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Percentage calculations made easy.


Add Percentage to your Gradle build script:

repositories {

dependencies {

If you're using Maven, add to your POM xml file:



The library provides the Percentage type: an immutable and thread-safe class that makes percentage calculations easy.

val percentage = 5.5.percent() // 5.5%

150 * percentage          // 8.25
150 decreaseBy percentage // 141.75
150 increaseBy percentage // 158.25

Other convenience functions are also available. To create a percentage based on a ratio, use the ratioOf function:

1 ratioOf 4 // 25%

To calculate the relative percentage change between two numbers, use the relativeChange function:

1 relativeChange 3 // 200%

And to discover the base value of a number when its represents a given percentage, use the valueWhen function:

5 valueWhen 20.percent() // 25.0 (i.e., 5 is 20% of 25)

API documentation

Read the API documentation for further details.


The Apache Software License, Version 2.0