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Added "now" tag and associated associated dateformat module.
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gardenia committed Mar 4, 2008
1 parent 1563129 commit 48b9b5f
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Showing 7 changed files with 600 additions and 5 deletions.
18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions Makefile
@@ -1,14 +1,24 @@


all: $(PARSER).erl
$(ERL) -make

$(PARSER).erl: $(PARSER).yrl
$(ERLC) -o src/erlydtl src/erlydtl/erlydtl_parser.yrl

$(ERL) -pa `pwd`/ebin
$(ERL) -pa ebin

$(ERL) -noshell -s erlydtl_unittests run_tests
$(ERL) -noshell -pa ebin \
-s erlydtl_unittests run_tests \
-s erlydtl_dateformat_tests run_tests \
-s init stop

rm -fv ebin/*.beam
rm -fv erl_crash.dump
rm -fv erl_crash.dump $(PARSER).erl
357 changes: 357 additions & 0 deletions src/erlydtl/dateformat.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
-export([format/1, format/2]).

C =:= $a orelse
C =:= $A orelse
C =:= $b orelse
C =:= $B orelse
C =:= $d orelse
C =:= $D orelse
C =:= $f orelse
C =:= $F orelse
C =:= $g orelse
C =:= $G orelse
C =:= $h orelse
C =:= $H orelse
C =:= $i orelse
C =:= $I orelse
C =:= $j orelse
C =:= $l orelse
C =:= $L orelse
C =:= $m orelse
C =:= $M orelse
C =:= $n orelse
C =:= $N orelse
C =:= $O orelse
C =:= $P orelse
C =:= $r orelse
C =:= $s orelse
C =:= $S orelse
C =:= $t orelse
C =:= $T orelse
C =:= $U orelse
C =:= $w orelse
C =:= $W orelse
C =:= $y orelse
C =:= $Y orelse
C =:= $z orelse
C =:= $Z

% Format the current date/time
format(FormatString) ->
{Date, Time} = erlang:localtime(),
replace_tags(Date, Time, FormatString).
% Format a tuple of the form {{Y,M,D},{H,M,S}}
% This is the format returned by erlang:localtime()
% and other standard date/time BIFs
format({{_,_,_} = Date,{_,_,_} = Time}, FormatString) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, FormatString);
% Format a tuple of the form {Y,M,D}
format({_,_,_} = Date, FormatString) ->
replace_tags(Date, {0,0,0}, FormatString);
format(DateTime, FormatString) ->
io:format("Unrecognised date paramater : ~p~n", [DateTime]),

replace_tags(Date, Time, Input) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, Input, [], noslash).
replace_tags(_Date, _Time, [], Out, _State) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, [C|Rest], Out, noslash) when ?TAG_SUPPORTED(C) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, Rest,
lists:reverse(tag_to_value(C, Date, Time)) ++ Out, noslash);
replace_tags(Date, Time, [$\\|Rest], Out, noslash) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, Rest, Out, slash);
replace_tags(Date, Time, [C|Rest], Out, slash) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, Rest, [C|Out], noslash);
replace_tags(Date, Time, [C|Rest], Out, _State) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, Rest, [C|Out], noslash).

% Time formatting

% 'a.m.' or 'p.m.'
tag_to_value($a, _, {H, _, _}) when H > 11 -> "p.m.";
tag_to_value($a, _, _) -> "a.m.";

% 'AM' or 'PM'
tag_to_value($A, _, {H, _, _}) when H > 11 -> "PM";
tag_to_value($A, _, _) -> "AM";

% Swatch Internet time
tag_to_value($B, _, _) ->
""; % NotImplementedError

% Time, in 12-hour hours and minutes, with minutes
% left off if they're zero.
% Examples: '1', '1:30', '2:05', '2'
% Proprietary extension.
tag_to_value($f, Date, {H, 0, S}) ->
% If min is zero then return the hour only
tag_to_value($g, Date, {H, 0, S});
tag_to_value($f, Date, Time) ->
% Otherwise return hours and mins
tag_to_value($g, Date, Time)
++ ":" ++ tag_to_value($i, Date, Time);

% Hour, 12-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12'
tag_to_value($g, _, {H,_,_}) ->

% Hour, 24-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. '0' to '23'
tag_to_value($G, _, {H,_,_}) ->

