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Daniel Kontšek edited this page Jul 18, 2016 · 7 revisions

We are happy with any volunteers involvement in Ludolph. If you would like to help us, there are multiple ways to do so. Depending on your skills and type of work you would like to do (doesn’t have to be development), we encourage you to start with any of the following:

Write a blog, get involved in social media or make a speech

You can help out by spreading the word about Ludolph, or join our community on Google+ and help others or share your ideas and experiences with people in community.

Update documentation

Github wiki is used to guide users and developers the right way. If you don't know how to do something, we probably missed it in our wiki. Documentation is a never ending process so we welcome any improvement suggestions, feel free to create issues in our bug tracker.

If you feel that our documentation needs an upgrade or we miss something to document properly, feel free to update it, or just give us a shout at our Google+ community.

Create plugin

Ludolph has built-in support for plugins. If you want to hook your app, so you can interact with it via jabber, create a plugin a don't forget to let us know. We have prepared a ludolph-skeleton repository that contains a hello_world plugin. You can read the whole article with [guidance for plugin creation](How to create a plugin).

Suggest an improvement, or report bug

All issues are handled by Github issue tracker, if you've found a bug please create an issue for it. For security related issues please send GPG encrypted email to Public GPG key

If there is something you are missing, and wish to be implemented in Ludolph, feel free to create an issue and mark it as an enhancement.

Update Ludolph core

All development is done on Github, create your fork and update Ludolph. Once you are happy with your changes create pull request and we will review and merge it as soon as we can. To make our review easier please do all your work in a separate branch, if there is a bug for your change ideally include the bug number in the branch name. We encourage you to write tests for your code (however this is not required).

Write a test

We realize that Ludolph lacks tests, so you can help us by creating any form of automated testing.

Getting help

If you look for help give us a shout at Google+ community.