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executable file
63 lines (49 loc) · 3.76 KB

Welfare Retrenchments and Government Support: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Description and data sources

Replication material for 'Welfare Retrenchments and Government Support' published in the European Sociological Review. This repository contains all files required to produce the figures, tables and numerical information provided in the manuscript and supplementary material.

Data for the European Social Survey is publicly available at: (free login required). Data for the Danish National Election Study can be ordered at: (required in order to produce Figure A.1).


  • Erik Gahner Larsen, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent,

Repository content

  • 01-data.R = R script used to create the datasets used for the analysis, data-dnes.csv and data-ess.csv
    • Requires ElectionStudy-2011_da_F1.dta and ESS6DK.dta
  • 02-analysis.R = R script used for all analyses in the article (original version)
  • 02-analysis_2021.R = R script used for all analyses in the article (2021 version)
  • data-dnes.csv = Data from the Danish National Election Study (required to create Figure A.1)
  • dnes-ess.csv= Data from the European Social Survey (required to estimate everything beyond Figure A.1)
  • data-ess_matched.csv= Matched data from the European Social Survey (added in 2021 update to ensure easier reproducibility)
  • sessionInfo_2021.txt = Output from sessionInfo() in R (2021 version)
  • sessionInfo.txt = Output from sessionInfo() in R (original version)

Session info

The original analyses were made with RStudio (Version 1.0.136) with the following R session:

## R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: OS X 10.13.1 (unknown)

## locale:
## [1] da_DK.UTF-8/da_DK.UTF-8/da_DK.UTF-8/C/da_DK.UTF-8/da_DK.UTF-8

## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

## other attached packages:
##  [1] lm.beta_1.5-1   rms_5.1-1       Hmisc_4.0-3     Formula_1.2-2   survival_2.41-3
##  [6] lattice_0.20-35 RItools_0.1-15  SparseM_1.77    stargazer_5.2   rdrobust_0.98  
## [11] MatchIt_3.0.1   gridExtra_2.3   ggplot2_2.2.1   tidyr_0.7.2     rio_0.5.5      

## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.13        mvtnorm_1.0-6       zoo_1.8-0           assertthat_0.2.0   
##  [5] digest_0.6.12       R6_2.2.2            cellranger_1.1.0    plyr_1.8.4         
##  [9] backports_1.1.1     acepack_1.4.1       MatrixModels_0.4-1  rlang_0.1.2        
## [13] lazyeval_0.2.0      curl_3.0            svd_0.4.1           multcomp_1.4-7     
## [17] readxl_1.0.0        data.table_1.10.4-2 rpart_4.1-11        Matrix_1.2-11      
## [21] checkmate_1.8.5     labeling_0.3        splines_3.3.1       stringr_1.2.0      
## [25] foreign_0.8-69      htmlwidgets_0.9     munsell_0.4.3       pkgconfig_2.0.1    
## [29] base64enc_0.1-3     htmltools_0.3.6     tidyselect_0.2.2    nnet_7.3-12        
## [33] tibble_1.3.4        htmlTable_1.9       codetools_0.2-15    dplyr_0.7.4        
## [37] MASS_7.3-47         grid_3.3.1          nlme_3.1-131        polspline_1.1.12   
## [41] xtable_1.8-2        gtable_0.2.0        magrittr_1.5        scales_0.5.0       
## [45] stringi_1.1.5       optmatch_0.9-7      bindrcpp_0.2        latticeExtra_0.6-28
## [49] sandwich_2.4-0      openxlsx_4.0.17     TH.data_1.0-8       RColorBrewer_1.1-2
## [53] tools_3.3.1         forcats_0.2.0       glue_1.1.1          purrr_0.2.4        
## [57] abind_1.4-5         colorspace_1.3-2    cluster_2.0.6       bindr_0.1          
## [61] knitr_1.17          haven_1.1.0         quantreg_5.33