% Hour, 12-hour format; i.e. '01' to '12'
tag_to_value($h, _, {H,_,_}) ->

% Hour, 24-hour format; i.e. '00' to '23'
tag_to_value($H, _, {H,_,_}) ->

% Minutes; i.e. '00' to '59'
tag_to_value($i, _, {_,M,_}) ->

% Time, in 12-hour hours, minutes and 'a.m.'/'p.m.', with minutes left off
% if they're zero and the strings 'midnight' and 'noon' if appropriate.
% Examples: '1 a.m.', '1:30 p.m.', 'midnight', 'noon', '12:30 p.m.'
% Proprietary extension.
tag_to_value($P, _, {0, 0, _}) -> "midnight";
tag_to_value($P, _, {12, 0, _}) -> "noon";
tag_to_value($P, Date, Time) ->
tag_to_value($f, Date, Time)
++ " " ++ tag_to_value($a, Date, Time);

% Seconds; i.e. '00' to '59'
tag_to_value($s, _, {_,_,S}) ->

% Date formatting

% Month, textual, 3 letters, lowercase; e.g. 'jan'
tag_to_value($b, {_,M,_}, _) ->
string:sub_string(monthname(M), 1, 3);

% Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; i.e. '01' to '31'
tag_to_value($d, {_, _, D}, _) ->

% Day of the week, textual, 3 letters; e.g. 'Fri'
tag_to_value($D, Date, _) ->
Dow = calendar:day_of_the_week(Date),
ucfirst(string:sub_string(dayname(Dow), 1, 3));

% Month, textual, long; e.g. 'January'
tag_to_value($F, {_,M,_}, _) ->

% '1' if Daylight Savings Time, '0' otherwise.
tag_to_value($I, _, _) ->

% Day of the month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '31'
tag_to_value($j, {_, _, D}, _) ->

% Day of the week, textual, long; e.g. 'Friday'
tag_to_value($l, Date, _) ->

% Boolean for whether it is a leap year; i.e. True or False
tag_to_value($L, {Y,_,_}, _) ->
case calendar:is_leap_year(Y) of
true -> "True";
_ -> "False"

% Month; i.e. '01' to '12'
tag_to_value($m, {_, M, _}, _) ->

% Month, textual, 3 letters; e.g. 'Jan'
tag_to_value($M, {_,M,_}, _) ->
ucfirst(string:sub_string(monthname(M), 1, 3));

% Month without leading zeros; i.e. '1' to '12'
tag_to_value($n, {_, M, _}, _) ->

% Month abbreviation in Associated Press style. Proprietary extension.
tag_to_value($N, {_,M,_}, _) when M =:= 9 ->
% Special case - "Sept."
ucfirst(string:sub_string(monthname(M), 1, 4)) ++ ".";
tag_to_value($N, {_,M,_}, _) when M < 3 orelse M > 7 ->
% Jan, Feb, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec are all
% abbreviated with a full-stop appended.
ucfirst(string:sub_string(monthname(M), 1, 3)) ++ ".";
tag_to_value($N, {_,M,_}, _) ->
% The rest are the fullname.

% Difference to Greenwich time in hours; e.g. '+0200'
tag_to_value($O, Date, Time) ->
Diff = utc_diff(Date, Time),
Offset = case utc_diff(Date, Time) of
Diff when abs(Diff) > 2400 -> "+0000";
Diff when Diff < 0 ->
io_lib:format("-~4..0w", [trunc(abs(Diff))]);
_ ->
io_lib:format("+~4..0w", [trunc(abs(Diff))])

% RFC 2822 formatted date; e.g. 'Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200'
tag_to_value($r, Date, Time) ->
replace_tags(Date, Time, "D, j M Y H:i:s O");

% English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters;
% i.e. 'st', 'nd', 'rd' or 'th'
tag_to_value($S, {_, _, D}, _) when
D rem 100 =:= 11 orelse
D rem 100 =:= 12 orelse
D rem 100 =:= 13 -> "th";
tag_to_value($S, {_, _, D}, _) when D rem 10 =:= 1 -> "st";
tag_to_value($S, {_, _, D}, _) when D rem 10 =:= 2 -> "nd";
tag_to_value($S, {_, _, D}, _) when D rem 10 =:= 3 -> "rd";
tag_to_value($S, _, _) -> "th";

% Number of days in the given month; i.e. '28' to '31'
tag_to_value($t, {Y,M,_}, _) ->

% Time zone of this machine; e.g. 'EST' or 'MDT'
tag_to_value($T, _, _) ->

% Seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
tag_to_value($U, Date, Time) ->
EpochSecs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time})
- calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970,1,1},{0,0,0}}),

