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The OpenGL Programming Guide

Working with OpenGL in OpenTissue

OpenGL is the default graphics library used in OpenTissue. However, you are not required or bound to use OpenGL if you decide to use OpenTissue. A clean separation of the OpenGL visualization have been sought.

In this document we will describe how the OpenGL support has been implemented and how to use it.

The OpenGL support in OpenTissue provides simple visualization methods that are useful for visual debugging of animation methods. For instance methods for visualizing built in vector and quaternion types or geometry types such as sphere, boxes etc.. Most of these visualization methods have been implemented for convenience and not for speed.

The primitives currently supported are

  • Point, Vector, CoordSys
  • AABB, OBB, Prism, Sphere, Tetrahedron, Triangle, Cylinder, Capsule, Ellipsoid, Plane
  • String

There is also support for more advanced OpenGL features, such as handling of

A single OpenGL wrapper file is provided in the header file


This header file will automatically include all OpenGL utilities located in the folder


If only OpenGL support is wanted and none of the OpenTissue utilities is required one can simply include the header file


OpenTissue handles OpenGL extensions by using GLEW. This requires that header files are included in the correct order. It is therefore very important, whenever you use OpenGL, to include either




As the very first header file. If you are using Cg you can simply use the header file


Instead. This is explained in more detail in The Shader Programming Guide.

OpenGL Matrix Utilities

In some applications it is convenient to extract 4-by-4 OpenGL matrices stored in column major form and work directly with this brute representation. OpenTissue provides a small collection of functions for doing so, these are defined in the header file


A typical example usage is to extract model view and projection matrices and manipulate these, for instance

GLfloat model2eye_matrix[16];
GLfloat eye2model_matrix[16];
glGetFloatv( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model2eye_matrix );
invert( model2eye_matrix, eye2model_matrix );

Having obtained the inverted model view transformation matrix, it can be used directly to transform vertices by writing

vector3_type V[N];
for(unsigned int i=0;i<N;++i)
  V[i] = xform( model2eye_matrix, V[i]);

Other functions include matrix multiplication (see mul), matrix transpose (see transpose), and orthonormalization (see orthonormalize).

Material, Color Picking and Error Checking

A easy to use OpenGL material wrapper is defined in the header file


During initialization a material can be defined by writing

float red   = ...;
float green = ...;
float blue  = ...;
float alpha = ...;
glMaterial mat;
mat.ambient( red, green, blue, alpha );
mat.specular( red, green, blue, alpha );
mat.diffuse( red, green, blue, alpha );
mat.shininess( 10 );

When rendering the material can be applied by writing

... render ...

In case you really do not care about whether OpenGL materials are used or not, a more simple utility is provided to set the color. It is defined in the header file


And you use it by writing

glColorPicker( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
... render ...

This will render with a non-transparent red color. If you do not care about specified alpha-values you can simply omit the fourth argument, and it will default to one.

It may happen that you need to check whether some OpenGL error occurred. For this purpose a convenience utility is provided in the header file


And you use it by writing

... some OpenGL stuff that might go wrong ...
check_gl_errors("Here I am");

The function will query the OpenGL state and test whether an error has occurred. If this is the case an error message is written to a stream (default is std::cout) using the specified string value as a pre-fix for the error message. One can omit the string value, or even specify another output stream.

If one have a set of x- and y screen coordinates and want to find the correspond x, y, and z- coordinates of the world point currently visible at the pixel at the specified screen coordinates, then one can use the utility in the header file


The utility is used as follows

int sx = 5,
int sy = 15;
int ox,oy,oz;
glScreen2Object()(sx,sy, ox, oy, oz);

std::cout << "pixel at ("
          << sx
          << ","
          << sy
          << ")corresponds to point ("
          << ox
          << ","
          << oy
          << ","
          << oz
          << ")"
          << std::endl;

Finally there is a picking tool available in the header file


We refer the reader to the header file for details.

Creating an OpenGL based Application using OpenTissue

A typical small application class may look like this

class Application
  ~Application(){ }
  void display()
  void init()
  typedef MyTypes                   types;
  typedef types::real_type          real_type;
  OpenTissue::glCamera        m_camera;
  bool                               m_zoom_mode;
  bool                               m_pan_mode;
  bool                               m_trackball_mode;
  real_type                          m_begin_x;
  real_type                          m_begin_y;
  void mouse_down(real_type sx,real_type sy,bool shift,bool left,bool middle,bool right)
  void mouse_up(real_type sx,real_type sy,bool shift,bool left,bool middle,bool right)
  void mouse_move(real_type sx,real_type sy)

Observe that it consist of an initialization method, a display event handler and mouse event handlers. In the initialization method one would set up the initial state of the GUI, i.e. something like this

void Application::init()
  m_zoom_mode              = false;
  m_pan_mode               = false;
  m_trackball_mode         = false;
  m_camera.target_locked() = true;

Notice that the initial behavior and position of the camera is set. Now in the display handler the camera can by used to setup the correct model-view transformation, as follows

void Application::display()
  glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
  ... do some fancy rendering ...

