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Find your perfect outdoor experience

Table of Contents

About The Project

This repository holds the Ruby on Rails API from which the React frontend serves the data.

For the authentication of the users I used Sessions. Inspiration from this playlist.

The API is hosted on Heroku, at this endpoint: Outxplore API

  • From there several other endpoints can be accessed
  • /sessions
    • POST - for user log in
  • /registrations
    • POST - for user sign up
  • /host_application
    • POST - for Host application
  • /listings
    • POST - for creating a listing
    • GET - for fetching the listings
  • /listings/:id
    • GET - for fetching one particular listing

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rubocop


git clone

Install dependencies

bundle install

Start Development Server

rails s

Visit this link in your browser


Run Rubocop


Run tests

bundle exec rspec


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