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Turn ChebFun into an MCategory
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eschnett committed May 4, 2018
1 parent a67e88f commit e6def4c
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Showing 12 changed files with 609 additions and 279 deletions.
231 changes: 50 additions & 181 deletions lib/ChebFun.hs
@@ -1,223 +1,92 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}

module ChebFun
( ChebVal()
, ChebFun(..)
, zeroCF, constCF, idCF
, ChebProd(..), ChebUnit(..)
, compactify, uncompactify, clamp
, law_ChebFun_compact_inv
, law_ChebFun_compact_inv'
) where

import Prelude hiding ( id, (.), curry, uncurry
, Functor(..)
, Foldable(..)
, Applicative(..), (<$>)
-- import qualified Prelude as P

import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Constraint
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC

import Applicative
import Category
import Chebyshev
-- import Foldable
import Foldable
import qualified Function as F
import Functor
-- import Unfoldable
import Unbox
import Unfoldable

class (RealFloat a, Unbox a) => ChebVal a
instance (RealFloat a, Unbox a) => ChebVal a
-- | ChebVal
class (RealFloat a, Obj (Dom v) a) => ChebVal v a
instance (RealFloat a, Obj (Dom v) a) => ChebVal v a

newtype ChebFun (n :: Nat) a b = ChebFun (NUVector n b)
instance F.MCategory (ChebVal v)

-- | ChebFun
newtype ChebFun v a b = ChebFun { getChebFun :: v b }
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Generic
, QC.Arbitrary, QC.CoArbitrary -- , QC.Function
-- , P.Functor, P.Foldable
-- , Functor
, Applicative
, QC.Arbitrary, QC.CoArbitrary

instance Functor (ChebFun n a) where
type Dom (ChebFun n a) = Dom (NUVector n)
type Cod (ChebFun n a) = Cod (NUVector n)
instance (Functor v, Cod v ~ (->)) => Functor (ChebFun v a) where
type Dom (ChebFun v a) = Dom v
type Cod (ChebFun v a) = Cod v
proveCod = Sub Dict
fmap f (ChebFun xs) = ChebFun (fmap f xs)

-- instance Foldable (ChebFun n a) where
-- foldMap f (ChebFun xs) = foldMap f xs
-- foldr f z (ChebFun xs) = foldr f z xs
-- foldl f z (ChebFun xs) = foldl f z xs
-- toList (ChebFun xs) = toList xs

instance (Applicative v, Cod v ~ (->)) => Applicative (ChebFun v a) where
pure = ChebFun . pure
ChebFun fs <*> ChebFun xs = ChebFun (fs <*> xs)
liftA2 f (ChebFun xs) (ChebFun ys) = ChebFun (liftA2 f xs ys)
liftA2' f (ChebFun xs, ChebFun ys) = ChebFun (liftA2' f (xs, ys))

zeroCF :: forall n a b. (KnownNat n, Unbox b, Num b) => ChebFun n a b
zeroCF = ChebFun (WithSize (U.replicate (intVal @n) 0))
instance Foldable v => F.Morphism (ChebFun v) where
type Cat (ChebFun v) = ChebVal v
chase (ChebFun cs) = chebyshev cs . realToFrac

constCF :: forall n a b. (KnownNat n, Unbox b, Num b, 1 <= n)
=> b -> ChebFun n a b
constCF x = ChebFun (WithSize (U.fromListN (intVal @n)
([x] ++ replicate (intVal @n - 1) 0)))
instance (Foldable v, Sized v, Unfoldable v)
=> F.Discretization (ChebFun v) where
discretize = ChebFun . chebyshevApprox (size @v)

idCF :: forall n a. (KnownNat n, Unbox a, Num a, 2 <= n) => ChebFun n a a
idCF = ChebFun (WithSize (U.fromListN (intVal @n)
([0, 1] ++ replicate (intVal @n - 2) 0)))

clamp :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
clamp lo hi = max lo . min hi

instance (KnownNat n, 2 <= n) => Category (ChebFun n) where
type Obj (ChebFun n) = ChebVal
id = idCF
g . f = unapply (apply g . apply f) -- TODO: do this better!
-- g . f = ChebFun (chebyshevApprox' n2 n (apply g . apply f))
-- where n = intVal @n
-- n2 = n ^ (2 :: Int)
apply (ChebFun cs) = chebyshev cs . realToFrac
unapply = ChebFun . chebyshevApprox (intVal @n)
-- | input: \( [-\infty, \infty] \),
-- output: \( [-1; 1] \)
compactify :: RealFloat a => a -> a
compactify x = let y = 2 / pi * atan x
in assert (-1 <= y && y <= 1) y

uncompactify :: RealFloat a => a -> a
uncompactify y =
assert (-1 <= y && y <= 1) $
tan (pi / 2 * clamp (-1) 1 y)

