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gtunell committed Aug 15, 2018
1 parent 300fe05 commit 57effa6
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore.jl
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module AndersonMoore

# Set-up for callSparseAim
const lib = Libdl.dlopen(normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "deps", "libAndersonMoore")))
const sym = Libdl.dlsym(lib, :callSparseAim)

# Include all files
for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__)))
for file in files
file == "AndersonMoore.jl" ? nothing : include(joinpath(root, file))

# Export all functions
export exactShift!, numericShift!, shiftRight!, buildA!, augmentQ!, eigenSys!, reducedForm,
AndersonMooreAlg, sameSpan, deleteCols, deleteRows, callSparseAim, checkAM, err, gensysToAMA

end # module
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/AndersonMooreAlg.jl
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AndersonMooreAlg(h, qcols, neq)
Solve a linear perfect foresight model using the julia eig
function to find the invariant subspace associated with the big
roots. This procedure will fail if the companion matrix is
defective and does not have a linearly independent set of
eigenvectors associated with the big roots.
Input arguments:
h Structural coefficient matrix (neq,neq*(nlag+1+nlead)).
neq Number of equations.
nlag Number of lags.
nlead Number of leads.
condn Zero tolerance used as a condition number test
by numericShift and reducedForm.
upper Inclusive upper bound for the modulus of roots
allowed in the reduced form.
Output arguments:
b Reduced form coefficient matrix (neq,neq*nlag).
rts Roots returned by eig.
ia Dimension of companion matrix (number of non-trivial
elements in rts).
nexact Number of exact shiftRights.
nnumeric Number of numeric shiftRights.
lgroots Number of roots greater in modulus than upper.
AMAcode Return code: see function AMAerr.
function AndersonMooreAlg(hh::Array{Float64,2}, neq::Int64, nlag::Int64, nlead::Int64, anEpsi::Float64, upper::Float64)

if(nlag < 1 || nlead < 1)
error("AMA_eig: model must have at least one lag and one lead.")

# Initialization.
nexact = 0
nnumeric = 0
lgroots = 0
iq = 0
AMAcode = 0
bb = 0
qrows = neq * nlead
qcols = neq * (nlag + nlead)
bcols = neq * nlag
qq = zeros(qrows, qcols)
rts = zeros(qcols, 1)

# Compute the auxiliary initial conditions and store them in q.

(hh, qq, iq, nexact) = exactShift!(hh, qq, iq, qrows, qcols, neq)
if (iq > qrows)
AMAcode = 61
return bb, rts, ia, nexact, nnumeric, lgroots, AMAcode

(hh, qq, iq, nnumeric) = numericShift!(hh, qq, iq, qrows, qcols, neq, anEpsi)
if (iq > qrows)
AMAcode = 62
return bb, rts, ia, nexact, nnumeric, lgroots, AMAcode

# Build the companion matrix. Compute the stability conditions, and
# combine them with the auxiliary initial conditions in q.

(aa, ia, js) = buildA!(hh, qcols, neq)

if (ia != 0)
for element in aa
if isnan(element) || isinf(element)
display("A is NAN or INF")
AMAcode = 63
return bb, rts, ia, nexact, nnumeric, lgroots, AMAcode
(ww, rts, lgroots) = eigenSys!(aa, upper, min(size(js, 1), qrows - iq + 1))

qq = augmentQ!(qq, ww, js, iq, qrows)

test = nexact + nnumeric + lgroots
if (test > qrows)
AMAcode = 3
elseif (test < qrows)
AMAcode = 4

