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GlkOte -- a Javascript display library for IF interfaces

GlkOte Library: version 2.3.4.
Designed by Andrew Plotkin <>

GlkOte is a tool for creating interactive fiction -- and other
text-based applications -- on a web page. It is a Javascript library
which handles the mechanics of displaying text, arranging panes of
text, and accepting text input from the user.

* Contents


- README.txt      -- this file
- docs.html       -- how to use GlkOte in your game (or other application)

What you need:

- glkote.js       -- the GlkOte library
- glkapi.js       -- a Glk API layer
- dialog.js       -- a library for loading and saving game data
- electrofs.js    -- replacement for dialog.js for
- jquery-1.12.4.js     -- the jQuery library
- jquery-1.12.4.min.js -- the jQuery library, compressed
- glkote.css      -- the GlkOte default stylesheet
- dialog.css      -- the stylesheet for the dialog library
- waiting.gif     -- an animated "loading" image

Example pages:

- sample-demo.html     -- a "fake game" that demonstrates library features
- sample-demo.js       -- source code for the fake game
- sample-demo2.html    -- same fake game with a different stylesheet
- glkote-demo2.css     -- the different stylesheet
- sample-help.html     -- pop-up help page for the fake game
- sample-demobase.html -- a simpler, one-window use of the library
- sample-minimal.html  -- minimal, no-window use of the library

* Permissions

The GlkOte, GlkAPI, and Dialog Javascript libraries are copyright
2008-2024 by Andrew Plotkin. They are distributed under the MIT
license; see the "LICENSE" file.

The GlkOte documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
See <>

This package includes the jQuery JavaScript framework, version 1.12.4
Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
Released under the MIT license <>
For details, see the jQuery web site: <>