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gghalves 0.1.1

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@erocoar erocoar released this 09 Nov 09:51
· 20 commits to master since this release

gghalves 0.1.1

New features

  • geom_half_boxplot for half-boxplots.
  • geom_half_dotplot for aligned dotplots that dodge fill and color.
  • geom_half_violin for half-violin plots.
  • geom_half_point for half-jitterplots.
  • geom_half_point_panel for jittering points but allowing grouped aesthetics inside that jitter (rather than dodging per group).

Major Changes

  • transformation_params argument of geom_half_point has been deprecated in favor of passing the arguments directly to transformation by evaluating position_*(arguments) functions that return Position objects.

Minor Changes

  • transformation_params argument of geom_half_point has been removed (after previously having been deprecated). Instead, pass position_*(params) with the transformation argument instead.
  • range_scale has been set to a default value of 0.75 for geom_half_point_panel to match geom_half_point.
  • geom_half_point now supports passing of positions other than PositionJitter and PositionIdentity to transformation -- given they have a compute_panel function.
  • added range_scale parameter to geom_half_point. When no width argument is passed in transformation_params, range_scale defaults to 0.5, which leads to the points using half of their allotted space. 1 would have them end up using all of their allotted space.
  • added default width and height values when width or height are included names in the transformation_params list but set to NULL. This leads to sensible defaults for Positions that are not PositionJitter.

Bug Fixes

  • fixed a bug in geom_half_point where jitter width defaulted to the default value of ggplot2::PositionJitter rather than a custom calculation. range_scale should work better as a result, and the geom can be used with small values without problems.
  • removed range scaling of geom_half_point after points were already jittered
  • fixed y-axis limits being set to # of factor levels when the maximum y-value is lower than the # of factor values
  • accurate naming of geom_half_violin and geom_half_point grobs by drawing internally rather than calling Geom*$draw_panel