# If the right-hand block of q is invertible, compute the reduced form.

if(AMAcode == 0)
(nonsing,bb) = reducedForm(qq, qrows, qcols, bcols, neq, anEpsi)
if ( nonsing && AMAcode==0)
AMAcode = 1
elseif (!nonsing && AMAcode==0)
AMAcode = 5
elseif (!nonsing && AMAcode==3)
AMAcode = 35
elseif (!nonsing && AMAcode==4)
AMAcode = 45

return bb, rts, ia, nexact, nnumeric, lgroots, AMAcode
# (bbJulia,rtsJulia,iaJulia,nexJulia,nnumJulia,lgrtsJulia,AMAcodeJulia) = AMAalg(hh,neq,nlag,nlead,anEpsi,1+anEpsi)
end # AndersonMooreAlg
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/augmentQ!.jl
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augmentQ(qq, ww, js, iq, qrows)
Copy the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest roots into the
remaining empty rows and columns js of q
function augmentQ!(qq::Array{Float64,2}, ww::Array{Float64,2}, js::Array{Int64,2}, iq::Int64, qrows::Int64)

if(iq < qrows)
lastrows = (iq + 1) : qrows
wrows = 1 : length(lastrows)
qq[lastrows, js] = @views ww[:, wrows]'

return qq

end # augmentQ

57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/buildA!.jl
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buildA(hh, qcols, neq)
Build the companion matrix, deleting inessential lags.
Solve for x_{t+nlead} in terms of x_{t+nlag},...,x_{t+nlead-1}.
function buildA!(hh::Array{Float64,2}, qcols::Int64, neq::Int64)

left = 1:qcols
right = (qcols + 1):(qcols + neq)

tmp = similar(hh)
tmp[:, left] = \(-hh[:, right], hh[:, left])

# Build the big transition matrix.

aa = zeros(qcols, qcols)

if(qcols > neq)
eyerows = 1:(qcols - neq)
eyecols = (neq + 1):qcols
aa[eyerows, eyecols] = eye(qcols - neq)
hrows = (qcols - neq + 1):qcols
aa[hrows, :] = tmp[:, left]

# Delete inessential lags and build index array js. js indexes the
# columns in the big transition matrix that correspond to the
# essential lags in the model. They are the columns of q that will
# get the unstable left eigenvectors.

js = Array{Int64}(1,qcols)
for ii in 1 : qcols
js[1, ii] = ii

zerocols = sum(abs.(aa), 1)
zerocols = find(col->(col == 0), zerocols)

while length(zerocols) != 0
# aa = filter!(x->(x !in zerocols), aa)

aa = deleteCols(aa, zerocols)
aa = deleteRows(aa, zerocols)
js = deleteCols(js, zerocols)

zerocols = sum(abs.(aa), 1)
zerocols = find(col->(col == 0), zerocols)

ia = length(js)

return (aa::Array{Float64,2}, ia::Int64, Int64.(js)::Array{Int64,2})

end # buildA
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/eigenSys!.jl
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eigenSys!(h, qcols, neq)
Compute the roots and the left eigenvectors of the companion
matrix, sort the roots from large-to-small, and sort the
eigenvectors conformably. Map the eigenvectors into the real
domain. Count the roots bigger than uprbnd.
function eigenSys!(aa::Array{Float64,2}, upperbound::Float64, rowsLeft::Int64)

roots = eigvals(aa')
ww = eigvecs(aa')

# sort eigenvalues in descending order of magnitude
magnitudes = abs.(roots)
highestToLowestMag = sortperm(magnitudes, rev = true) # reverse order
roots = roots[highestToLowestMag]

# sort eigenvecs in order found above
ww = ww[:, highestToLowestMag]

# Given a complex conjugate pair of vectors W = [w1,w2], there is a
# nonsingular matrix D such that W*D = real(W) + imag(W). That is to
# say, W and real(W)+imag(W) span the same subspace, which is all
# that AMA cares about.

ww = ( real(ww) + imag(ww) )::Array{Float64,2}

# count how many roots are above the upperbound threshold
lgroots = mapreduce((mag->mag > upperbound ? 1 : 0), +, magnitudes)

return (ww, roots, lgroots)

end # eigenSys!
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/err.jl
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function err(c)
# err(c)
# Interpret the return codes generated by the AMA routines.
# The return code c = 2 is used by AMA_schur.m but not by AMA_eig.m.

