspberry PI

Configuration raspberry pi

3.Enter the "Coreserver-Remote" name and the raspberry pi config. (Uncheck the Run java as root)

Run as root

4.Select the main class.

Select main class

5.Select the "Debug" and "Run" mode to show this configuration in Eclipse debug and run menu

Eclipse debug and run

Continous Integration

This project is automaticaly build with Travis CI and the code coverage is managed by Coveralls.

Protocol Buffer

To change the CLApi protocol for client/server:


To manage translation:

  1. Run coreserver/po/ to generate the keys.pot file.
  2. Import keys.pot file in POEdit or in the web site : POEditor
  3. Generate the en_CA.po and for the English Canadian with POEdit or POEditor.
  4. Run coreserver/po/ to generate the translated class in coreserver/src/main/resources/i18n/
  5. Run mvn compile to compile project and copy resources files.