% Day of the week, numeric, i.e. '0' (Sunday) to '6' (Saturday)
tag_to_value($w, Date, _) ->
% Note: calendar:day_of_the_week returns
% 1 | .. | 7. Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, ..., Sunday = 7
integer_to_list(calendar:day_of_the_week(Date) rem 7);

% ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
tag_to_value($W, {Y,M,D}, _) ->

% Year, 2 digits; e.g. '99'
tag_to_value($y, {Y, _, _}, _) ->
string:sub_string(integer_to_list(Y), 3);

% Year, 4 digits; e.g. '1999'
tag_to_value($Y, {Y, _, _}, _) ->

% Day of the year; i.e. '0' to '365'
tag_to_value($z, {Y,M,D}, _) ->

% Time zone offset in seconds (i.e. '-43200' to '43200'). The offset for
% timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is
% always positive.
tag_to_value($Z, _, _) ->

tag_to_value(C, Date, Time) ->
io:format("Unimplemented tag : ~p [Date : ~p] [Time : ~p]",
[C, Date, Time]),

% Date helper functions
day_of_year(Y,M,D) ->
day_of_year(_Y,M,D,Count) when M =< 1 ->
D + Count;
day_of_year(Y,M,D,Count) when M =< 12 ->
day_of_year(Y, M - 1, D, Count + calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Y,M));
day_of_year(Y,_M,D,_Count) ->
day_of_year(Y, 12, D, 0).

hour_24to12(0) -> 12;
hour_24to12(H) when H < 13 -> H;
hour_24to12(H) when H < 24 -> H - 12;
hour_24to12(H) -> H.

year_weeknum(Y,M,D) ->
First = (calendar:day_of_the_week(Y, 1, 1) rem 7) - 1,
Wk = ((((calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Y, M, D) -
calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Y, 1, 1)) + First) div 7)
+ (case First < 4 of true -> 1; _ -> 0 end)),
case Wk of
0 -> weeks_in_year(Y - 1);
_ -> case weeks_in_year(Y) of
WksInThisYear when Wk > WksInThisYear -> 1;
_ -> Wk

weeks_in_year(Y) ->
D1 = calendar:day_of_the_week(Y, 1, 1),
D2 = calendar:day_of_the_week(Y, 12, 31),
if (D1 =:= 4 orelse D2 =:= 4) -> 53; true -> 52 end.

utc_diff(Date, Time) ->
% Note: this code is plagarised from yaws_log
UTime = erlang:universaltime(),
DiffSecs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date,Time})
- calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UTime),

dayname(1) -> "monday";
dayname(2) -> "tuesday";
dayname(3) -> "wednesday";
dayname(4) -> "thursday";
dayname(5) -> "friday";
dayname(6) -> "saturday";
dayname(7) -> "sunday";
dayname(_) -> "???".

monthname(1) -> "january";
monthname(2) -> "february";
monthname(3) -> "march";
monthname(4) -> "april";
monthname(5) -> "may";
monthname(6) -> "june";
monthname(7) -> "july";
monthname(8) -> "august";
monthname(9) -> "september";
monthname(10) -> "october";
monthname(11) -> "november";
monthname(12) -> "december";
monthname(_) -> "???".

% Utility functions
integer_to_list_zerofill(N) when N < 10 ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~2..0B", [N]));
integer_to_list_zerofill(N) ->

ucfirst([First | Rest]) when First >= $a, First =< $z ->
[First-($a-$A) | Rest];
ucfirst(Other) ->

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/erlydtl/erlydtl_compiler.erl
Expand Up @@ -298,6 +298,12 @@ body_ast(DjangoParseTree, Context, TreeWalker) ->
body_ast(Block, Context, TreeWalkerAcc);
({'comment', _Contents}, TreeWalkerAcc) ->
({'date', 'now', {string_literal, _Pos, FormatString}}, TreeWalkerAcc) ->
% Note: we can't use unescape_string_literal here
% because we want to allow escaping in the format string.
% We only want to remove the surrounding quotes, i.e. \"foo\"
Unquoted = string:sub_string(FormatString, 2, length(FormatString) - 1),
string_ast(dateformat:format(Unquoted), TreeWalkerAcc);
({'autoescape', {identifier, _, OnOrOff}, Contents}, TreeWalkerAcc) ->
body_ast(Contents, Context#dtl_context{auto_escape = list_to_atom(OnOrOff)},
Expand Down

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