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List, archive, delete, or favorite multiple articles in your Pocket list at once based on their tags and/or added date.


List all articles added since 2018-04-08:
pocket-tool list --since 2018-04-08

Archive each article tagged with both "ifttt" and "nyt", but not "politics":
pocket-tool archive -t ifttt -t nyt -T politics

Delete all articles added more than 4 days ago:
pocket-tool delete --before $(date -v-4d +%Y-%m-%d)

Favorite all archived articles without the tag "ifttt":
pocket-tool favorite --archived --without-tag ifttt


pocket-tool [--version] [--help] <command> [<options>]


-q --quiet Don’t print article list.
-m --markdown Print articles as links in a Markdown list format.


list [<criteria>] List articles matching <criteria>. This command doesn’t modify any articles.
favorite [<criteria>]
unfavorite [<criteria>]
Favorite or unfavorite articles matching <criteria>.
archive [<criteria>]
unarchive [<criteria>]
Archive or unarchive articles matching <criteria>.
delete [<criteria>] Delete articles matching <criteria>.
auth <consumer-key> See Authentication.


These options are used to limit a command to only act on certain articles. Only articles that match every given criteria are acted on.

-t --with-tag <tag> Match articles with <tag>.
-T --without-tag <tag> Do not match articles with <tag>.
-a --archived Match archived articles.
-A --not-archived Match articles in “My List” (articles that aren’t archived).
-f --favorited Match favorited articles.
-F --not-favorited Match articles that aren’t favorited.
-b --before <YYYY-MM-DD> Match articles added before <YYYY-MM-DD>.
-s --since <YYYY-MM-DD> Match articles added since <YYYY-MM-DD>.

If --archived/--not-archived is not used, both archived and not archived articles are matched.

If --favorited/--not-favorited is not used, both favorited and non favorited articles are matched.

Install with Homebrew

$ brew install ernstwi/tap/pocket-tool

Install manually

make to build.
make install to move the built binary to /usr/local/bin/pocket-tool.


Before you can use pocket-tool, you must create a Pocket consumer key, and authenticate the app by running pocket-tool auth <consumer-key>. This will create a private access token, which is stored along with your consumer key in ~/.pocket-tool.
