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Catown API

Catown API is a Flask-based API as a showcase project, designed for managing a virtual town of cats. It utilizes PostgresDB as a persistent storage solution, Alembic for database migrations, and incorporates design patterns such as Hexagonal Architecture, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Domain-Driven Design (DDD). My potfolio React web consumes this API:


  • Entities:

    • Cat: Represents individual cats in the town. Utilizes a Nature ValueObject for for coexistence compatibility logic.
    • House: Represents a dwelling where cats reside. Each house can accommodate up to 4 cats.
  • Coexistence Coefficient:

    • The coexistence coefficient dynamically changes as cats join or leave a house with more than one cat.

Tech Stack

  • Flask: The web framework used for building the API.
  • PostgresDB: The chosen relational database for persistent storage.
  • Alembic: Used for managing database migrations.
  • Docker Compose: Easily run the project in a local environment.

Design Patterns

Hexagonal Architecture

The project follows the principles of Hexagonal Architecture, emphasizing a clear separation between the application core and the external interfaces.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

The development process is guided by Test-Driven Development to ensure the reliability and correctness of the codebase. Tests cover different aspects of the application, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

Domain-Driven Design (DDD)

Domain-Driven Design concepts are applied to create a rich and expressive domain model that accurately represents the problem space of managing a community of cats.

Unit of Work (UOW) Pattern

The Unit of Work pattern is used to abstract atomicity over persistent operations, ensuring consistency during database interactions.

Repository Pattern

Abstraction over data access logic from the rest of the application, acting as a mediator between the application's business logic and the data source (such as a database).

Getting Started


  • Python 3.x
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd catown-flask-api
  2. Start the Docker compose services:

    docker compose up -d


API Endpoints


  • /cats?house_id={house_id}: Endpoint for listing cats within a house entity
  • /houses: Listing house entities


  • /add_cat: needs a json body with name, birthdate, nature and house_id fields, to add a cat to the DB. At the end of each transaction if there's no house with room, it automatically will create an empty one for future cats.
  • /create_house: It creates a house in case there's no one existent nor with room available.
  • /transfer: It is used for transfering cats from one house to another while keeping the correct coex coefficient in each house. It still not implemented in the front-end

Front-end Web Application

A separate front-end web application consumes this API, providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with the API. Source:


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Catown Flask API Backend






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