-- | prop> uncompactify . compactify = id
law_ChebFun_compact_inv :: RealFloat a => FnEqual a a
law_ChebFun_compact_inv = (uncompactify . compactify) `fnEqual` id @(->)

newtype ChebProd (n :: Nat) a b = ChebProd { getChebProd :: (a, b) }
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic
, QC.Arbitrary, QC.CoArbitrary
-- , Functor, Foldable, Unfoldable, Applicative

derivingUnbox "ChebProd"
[t| forall n a b. (Unbox a, Unbox b) => ChebProd n a b -> (a, b) |]
[| getChebProd |]
[| ChebProd |]

bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> ChebProd n a b -> ChebProd n c d
bimap f g (ChebProd (x, y)) = ChebProd (f x, g y)

bipure :: a -> b -> ChebProd n a b
bipure x y = ChebProd (x, y)

biliftA2 :: (a -> c -> e) -> (b -> d -> f) ->
ChebProd n a b -> ChebProd n c d -> ChebProd n e f
biliftA2 f g (ChebProd (x1, y1)) (ChebProd (x2, y2)) =
ChebProd (f x1 x2, g y1 y2)

bifoldMap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (c -> d -> e) -> ChebProd n a b -> e
bifoldMap f g op (ChebProd (x, y)) = f x `op` g y

instance (Num a, Num b) => Num (ChebProd n a b) where
(+) = biliftA2 (+) (+)
(*) = biliftA2 (*) (*)
negate = bimap negate negate
abs = bimap abs abs
signum = bimap signum signum
fromInteger i = bipure (fromInteger i) (fromInteger i)

instance (Fractional a, Fractional b) => Fractional (ChebProd n a b) where
recip = bimap recip recip
fromRational r = bipure (fromRational r) (fromRational r)

instance (Real a, Real b) => Real (ChebProd n a b) where
toRational (ChebProd (x, _)) = toRational x

instance (RealFrac a, RealFrac b) => RealFrac (ChebProd n a b) where
properFraction (ChebProd (x, _)) = undefined -- properFraction x

instance (Floating a, Floating b) => Floating (ChebProd n a b) where
pi = bipure pi pi
exp = bimap exp exp
log = bimap log log
sin = bimap sin sin
cos = bimap cos cos
asin = bimap asin asin
acos = bimap acos acos
atan = bimap atan atan
sinh = bimap sinh sinh
cosh = bimap cosh cosh
asinh = bimap asinh asinh
acosh = bimap acosh acosh
atanh = bimap atanh atanh

instance (RealFloat a, RealFloat b) => RealFloat (ChebProd n a b) where
floatRadix _ = 0
floatDigits _ = 0
floatRange _ = (0, 0)
decodeFloat _ = (0, 0)
encodeFloat i j = bipure (encodeFloat i j) (encodeFloat i j)
isNaN = bifoldMap isNaN isNaN (||)
isInfinite = bifoldMap isInfinite isInfinite (||)
isDenormalized = bifoldMap isDenormalized isDenormalized (||)
isNegativeZero = bifoldMap isNegativeZero isNegativeZero (||)
isIEEE _ = False

newtype ChebUnit n = ChebUnit ()
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Generic
, QC.Arbitrary, QC.CoArbitrary

derivingUnbox "ChebUnit"
[t| forall n. ChebUnit n -> () |]
[| const () |]
[| ChebUnit |]

instance Num (ChebUnit n) where
_ + _ = ChebUnit ()
_ * _ = ChebUnit ()
negate _ = ChebUnit ()
abs _ = ChebUnit ()
signum _ = ChebUnit ()
fromInteger _ = ChebUnit ()

instance Fractional (ChebUnit n) where
recip _ = ChebUnit ()
fromRational _ = ChebUnit ()

instance Real (ChebUnit n) where
toRational _ = 0

instance RealFrac (ChebUnit n) where
properFraction _ = (0, ChebUnit ())

instance Floating (ChebUnit n) where
pi = ChebUnit ()
exp _ = ChebUnit ()
log _ = ChebUnit ()
sin _ = ChebUnit ()
cos _ = ChebUnit ()
asin _ = ChebUnit ()
acos _ = ChebUnit ()
atan _ = ChebUnit ()
sinh _ = ChebUnit ()
cosh _ = ChebUnit ()
asinh _ = ChebUnit ()
acosh _ = ChebUnit ()
atanh _ = ChebUnit ()

instance RealFloat (ChebUnit n) where
floatRadix _ = 0
floatDigits _ = 0
floatRange _ = (0, 0)
decodeFloat _ = (0, 0)
encodeFloat _ _ = ChebUnit ()
isNaN _ = False
isInfinite _ = False
isDenormalized _ = False
isNegativeZero _ = False
isIEEE _ = False

instance CatProd (ChebProd n) where
type Unit (ChebProd n) = ChebUnit n
punit = ChebUnit ()
prod = ChebProd
unprod = getChebProd

instance (KnownNat n, 2 <= n) => Cartesian (ChebFun n) where
type Prod (ChebFun n) = ChebProd n
proveCartesian = Sub Dict
-- | prop> compactify . uncompactify = id
law_ChebFun_compact_inv' :: RealFloat a => FnEqual a a
law_ChebFun_compact_inv' =
(compactify . uncompactify) `fnEqual` id @(->)

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