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Layout Editor

Erik Zimmermann edited this page Jan 9, 2023 · 6 revisions

Choosing a template

You can choose from a template if you just need the default layout with exp trading for example. Simply execute one of the following commands:

Type Command
Default /tradesystem layout activate Standard
Experience /tradesystem layout activate Standard-Exp
Vault /tradesystem layout activate Standard-Vault
Essentials /tradesystem layout activate Standard-Essentials

You need more options? Just create your own layout as explained below!

Steps to create a layout

Create a layout

  1. Choose a few items for your GUI and add them to your inventory for later.
  2. Run /tradesystem layout create <name> [9..54] to start the layout editor. Every unfinished step is visualized by an item with an enchantment on it.
  3. By using the left icon "Fill inventory" another inventory opens up where you can place all your items which should be displayed in the trade GUI. Please consider your trade slots which must remain empty in order for players to add items to them in production use. Also note that until now, no item has any functionality. Therefore, we have to setup functions like getting ready, paying money and so on. Click ESC to go back to the trade menu.
  4. It is easy to apply items with a certain function. Just choose a functionality you would like to connect to an item. After clicking on a function, the inventory with all your items opens up again. You can now click on an item where the selected function should be applied. You should come back to the trade menu. Otherwise, if you want to select another function, just press ESC.
    A. The status icon requires more information since there are 3 different variants which can describe the status of a player: not ready, ready or the player cannot go ready since the plugin requires some trade objects (money, items, ...). Therefore, you have to add another two items to the editor.
    B. Trading slots will be selected in another way: After clicking on that icon in the trade menu. You will get a predefined amount of glass panes which will be replaced later on but for now visualize the trade slots for players. Just place them in the inventory and click ESC to go back.
    C. Some items (e.g. economy icons) have their own temporary storage. The player can enter an amount to them in order to trade e.g. money. Therefore, another icon must be added to the GUI: The preview icon. It is a preview for the trade partner which shows the amount which was entered by the player.
  5. After completing all steps every trade menu icon remains without any enchantment effect. Now, you can complete your layout by clicking finish.

Activating a layout

To enable a layout after creating it, run /tradesystem layout activate <name>.