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README for ASPAVA JavaScript Library


The ASPAVA is a versatile JavaScript library designed to manipulate and generate sequences of words or phrases. It is a flexible and easy-to-use tool that can be particularly useful for various applications, such as text processing, generative art, and educational purposes.

This library is built around a simple yet powerful class, AspavaGenerator, which provides various methods for manipulating a list of words or phrases. By default, it comes with a predefined list of words, but it can be easily customized to suit your needs.


  • Customizable Word List: Start with a default set of words or input your own list.
  • Various Manipulation Methods: Includes methods for shuffling, sorting (ascending and descending), changing case, and more.
  • Generator Function: Utilize a generator function for iterative word generation.
  • Easy to Integrate: Designed as an ES6 module, making it straightforward to include in modern JavaScript projects.


To use the ASPAVA in your project, simply include it as a module. Ensure that you have a JavaScript environment that supports ES6 modules.

import aspava from "npm:aspava";



Create an instance of AspavaGenerator with the default word list, or provide your own array of words.

import { AspavaGenerator } from "npm:aspava";

const customWords = ["Word1", "Word2", "Word3"];
const aspava = new AspavaGenerator(customWords);

Basic Methods

  1. Get a specific word:

    const word = aspava.get(2); // Returns the 3rd word in the list
  2. Get all words:

    const words = aspava.getAll(); // Returns all words in the list
  3. Get words as a string:

    const str = aspava.getAsString(); // Returns all words joined by a space
  4. Get first letters of each word:

    const initials = aspava.getFirstLetters(); // Returns a string of initials

Manipulation Methods

  1. Shuffle the words:

    aspava.shuffle(); // Randomly shuffles the words
  2. Sort words in ascending order:

    aspava.ascending(); // Sorts the words alphabetically
  3. Sort words in descending order:

    aspava.descending(); // Sorts the words in reverse alphabetical order
  4. Convert words to uppercase:

    aspava.upper(); // Converts all words to uppercase
  5. Convert words to lowercase:

    aspava.lower(); // Converts all words to lowercase

Using the Generator

The generator() method yields a sequence of words up to a specified maximum generation count (default is 6).

for (const word of aspava.generator(6)) {


Here is a complete example demonstrating various functionalities of the ASPAVA:

import aspava from "npm:aspava";

// Generate 100 words, shuffle them and print each word in uppercase
for (const word of aspava.shuffle().upper().generator(100)) {


The ASPAVA is a powerful and flexible tool that can be a valuable addition to various JavaScript projects. With its easy-to-use interface and a wide range of functionalities, it opens up many possibilities for creative and practical applications.

Note: This covers the basic functionalities and usage of the ASPAVA library. For more advanced use cases and customization, please ask for detailed information on GitHub.


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