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yarn add --dev @ericwooley/openapi-sdk


npm i --dev @ericwooley/openapi-sdk


Create packages that automatically generate a typescript sdk from an open api spec.


For example, if you wanted to generate an sdk for you auth service:

nx g @ericwooley/openapi-sdk:openapi-sdk auth-sdk

Would create lib/auth-sdk. Inside lib/auth-sdk, is a new file openapi.yml. Replace the contents of openapi.yml, with your spec. Then run:

nx digest auth-sdk

You will now have a src folder inside lib/auth-sdk, it is generated code, but it's recommended that you commit it.

Using the SDK

sdk contains the TS code to interact with your api.

import { DefaultApi } from '@myorg/auth-sdk`
const authApi = new DefaultApi({
  basePath: 'http://localhost:8080/auth',
  baseOptions: {
    withCredentials: true,

If you want to use the doc with some swagger tools:

import express from 'express'
import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express'
import { openapiDoc } from '@myorg/auth-sdk`

const app = express();
app.use('/openapi', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(authOpenapiDocument));

Some useful libraries for working with swagger

Installation & Usage

You must have java installed

This project depends on the openapi generator project, which uses java to build and sdk from an openapi spec. It is build in java, and so java is required.

Install the openapi-sdk plugin

yarn add @ericwooley/openapi-sdk --dev or npm i @ericwooley/openapi-sdk --save-dev

generate an sdk.

nx g @ericwooley/openapi-sdk:openapi-sdk my-sdk

In lib/my-sdk, you will see a file: openapi.yml

Edit that file according to your openapi needs.

When you want to generate an sdk run nx digest my-sdk and your typescript will be generated.



Unit tests are hard with these kind of projects. Schema does have some useful unit tests nx test openapi-sdk

The real testing is done by the e2e test nx e2e openapi-sdk-e2e


use ./ patch, which will create a new release and publish it with the next tag. forwards all arguments to npm version

./ will take the current version and make it the latest.

  • dependencies and versions are copied from the root package.json

Road Map

If anyone ends up using this, we could add more options to pass down to the openapi generator. Currently it uses typescript-axios

This project was generated using Nx.


the major versions will match the major versions of nx starting with 10. To use with nx v9, use the 0.x.x releases