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Customizing BookSwap

Ethan Romba edited this page Jan 4, 2014 · 1 revision

BookSwap's default theme can be easily customized for your school.

UI Strings

Common school-specific UI strings are found in the bookswap.php configuration file. To customize these strings:

  1. Copy application/config/bookswap.php to your application/config/development directory.

  2. Update the UI strings in application/config/development/bookswap.php as desired.

Footer Logos

BookSwap includes CSS placeholders for your university and sponsoring organization's logos. To customize these logos:

  1. Resize each logo image to a height of 120 pixels.

  2. Place the resized logos in the img directory.

  3. Update the img elements in application/views/partials/footer.php with the paths to your logo images. For example:

    <img src="<?php print base_url('img/org-logo.png'); ?>" ... />

"About this site" Modal

Don't forget to sign your work! Be sure to update the "About this site" modal (applications/views/modals/about.php) with the names of all of the contributors who helped make your site a reality.