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variete — Making lazily evaluated raster operations simple

The GDAL library leverages functionality that is used in most (if not all) modern geospatial software. Most operations in GDAL are eager, i.e. they are run sequentially and produce an output directly. The GDAL Virtual Format (VRT) allows for lazy evaluation of operations, meaning only what is requested is actually calculated, instead of the whole raster at once. Formulating advanced VRTs, however, are difficult and therefore limits the usage of the format. Enter the niche of variete, VRTs made simple; with variete, VRTs are used as the backend and allow lazy evalation of rasters in a "Pythonic" interface.

Why lazy evaluation is a good idea

Lazy evaluation means delaying calculations up until the moment they are needed, and not before. This can lead to ambiguity, but when done right, provides tools for getting a better overview of the process, lower memory management, and generally higher flexibility in the end. Imagine working on a 20-step process (like warping or adding rasters). Eager evaluation; the opposite of lazy evaluation, would mean loading the initial raster, performing an operation, running the next operation, etc. With simplistic eager evaluation, this may require 20 files either on disk or in memory. If the rasters are large, they may need to be saved occasionally, or upon every operation to not run out of memory (OOM). Even worse, if the raster is too large to fit in memory, it may have to be chunked and operations need to be run on all chunks independently. There are many good approaches for chunked eager evaluation, but it often still leads to high code complexity and many large intermediate files. With proper lazy evaluation, no intermediate files (other than ones that the user may request) will be created, and complexity can be kept at a minimum as chunking and parallelization is handled by the backend instead.

See other sources that highlight the power of VRTs

About the name

Variété in French means variety, type or genre. More importantly, variete sounds like a very poor pronounciation of V-R-T, which led to the origin of the name of the package. It is thus a "variety of GDALs approach to lazy evaluation"! As for pronounciation of the package name, it is like spoken Latin; every language and individual speaker probably has their own version.


variete provides a simple interface to generate on-the-fly instructions for:

  • Warping between coordinate systems.
  • Cropping / resampling rasters.
  • Generating mosaics.
  • Performing arithmetic on or between rasters.
  • Loading the result as a numpy array, or saving it as a GDAL-friendly stack of VRTs.

Since VRT is the main driver of variete, lazy outputs can be read by any GDAL-powered software.

What variete cannot do

Some caveats inherent to VRTs, or inherent to lazy file-based evaluation in general, cannot be circumvented. For example:

  • Arithmetic on virtual rasters only works with constants and other virtual rasters. It cannot be done with in-memory datasets such as numpy arrays. In this case, either the array needs to be saved on disk, or the virtual raster needs to be explicitly loaded into memory.
  • Nodata handling in the VRT framework is rudimentary; when subtracting two virtual rasters with nodata values, nodata is ignored. Therefore, variete.load() defaults to assigning all nodata values to np.nan, which partly circumvents the problem.


Elevation change rate

Generating elevation change rates between two DEMs requires three lines of code in variete (excluding imports and plotting):

import variete
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dem_2000 = variete.load("dem_2000.tif")
dem_2020 = variete.load("dem_2020.tif")

dhdt = (dem_2020 - dem_2000) / (2020 - 2000)

plt.plot(, cmap="RdBu", vmin=-2, vmax=2)


Resampling between the DEMs (in case their spatial extents differ) is done using the .warp() method and a reference dataset, for example: dem_2020_warped = dem_2020.warp(dem_2000). The exact parameters in case a reference dataset does not exist and the warping algorithm can be customized if needed.

Note that the pixel values of the dhdt variable are not calculated until is called; before, it simply represents the "recipe" on how to generate the pixels.

Sampling a warped raster

Imagine the scenario where a few points need to be sampled from a raster, but the raster is in a different coordinate system. This can technically be handled by first transforming the points to the raster CRS and then sampling, but with variete, it is much easier! variete can warp between coordinate systems with just one (lazy) call, and then the warped raster can be sampled directly.

import variete
import pandas as pd

# This raster may be in a different coordinate system, like a geographic WGS84.
# the .warp call reprojects the raster to a more suitable coordinate system in this case.
# Note that no processing has yet been performed
raster = variete.load("raster.tif").warp(crs="WGS 84 / UTM Zone 33N")
points = pd.read_csv("points.csv")

# When sample is called, only the blocks of the raster that is needed for reprojection is loaded, then reprojected, then sampled from.
points["raster_value"] = raster.sample(points["easting"], points["northing"])


variete only depends on rasterio and its sub-dependencies. If rasterio is installed and it works (see their installation page), variete can be installed with one of the following:

pip install variete

or, for the latest main branch commit:

pip install git+

Comparison to other packages


The API is heavily inspired from geoutils, largely because the projects share core developers. geoutils can be seen as the eager equivalent of variete in its current state (Apr. 2023) as all operations are performed in-memory. The packages complement each other; geoutils features higher flexibility with the types of supported in-memory operations, while variete excels at memory efficiency on large files.

xarray / rioxarray / dask

xarray is excellent at lazy evaluation due to its dask backend, and rioxarray allows for simple lazy loading of georeferenced rasters. This family of packages is far ahead in terms of flexibility and multi-node scheduling. Its API can however be daunting, and its functionality rather shines complex use-cases. variete fills the gap between the eager simplicity of geoutils and the lazy complexity of xarray.


Most modern geospatial packages use rasterio for geospatial raster operations. Its goal is to make GDAL functionality easier to use, and it adds many useful tools and error messages along the way. Indeed, rasterio even has a VRT module which can handle the (very limited) construction of simple VRTs. Code complexity is however often a recurring problem with rasterio, as even just one operation (like reprojecting, reading or writing) can easily be 5–10 lines of code. Most of the functionality is also eager, meaning OOM issues and large intermediate files are almost granted. variete uses the safety net that rasterio provides for disk-based operations (reading/writing/sampling), while retaining the simplicity that is inspired by geoutils. Most of the properties of a variete.VRaster are identical to a rio.DatasetReader class (like transform, crs, shape), so switching between the two packages should be trivial, and many use-cases require using both.


We are happy for contributions to added functionality or bugfixes for variete that follow the main principles of the package! Special emphasis is put on:

  • Increased GDAL VRT interoperability
  • Ease of use
  • Bugfixes, testing and documentation improvements

For new features that fall outside of the "variete as a VRT wrapper" scope, further discussion is needed. New functionality may better fit the scope of the related packages geoutils or xdem.


  1. Aim for full VRT compatibility. Currently, only a subset of the VRT functionality is supported.
  2. Implement graph optimization. Many subsequent steps may possible to simplify to fewer steps, leading to fewer VRTs being active at a time. This will probably increase performance, and will make saving VRT stacks less of a file-explosion.
  3. Work toward maximum test and documentation coverage to make sure the core functionality is watertight.
  4. Improve inter-operability with geoutils and xdem. variete.VRasters should be easy to convert to in-memory geoutils.Rasters, and vice versa.


Making lazily evaluated raster operations simple







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