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006_Level Increase and Bonus levels

fgostev edited this page Jul 13, 2021 · 3 revisions

Level Increase

Once the player passes 10 problems - the player moves onto next level.

Introduction levels

The first levels start with just one digit and one operand.

10 times each:

  • a + b.
  • a - b.
  • a * b.
  • a / c

Once the player passes all this problems the difficulty increases with adding another 10 sets of problems sets with a random operand and digits up to two lengths

10 times two digits of:

a (random operand) b

10 times three digits of:

a (random operand) b

Once the player succeeds with all levels for the two operands we start to increase the amount of numbers in the problem:

a (random operand) b (random operand) c

a (random operand) b (random operand) c (random operand) d

a (random operand) b (random operand) c (random operand) d (random operand) e

a (random operand) b (random operand) c (random operand) d (random operand) e (random operand) f

bonus levels

after completion any level with more than one operand player gets a bonus level

A bonus level is a 1 min with unlimited amount of easy problems for the purpose of a break and gain time to the timer.

If a player completes a bonus level without mistakes he can get a prize (further details TBD in the features section)


extra challenge level

Extra challenge level is an optional addition to the gameplay that we can add if we have. The extra challenge level won't affect the timer, but will have only one shot to answer right. This level will be harder than usual as it might have out of the box questions or fractions. Details TBD.

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