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The insurance company would like to build a new system that will enable it to underwrite term life insurance policies for potential customers in realtime.

You have been hired to build this system.


The system will take the input in the file input.csv and implement the various calculations described below. The output can be a table on a web page or a simple file named output.csv or output.json.

You should feel free to use any technology you think might showcase your skills best.

Insurance Qualification Rules

  • A potential customer will be accepted with a regular premium if they have a perfect score

  • A potential customer will be referred to a follow up interview if they have more than 50 debits

  • A potential customer will be charged 1.15x if they have more than 75 debits

  • A potential customer will be charged 1.25x if they have more than 100 debits

  • Each of the following will cause a 15 point debit

    • A hit on DEPRESSION
    • A hit on ANXIETY
    • A BMI below 18.5
  • Each of the following will cause a 25 point debit

    • A hit on SURGERY
    • Being a smoker
    • BMI above 25.0
    • Alcohol consumption above 10 drinks per week
  • Each of the following will cause a 30 point debit

    • A hit on HEART
    • BMI above 30.0
    • Alcohol consumption above 25 drinks per week

BMI information is from this chart:

The formula is: weight (kg) / [height (m)]2

Premium Calculation

Here's a simplistic chart to calculate coverage price:

  • Male, 18-40, Non Smoker: $0.10

  • Female, 18-40, Non Smoker: $0.10

  • Male, 18-40, Smoker: $0.25

  • Female, 18-40, Smoker: $0.25

  • Male, 40-60, Non Smoker: $0.30

  • Female, 40-60, Non Smoker: $0.30

  • Male, 40-60, Smoker: $0.55

  • Female, 40-60, Smoker: $0.55

The dollar amount is the cost of insuring $1,000 per year.

Example: Male, 40-60, Smoker, 500k coverage => $275/year or $22.92/month

In the output of the program, please calculate the score for each potential customer and the prices per month they should pay.

Example output.csv:

name,BMI,score,monthly premium


  • Code readability
  • Code organization
  • All the business rules are considered
  • Demonstrates knowledge of programming language

Bonus points for:

  • Test coverage
  • Error handling
  • Data validation
  • Interesting thoughtful details not described in the requirements