# Original author: Gary Anderson
# Original file downloaded from:
# Adapted for Dynare by Dynare Team.
# This code is in the public domain and may be used freely.
# However the authors would appreciate acknowledgement of the source by
# citation of any of the following papers:
# Anderson, G. and Moore, G.
# "A Linear Algebraic Procedure for Solving Linear Perfect Foresight
# Models."
# Economics Letters, 17, 1985.
# Anderson, G.
# "Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models: A Horse Race"
# Computational Economics, 2008, vol. 31, issue 2, pages 95-113
# Anderson, G.
# "A Reliable and Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Imposing the
# Saddle Point Property in Dynamic Models"
# Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2010, vol. 34, issue 3,
# pages 472-489

if(c==1) e="AndersonMoore: unique solution."
elseif(c==2) e="AndersonMoore: roots not correctly computed by real_schur."
elseif(c==3) e="AndersonMoore: too many big roots."
elseif(c==35) e="AndersonMoore: too many big roots, and q(:,right) is singular."
elseif(c==4) e="AndersonMoore: too few big roots."
elseif(c==45) e="AndersonMoore: too few big roots, and q(:,right) is singular."
elseif(c==5) e="AndersonMoore: q(:,right) is singular."
elseif(c==61) e="AndersonMoore: too many exact shiftrights."
elseif(c==62) e="AndersonMoore: too many numeric shiftrights."
else e="AndersonMoore: return code not properly specified"

return e

52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/exactShift!.jl
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exactShift!(hh,qq, iq, qrows, qcols, neq)
Compute the exact shiftrights and store them in qq.
function exactShift!(hh::Array{Float64,2}, qq::Array{Float64,2}, iq::Int64, qRows::Int64, qCols::Int64, neq::Int64)

# total number of shifts
nexact = 0

# functions to seperate hh
left = 1:qCols
right = (qCols + 1):(qCols + neq)

# get right most columns of hh
zerorows = hh[:, right]'

# compute absolute value
zerorows = abs.(zerorows)

# take the sum of the rows (aka 1st dimenison in julia)
zerorows = sum(zerorows, 1)

# anon function returns index of the rows who sum is 0
zerorows = find(row->(row == 0), zerorows)

# continues until all zerorow indexes have been processed
while length(zerorows) != 0 && (iq <= qRows)
nz = size(zerorows, 1)

# insert only the indexes found with zerorows into qq
qq[(iq + 1):(iq + nz), :] = hh[zerorows, left]

# update by shifting right by $neq columns
hh[zerorows,:] = shiftRight!(hh[zerorows, :], neq)

# increment our variables the amount of zerorows found
iq = iq + nz
nexact = nexact + nz

# update zerorows as before but with our new hh matrix
zerorows = hh[:, right]'
zerorows = abs.(zerorows)
zerorows = sum(zerorows, 1)
zerorows = find(row->(row == 0), zerorows)
end # while

return (hh, qq, iq, nexact)

end # exactShift

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/AndersonMoore/numericShift!.jl
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numericShift!(hh, qq, iq, qrows, qcols, neq, condn)
Compute the numeric shiftrights and store them in q.
function numericShift!(hh::Array{Float64,2}, qq::Array{Float64,2}, iq::Int64, qRows::Int64, qCols::Int64, neq::Int64, condn::Float64)

# total number of shifts
nnumeric = 0

# functions to seperate hh
left = 1:qCols
right = (qCols + 1):(qCols + neq)

# preform QR factorization on right side of hh
F = qrfact(hh[:, right], Val{true})

# filter R only keeping rows that are zero
zerorows = abs.(diag(F[:R]))
zerorows = find(x->(float(x) <= condn), zerorows)

@inbounds while (length(zerorows) != 0) && (iq <= qRows)
# update hh with matrix multiplication of Q and hh
hh = *(F[:Q]', hh)

# need total number of zero rows
nz = size(zerorows, 1)

# update qq to keep track of rows that are zero
qq[(iq + 1):(iq + nz), :] = hh[zerorows, left]

# update hh by shifting right
hh[zerorows, :] = shiftRight!(hh[zerorows, :], neq)

# increment our variables by number of shifts
iq = iq + nz
nnumeric = nnumeric + nz

# redo QR factorization and filter R as before
F = qrfact(hh[:, right], Val{true})
zerorows = abs.(diag(F[:R]))
zerorows = find(x->(float(x) <= condn), zerorows)

end # while

return(hh, qq, iq, nnumeric)

end # numericShift

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