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peer: Make compilable from PRE 27 releases
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garazdawi committed Jan 26, 2024
1 parent a82a16e commit bef1812
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Start and control linked Erlang nodes.

This module provides functions for starting linked Erlang nodes. The node
spawning new nodes is called _origin_, and newly started nodes are _peer_ nodes,
or peers. A peer node automatically terminates when it loses the _control
connection_ to the origin. This connection could be an Erlang distribution
connection, or an alternative - TCP or standard I/O. The alternative connection
provides a way to execute remote procedure calls even when Erlang Distribution
is not available, allowing to test the distribution itself.

Peer node terminal input/output is relayed through the origin. If a standard I/O
alternative connection is requested, console output also goes via the origin,
allowing debugging of node startup and boot script execution (see
[`-init_debug`](``)). File I/O is not redirected,
contrary to `m:slave` behaviour.

The peer node can start on the same or a different host (via `ssh`) or in a
separate container (for example Docker). When the peer starts on the same host
as the origin, it inherits the current directory and environment variables from
the origin.

> #### Note {: .info }
> This module is designed to facilitate multi-node testing with Common Test. Use
> the `?CT_PEER()` macro to start a linked peer node according to Common Test
> conventions: crash dumps written to specific location, node name prefixed with
> module name, calling function, and origin OS process ID). Use `random_name/1`
> to create sufficiently unique node names if you need more control.
> A peer node started without alternative connection behaves similarly to
> `m:slave`. When an alternative connection is requested, the behaviour is
> similar to `test_server:start_node(Name, peer, Args).`
## Example

The following example implements a test suite starting extra Erlang nodes. It
employs a number of techniques to speed up testing and reliably shut down peer

- peers start linked to test runner process. If the test case fails, the peer
node is stopped automatically, leaving no rogue nodes running in the
- arguments used to start the peer are saved in the control process state for
manual analysis. If the test case fails, the CRASH REPORT contains these
- multiple test cases can run concurrently speeding up overall testing process,
peer node names are unique even when there are multiple instances of the same
test suite running in parallel

-export([all/0, groups/0]).
-export([basic/1, args/1, named/1, restart_node/1, multi_node/1]).


groups() ->
[{quick, [parallel],
[basic, args, named, restart_node, multi_node]}].

all() ->
[{group, quick}].

basic(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, Peer, _Node} = ?CT_PEER(),

args(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% specify additional arguments to the new node
{ok, Peer, _Node} = ?CT_PEER(["-emu_flavor", "smp"]),

named(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% pass test case name down to function starting nodes
Peer = start_node_impl(named_test),

start_node_impl(ActualTestCase) ->
{ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => ?CT_PEER_NAME(ActualTestCase)}),
%% extra setup needed for multiple test cases
ok = rpc:call(Node, application, set_env, [kernel, key, value]),

restart_node(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Name = ?CT_PEER_NAME(),
{ok, Peer, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => Name}),
%% restart the node with the same name as before
{ok, Peer2, Node} = ?CT_PEER(#{name => Name, args => ["+fnl"]}),

The next example demonstrates how to start multiple nodes concurrently:

multi_node(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Peers = [?CT_PEER(#{wait_boot => {self(), tag}})
|| _ <- lists:seq(1, 4)],
%% wait for all nodes to complete boot process, get their names:
_Nodes = [receive {tag, {started, Node, Peer}} -> Node end
|| {ok, Peer} <- Peers],
[peer:stop(Peer) || {ok, Peer} <- Peers].

Start a peer on a different host. Requires `ssh` key-based authentication set
up, allowing "another_host" connection without password prompt.

Ssh = os:find_executable("ssh"),
peer:start_link(#{exec => {Ssh, ["another_host", "erl"]},
connection => standard_io}),

The following Common Test case demonstrates Docker integration, starting two
containers with hostnames "one" and "two". In this example Erlang nodes running
inside containers form an Erlang cluster.

docker(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Docker = os:find_executable("docker"),
PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config),

%% start two Docker containers
{ok, Peer, Node} = peer:start_link(#{name => lambda,
connection => standard_io,
exec => {Docker, ["run", "-h", "one", "-i", "lambda"]}}),
{ok, Peer2, Node2} = peer:start_link(#{name => lambda,
connection => standard_io,
exec => {Docker, ["run", "-h", "two", "-i", "lambda"]}}),

%% find IP address of the second node using alternative connection RPC
{ok, Ips} = peer:call(Peer2, inet, getifaddrs, []),
{"eth0", Eth0} = lists:keyfind("eth0", 1, Ips),
{addr, Ip} = lists:keyfind(addr, 1, Eth0),

%% make first node to discover second one
ok = peer:call(Peer, inet_db, set_lookup, [[file]]),
ok = peer:call(Peer, inet_db, add_host, [Ip, ["two"]]),

%% join a cluster
true = peer:call(Peer, net_kernel, connect_node, [Node2]),
%% verify that second peer node has only the first node visible
[Node] = peer:call(Peer2, erlang, nodes, []),

%% stop peers, causing containers to also stop

build_release(Dir) ->
%% load file, otherwise application:get_key will fail
%% create *.rel - release file
RelFile = filename:join(Dir, "lambda.rel"),
Release = {release, {"lambda", "1.0.0"},
{erts, erlang:system_info(version)},
[{App, begin {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(App, vsn), Vsn end}
|| App <- [kernel, stdlib, sasl]]},
ok = file:write_file(RelFile, list_to_binary(lists:flatten(
io_lib:format("~tp.", [Release])))),
RelFileNoExt = filename:join(Dir, "lambda"),

%% create boot script
{ok, systools_make, []} = systools:make_script(RelFileNoExt,
[silent, {outdir, Dir}]),
%% package release into *.tar.gz
ok = systools:make_tar(RelFileNoExt, [{erts, code:root_dir()}]).

build_image(Dir) ->
%% Create Dockerfile example, working only for Ubuntu 20.04
%% Expose port 4445, and make Erlang distribution to listen
%% on this port, and connect to it without EPMD
%% Set cookie on both nodes to be the same.
BuildScript = filename:join(Dir, "Dockerfile"),
Dockerfile =
"FROM ubuntu:20.04 as runner\n"
"EXPOSE 4445\n"
"WORKDIR /opt/lambda\n"
"COPY lambda.tar.gz /tmp\n"
"RUN tar -zxvf /tmp/lambda.tar.gz -C /opt/lambda\n"
"ENTRYPOINT [\"/opt/lambda/erts-" ++ erlang:system_info(version) ++
"/bin/dyn_erl\", \"-boot\", \"/opt/lambda/releases/1.0.0/start\","
" \"-kernel\", \"inet_dist_listen_min\", \"4445\","
" \"-erl_epmd_port\", \"4445\","
" \"-setcookie\", \"secret\"]\n",
ok = file:write_file(BuildScript, Dockerfile),
os:cmd("docker build -t lambda " ++ Dir).

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