Of course we want to be able to move the camera around, a perfect place for changing the camera is in the mouse event handlers. For instance one could write

void Application::mouse_down(real_type cur_x,real_type cur_y,bool shift,bool left,bool middle,bool /*right*/)
  if (middle )
    m_zoom_mode = true;
  if ( shift &amp;&amp; left )
    m_pan_mode = true;
  if(!shift &amp;&amp; left)
    m_camera.mouse_down( cur_x, cur_y );
    m_trackball_mode = true;

  m_begin_x = cur_x;
  m_begin_y = cur_y;

void Application::mouse_up(real_type cur_x,real_type cur_y,bool /*shift*/,bool /*left*/,bool /*middle*/,bool /*right*/)
  if ( m_zoom_mode )
    m_camera.move( 0.25*(cur_y - m_begin_y) );
    m_zoom_mode = false;
  if ( m_pan_mode )
    m_camera.pan( 0.25*(m_begin_x - cur_x) , 0.25*(cur_y - m_begin_y) );
    m_pan_mode = false;
  if ( m_trackball_mode )
    m_camera.mouse_up( cur_x, cur_y );
    m_trackball_mode = false;
  m_begin_x = cur_x;
  m_begin_y = cur_y;

void Application::mouse_move(real_type cur_x,real_type cur_y)
  if ( m_zoom_mode )
    m_camera.move( 0.25*(cur_y - m_begin_y) );
  if ( m_pan_mode )
    m_camera.pan( 0.25*(m_begin_x - cur_x) , 0.25*(cur_y - m_begin_y) );
  if ( m_trackball_mode )
    m_camera.mouse_move( cur_x, cur_y);
  m_begin_x = cur_x;
  m_begin_y = cur_y;

This will support zooming, panning, and orbiting. For more details we refer the reader to the header file


If one wants to do frustum culling on the CPU then an utility class for doing this is provided in the header file


It works simply by updating an instance of the frustum class before testing, for instance one could add the following code to the display handler

glFrustum frustum;
if( frustum.contains( aabb ) )
  ... draw stuff inside AABB

Culling currently only supports spheres, AABBs and points.

Using Framebuffer Object

OpenTissue provides wrapper classes for OpenGL Framebuffer object and Renderbuffer, these are located in the header files




Framebuffer object is a convenient way to change the render target. Thus it provides functionality for setting up render to texture (RTT) functionality or ping-pong schemes.

As an example we will set up a render-to-texture ping-pong scheme using both a depth and a stencil buffer. We thus need two textures, two Renderbuffers and one Framebuffer object,

texture2D_pointer    m_texture[2];
glFramebufferObject  m_fbo;
renderbuffer_pointer m_depth;
renderbuffer_pointer m_stencil;

During initialization we must create the textures, the depth and stencil buffers and attach all of them to the Framebuffer Object.

void Application::init()
  static const GLenum buffer[] = { GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT };
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<2;++i)
    m_texture[i] = create_float_texture_rectangle( width, height, 4, 0 );
  m_depth = create_depth_buffer(width,height);
  m_stencil = create_stencil_buffer(width,height);
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<2;++i)
    m_fbo.attach_texture( buffer[i], m_texture[i] );

  m_fbo.attach_render_buffer( GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, m_depth );
  m_fbo.attach_render_buffer( GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, m_stencil );

Of course one do not need to attach depth and stencil buffers, these can be omitted if there are no need for them. Notice that after having attached all resources to the Framebuffer object the method is_valid() is invoked. This method will test (in debug build mode only) if the Framebuffer object is a valid render target. The global disable() call turns of all Framebuffer Objects, this is what you typically want during some initialization.

After having initialized the Framebuffer Object you can use it in your display handler as follows

void Application::display()
  static const GLenum buffer[] = {
  int write = 0;
  int read  = 1;

  for(unsigned int i=0;i<ping_pongs;++i)
    glDrawBuffer (buffer[write]);
    draw_some_thing( ..., m_texture[read]);

Notice that before rendering the function glDrawBuffer is used to tell which buffer should receive the rendering. If you desire to read back from a buffer (from GPU to CPU) you should use the function glReadBuffer to tell which buffer you want to read from.

In the above example we have been a little careless. A Framebuffer object shares the OpenGL state with all other Framebuffer objects (incl. the default system). Therefore one have to protect the OpenGL state when switching to another Framebuffer object unless it is the intention that the same OpenGL state should be used. The state can be protected conveniently by using glPushAttrib and glPopAttrib.

As a final note, if you do not desire to render-to-texture, but just need another color buffer, then you can use render buffer for this. As an example

void Application::some_method()
  glFramebufferObject  fbo;
  renderbuffer_pointer color;

  color.reset( new glRenderbuffer(GL_RGBA8_EXT, w, h) );
  fbo.attach_render_buffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, color);
  ... draw something ...

The Framebuffer Object class also have support for Texture3D, we redirect the reader to the header file


For more details.

Please note: Currently the FramebufferObject class does not support cube map textures. Also, on some drivers the FBO extension does not support GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGULAR_ARB textures. This means that setting the "rectangular" flag when creating a Texture2D object will make the texture unsuitable for use with FramebufferObject. Specifying dimensions for a non-square texture (i.e. width = 256, height = 128 and rectangular = false), however, will most often work.