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Scabbia2 Helpers Component

This component is the swiss knife for rest of the scabbia2 components. Includes most commonly used helper methods filed under Arrays, Date, FileSystem, Html, Runtime and String static classes.

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use Scabbia\Helpers\Arrays;

$output = Arrays::flat(['a', ['b', 'c']]);
// $output == ['a', 'b', 'c']

$output = Arrays::getFirst(['a', 'b']);
// $output == 'a'

$output = Arrays::get(['a' => '1', 'b' => '2'], 'b');
// $output == '2'

$output = Arrays::getArray(['a' => '1', 'b' => '2', 'c' => '3'], 'a', 'c', 'd');
// $output == ['a' => '1', 'c' => '3', 'd' => null];

$output = Arrays::getPath(['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 5]]], 'a/b/c');
// $output == 5

$output = Arrays::getArrayPath(['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 5, 'd' => 6]]], 'a/b/c', 'a/b/d', 'a/b/e');
// $output == ['a/b/c' => 5, 'a/b/d' => 6, 'a/b/e' => null];

$output = Arrays::getRandom(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// $output == 'c'

$output = Arrays::range(1, 5);
// $output == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

$output = Arrays::sortByKey([
    ['i' => 5],
    ['i' => 2],
    ['i' => 4]
], 'i');
// $output == [['i' => 2], ['i' => 4], ['i' => 5]]

$output = Arrays::categorize([
    ['t' => 'a', 'i' => 5],
    ['t' => 'b', 'i' => 2],
    ['t' => 'a', 'i' => 4]
], 't');
// $output == [
//     'a' => [['t' => 'a', 'i' => 5], ['t' => 'a', 'i' => 4]],
//     'b' => [['t' => 'b', 'i' => 2]],
// ]

$output = Arrays::assignKeys([
    ['i' => 5],
    ['i' => 2],
    ['i' => 4]
], 'i');
// $output == [5 => ['i' => 5], 2 => ['i' => 2], 4 => ['i' => 4]]

$output = Arrays::column([
    ['i' => 5],
    ['i' => 2],
    ['i' => 4]
], 'i');
// $output == [5, 2, 4]

$output = Arrays::columns([
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7],
    ['i' => 2, 'j' => 3, 'k' => 4],
    ['i' => 4, 'j' => 5, 'k' => 6]
], 'i', 'k');
// $output == [
//     ['i' => 5, 'k' => 7],
//     ['i' => 2, 'k' => 4],
//     ['i' => 4, 'k' => 6]
// ]

$output = Arrays::getRow([
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7],
    ['i' => 2, 'j' => 3, 'k' => 4],
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 5, 'k' => 6]
], 'i', 5);
// $output == ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7]

$output = Arrays::getRowKey([
    'a' => ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7],
    'b' => ['i' => 2, 'j' => 3, 'k' => 4],
    'c' => ['i' => 5, 'j' => 5, 'k' => 6]
], 'i', 5);
// $output == 'a'

$output = Arrays::getRows([
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7],
    ['i' => 2, 'j' => 3, 'k' => 4],
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 5, 'k' => 6]
], 'i', 5);
// $output == [
//     ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7],
//     ['i' => 5, 'j' => 5, 'k' => 6]
// ]

$output = Arrays::getRowsBut([
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 6, 'k' => 7],
    ['i' => 2, 'j' => 3, 'k' => 4],
    ['i' => 5, 'j' => 5, 'k' => 6]
], 'i', 5);
// $output == [
//     ['i' => 2, 'j' => 3, 'k' => 4]
// ]

$output = Arrays::combine(
    ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    [1, 2]
// $output == ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => null]

$output = Arrays::sortByPriority([
    'second' => 221,
    'forth' => 444,
    'third' => 727,
    'first' => 878
], ['first', 'second']);
// $output == ['first' => 878, 'second' => 221, 'forth' => 444, 'third' => 727]


use Scabbia\Helpers\String;

$output = String::getEncoding();
// $output == 'utf8'

$output = String::coalesce($_GET['x'], '5');
// $output == '5'

$output = String::prefixLines("line 1\nline 2", '- ');
// $output == "- line 1\n- line 2"

$output = String::filter('1', String::FILTER_SANITIZE_BOOLEAN);
// $output == true

$output = String::format('value: {val}', ['val' => 5]);
// $output == 'value: 5'

// echoes all globals in html format

$output = String::hash('scabbia test');
// $output == <hex encoded strong crc hash>

$output = String::generatePassword(5);
// $output == 'trawr'

$output = String::generateUuid();
// $output == '644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3f92c2b'

$output = String::generate(6, 'abcdef');
// $output == 'efdabb'

$output = String::xss('<alert="test');
// $output == '&#60;alert=&#34;test'

$output = String::strip('eser', 'er');
// $output == 'eer';

$output = String::squote('test\'ed');
// $output == 'test\\\'ed'

$output = String::dquote('scabbia "php" components', true);
// $output == '"scabbia \"php\" components"'

$output = String::replaceBreaks("eser\nozvataf", '<br />');
// $output == 'eser<br />ozvataf'

$output = String::cut('testing', 4, '...');
// $output == 'test...'

$output = String::encodeHtml('<strong>eser & ozvataf</strong>');
// $output == '&lt;strong&gt;eser &amp; ozvataf&lt;/strong&gt;'

$output = String::decodeHtml('&lt;strong&gt;eser &amp; ozvataf&lt;/strong&gt;');
// $output == '<strong>eser & ozvataf</strong>'

$output = String::toLower('ESER ÖZVATAF');
// $output == 'eser özvataf'

$output = String::toUpper('eser özvataf');
// $output == 'ESER ÖZVATAF'

$output = String::capitalize('eser özvataf');
// $output == 'Eser özvataf'

$output = String::capitalizeWords('eser özvataf');
// $output == 'Eser Özvataf'

$output = String::length('eser özvataf');
// $output == 12

$output = String::startsWith('eser özvataf', 'eser');
// $output == true

$output = String::endsWith('eser özvataf', 'özvataf');
// $output == true

$output = String::substr('eser özvataf', 2, 2);
// $output == 'er'

$output = String::strpos('eser özvataf', 'er');
// $output == 2

$output = String::strstr('', '@');
// $output == ''

$output = String::sizeCalc(2048);
// $output == '2K'

$output = String::quantityCalc(5000000);
// $output == '5M'

$output = String::timeCalc(120);
// $output == '2m'

$output = String::removeAccent('eser özvataf');
// $output == 'eser ozvataf'

$output = String::removeInvisibles("eser\0 özvataf");
// $output == 'eser özvataf'

$output = String::slug("eser\0 özvataf");
// $output == 'eser-ozvataf'

$output = String::ordinalize(3);
// $output == '3rd'

$output = String::sanitizeFilename('eser*d.txt');
// $output == 'eser_d.txt'

$output = String::matchPaths(['/src', '/tests'], '\\tests\\notCompleted');
// $output == true

$output = String::convertLinks('my homepage is', function ($url) { return '[' . $url . '](' . $url . ')'; });
// $output == 'my homepage is []('



It is publicly open for any contribution. Bugfixes, new features and extra modules are welcome. All contributions should be filed on the eserozvataf/scabbia2-helpers repository.

  • To contribute to code: Fork the repo, push your changes to your fork, and submit a pull request.
  • To report a bug: If something does not work, please report it using GitHub issues.
  • To support: Donate


Scabbia2 Helpers Component







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